We dont need charm inventory, we need bigger cube

There is a lot of discussion about charm inventory but I think making cube bigger would be enough. We can fill our inventory with charms and also have enough space for items, I would like to see something else too, I dont have pictures but instead of rune stacking it would be nice to have special pouches for gems and runes. They would be stuck in stash and not movable to avoid duping possibility. Every pouch could hold many gems or runes.

Here are two examples of bigger cube from my mod so you can imagine how it would look like:

EDIT: I admit that size of cube is probably too much on the pictures, basicly anything bigger than original size would be better , even just twice as big cube.


Oh god no.


Bigger cube is pretty much exactly the same concept as charm inventory(well -4 slots for charms).


No thank you. I want D2 as it is.


No it is not, because its not changing your space in inventory as charm inventory would.

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Yes it is, cube is a part of your inventory, where charms doesn’t work, regular inventory is your charm inventory. Exactly the same concept that was suggested in charm inventory threads, the same concept you were arguing against in those topics if memory serves me right.


Dude, people already keep the cube in invetory. This is good quality of life change so you can actualy store items you find and you dont have to visit town every time you find 2x4 bigger weapon or armor when you have full inv of charms.


I was against charm inventory yes as if you place charms elesehwere you can use the space of your inventory differently.

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No thanks. Cube is 9 slots only.
Cube is only made for transmute weapons /armor.
Not really an extended space saver for your items.

But I don’t mind If they expand it three more slots.

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might as well add that extra cube space to your actual inventory to make it easier for the devs and the people that use that mechanic, further more if you just stack runes and gems to about 10 units it will be pretty balanced, infinite stacking is a bit too powerful I agree

Haha, yeah, that’s what I was telling you in those topics but you went

yada yada

maaan, I see you simply don’t understand what charm inventory is, amazing.


And yet pretty much everyone is using it to store items because inventory is full of charms.

Honestly anything bigger than current vanila version would be better. I would like to have more space to store few more items. It doesnt have to be so big is mine on the pictures.

But then you you have more space for charms.

What do you mean?

That was discusion about special place for charms outside of your inventory which is different from my idea. You cant use space in cube just like you can use your space in inventory. It has some different mechanics.

this space would not be available to charms, they will only work where they should, would work the same as having you suggested cube idea.

what you fail to understand, is that with your idea, your regular inventory becomes The charm inventory, and the cube becomes your inventory.


The end result of your solution vs a charm inventory would be exactly the same, except -4 charm slots and a clunkier way to store items. Other than that, it would function exactly the same.


ill elaborate further because it really seems it needs to be explained

your current inventory in vanilla will be the only place a charm would work, and you will have added storage on top of that where you can store anything but if a charm is placed there it will be red in color and would not work

basically meaning you have extra space for a few items

Yes we understand that, but how exactly would the end result be different from a charm inventory? The current inventory would be full of charms and the cube would act as the new inventory…

it’s not, it’s a charm inventory.

eh… what?
10 characters required

there is a reason you need to use more then 10 characters, I don’t fully understand what is not clear to you.

what he suggested is exactly like an extra section of inventory which is usually referred to as “charm inventory”