We dont need charm inventory, we need bigger cube

most of the issues battlenet had was with how old the system is, even when you spoke to game masters about known issues, they couldn’t help you because they had no power over what happens

the new system should help a lot

Yes, and that’s exactly why we have wanted a remaster for so long, to be able to get the full multiplayer Diablo 2 experience, without networking issues and hopefully without cheats. (atleast less) I’d pay 150$ just for that.

But i wouldn’t pay 10$ for a d2 mod or a diablo 3 remix.

no body wants that, but some Quality of life changes shouldn’t hurt if they will treat it properly

From my previous remarks about the cube I think it should only be used for transmuting, not storage. This way the cube would almost always stay in the personal stash, and not your inventory. This is one of the things that D3 got right! Cube for transmuting only! :smiley:

The cube is already violating the laws of physics as it is… It’s able to store three times the space that the cube itself takes up… Packing more items into the cube would almost certainly result in the formation of a black hole, ending everything in Sanctuary as we know it. Everyone would receive a ‘Game Over’ screen, Diablo 2 would immediately stop working on computers world wide, the Diablo portion of Battle.net would shut down and implode.

In other words, no. :stuck_out_tongue:


What about when you pick up an item and there’s no space in the inventory but the item will be automatically transferred into the cube instead? So you don’t have to open the inventory, pick it up and place it in there manually.

Sounds like a QoL too me, aslong as the cube/inventory isnt changed in any way.

What about not picking up crap items and store them in the cube?
You have already got a bigger Stash inventory with 10x10 instead of 8x6, be happy about it.

You guys think everything is a Quality of Life.
Bigger Inventory, Bigger Cube, Charm Inventory, Infinity Arrows etc etc.
Sooner or later you want D2:R to become the new Diablo 3.

Congratulation, you just ruined D2:R with silly ideas that you think is great.
I hope you are proud of yourself! (ㆆ_ㆆ)


Reiterating this statement!

How about they just remove non-unique charms, the charms are dumb anyways. People are just using them to stack skill points and to avoid having to make hard choices with equipment.

Yeah I was on the fence about the cube being ever so slightly bigger, but honestly I think the cube size should be left alone.

I do think a toggle to automatically send items picked up to the cube is a good argument though, due to console play.


Hard disagree. Many builds don’t use +skillers. I love charms and they are one of the healthiest parts of the economy.

You just listed the exact point of charms… To stack skills, stats, res, ect. This isnt an issue, its a major D2 mechanic that isnt broken.

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The most space consuming recipe requires 11 free slots, thus the 12 provided by the cube as standard is plentyful.

Using the cube as additional inventory space is just redundant as the UI doesn’t function for it anyhow. Having a trade-off between character power and loot acquisition is also a lot more dynamic


Bigger stash has nothing to do with inventory issue.

Stop generalizing it. It is not true. I am agaisnt Infinite arrows for example. Thats not quality of life change.

I am for example runing every few minutes to town to sell things and story items while i play and i even have 2x4 free space in inv. Rest is filled with charm because i play hardcore and i dont want to die so every stats matters. It honestly suck to be constantly running to town. Bigger Cube would make it a lot better.

I am bored of this lame argument. Forget the damn diablo 3 already. Why some people think that everyone who want to improve D2 is diablo 3 lover lol? Most of us who want QoL changes play the D2 very long and thats why we want these changes. Someone who played game 1 year 20 years ago cant even understand it why we want QoL changes.

Skillers are end game gear. You can maybe get them easy on bn but it is harder on single player. People constantly forget that diablo 2 isnt just SP or just battle net.

Removing charms is nonsense at this point as they are in diablo for majority of time.

Maybe its good feature but it doesnt solve anything related to issues with space being too small to store items you find.

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I think it solves enough, people use cube juggling as it is now, auto-cube would solve the issue of needing inventory to be open on a boos drop…I think any more than that, you start getting into the territory of changing how the game is played, core gameplay issues.

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I played on realms with bigger cube space and it didnt change how was game played. Definitely didnt touch anything as core gameplay. Players werent only forced to visit town so often.

These are just your opinions. Some people don’t think adding the corruption system changes the core gameplay either, which should be obviously incorrect to any D2 player.

A 10x10 cube absolutely changes the dynamic of open inventory space vs charm/prebuff space.


What are you talking about? What prebuffs? Diablo 2 isnt wow. Bigger cube doesnt change a thing about Inventory space. You will still have it full of charms as you have now.

Many players do not cube-shuffle. If they added a massive cube, it’s much easier to do multiple runs and throw whatever half-decent stuff you find right in the cube, sort it later.

This completely eliminates the intended design of charms, which is the tradeoff of space vs power. So yes, it changes core gameplay, gameplay that was specifically cited as being by design.