The suggested change to Wormwood was to buff it’s Quality of Life, i pointed that out but you fail to read or understand that. Though the suggestion i made does have a small 20% multipliers that would be applied by one of the runes. Not many people are educated on the game mechanics as well as i am so they understandably miss that, which would literally make Wormwood on par with The Furnace damage buff wise. Is that small? Maybe educate yourself before blasting a suggestion next time.
The suggested change to Zombie bears was a HUGE multiplier on Jeram’s bracers that would not only buff Bears but also other spells related to Helltooth.
The suggested buff to SuWong’s Diviner would be similar to Scrimshaw and could be adjusted after testing.
All of these numbers could be slightly adjusted after testing, not sure why you dont understand that(please help me understand how you are missing it), but most importantly it demanded another item multiplier that would also not interfere with Mundunugo or other set balances and my Jeram’s change is Perfection.