Charms and grand charms

and power ALWAYS win, so that sucks. they should limit the charms to 40% of the inventory. maybe add another row (10 slots)


It’s not a mad idea. It’s the best idea.


D3 is also a totally different game. So not a good comparison.

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That’s the intent, yes.

But a charm inventory is not QoL; it’s more player power. You don’t need more player power… hell is already farmable.


How is it more player power? You would only be able to use the charm inventory for charms. The fact that people are going to be able to fill their charm inventory instead of keeping 2 slots open or what? That’s not really game altering. It’s not about more power or making hell farming attainable, it’s about convenience in being able to pick up a few items instead of having to go to town repeatedly.


They are not clogging anything. It was designed like this on purpose so you have to decide if you want more stats from them and sacrifice space or sacrifice few stats for space.


But what do most people do? They go for the power. This is basically a fake choice.


Well I dont see it as fake choice :slight_smile: its actualy very important choice at low-mid game.


Yes, low and mid game maybe, but most people spend more time in end game where it just becomes inconvenient. I wouldn’t mind a charm inventory being locked behind a certain level or quest though. They don’t really matter all that much until then anyways. (Unless you do low or mld pvp etc.)


You have to realize what will people do instead if there will be special charm inv and new free space? Do you know what I would do with that space? Fill it with full rejuv potions. and I will not have space again :slight_smile:

Then make it to where the charm inventory is used for potions and charms. What’s next? Lol. I mean it’s in PD2 and PoD and it’s not game breaking.

Anyways, it’s not even a huge deal until end game, but it’s just odd that the devs and other people are so against it.


You don’t need to fill your inventory, never did, people just do it to themselves, I just never saw this as anything else than a self inflicted issue. I do think some kind of improvement would be good, special spots for the 3 unique ones maybe, or limit current inventory to only allow 80% charms, or have charms have a score rating depending on quality and you can only store a certain point total… but a whole inventory for charms seems like a huge over correction for a self inflicted issue.

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Idk I just think its fine like this. I would only make cube bigger for found loot. If you tranfer charm to special charm inv, you can keep a lot of gear in classic inv for switching. Its not just space for dropped loot. People would start using it for fast switching between gear which will make game more easy.


But is that really doing much if you could just pop a tp and swap your gear also? Idk it just seems like there aren’t many good reasons not to have it. I’m glad newer games are implementing one when they have charms/idols.

Seems like the devs won’t add it anyways, so no worries.

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Thats the point, with special charm inv, you can swicth gear pretty much instantly to deal with certain situations or even switch gear in pvp. or for player killing. It opens up new possibilities to have more easy life.

Why not just make cube bigger? Lets say double the size.

Oh you mean make the cube bigger for more loot to be held. I missed that part. That would be a fair compromise.

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Yeah because its not that easy to manipulate with gear in cube as in inv and its great for just trashing items you found :smiley:

So you want to change D2 into a different game, but don’t want to play a game that already exists and is very similar to the game you want???


Remaster is already changing Diablo 2 into different game.


How is more space making D2 into a new game? :rofl::rofl: and D3 doesn’t even have charms. Stop talking nonsense.