WD Helltooth and some Zombie bears suggestions. Very important stuff

Ok i’ve been testing this for the last 16 hours thoroughly and i’ve come to a conclusion.

First thing first, simply adjusting the numbers would fix this set, yes, but there’s a problem with the set being redundant and boring. I’ve solved this issue and i’ll tell you how.

What Jeram’s Bracers is now.
Wall of Death deals 85% increased damage and can be cast up to three times within 2 seconds before the cooldown begins. (Witch Doctor Only)

What Jeram’s Bracers needs to be changed to.
All Decay spells deal 500% increased damage to enemies afflicted by Necrosis, and Wall of Death can be cast up to three times within 2 seconds before the cooldown begins. (Witch Doctor Only)

Please Buff SuWong Diviner similar to the Scrimshaw buff. It would only add tons of flavor to the WD.

Buff Wormwood. Wormwood should auto-cast both haunt and locust swarm. Wormwood should be buffed to include “You gain all the runes from Haunt and Locust Swarm”. (this would be a QoL positive for speed farm Jade and Chicken pop as well).

I have put a lot of effort and theorycrafting into this data and it could save the WD.

This is how you do a good feedback / suggestions - thread. Not much to improve there.

Every suggestion is backed up by data, and he is open for new suggestions.
Everything is well structured and written.
For every problem he offers multiple possible solotions and includes suggestions from other players.

If you really did put a lot of effort in the suggestion above, just share it , so the reader can see where those suggested numbers are coming from.

" [Very important stuff]"
Just choose a normal title man xD
Everybody has things that are important to him, and may not be important for others.

If the change is important for you, do a good write-up, chose a less clickbaity title, and hope that blizz implements it.

I cant give feedback on the suggested number-changes as i never mained a WD.

Also a very good example on how to write a feedback-thread was given by Iria here:


Your Jeram’s buff sounds reasonable, your Wormwood buff does not. You are putting too many effects on one item and it would render Vile Hive obsolete. You could take two skills off your bar and still take down white mobs without pressing a button. It could become a mandatory item

It might be better to consider how to buff some of the other Haunt and Locust related items, rather than auto-applying two mana spenders with all their runes.

Add tons of flavor if one item is buffed? Bear Wd is not even strong and you want another item?
What is boring to you, does not mean for all players.
There is no theorycrafting in writing " I want this ". There is no data here.


The suggested change to Wormwood has been very thoroughly considered. The runes to both Locust swarm and Haunt are simple utilities for the most part, like mana regen, health regen, double spreaders, minuscule damage reductions, one bonus damage, and such. Even combined all together they do nothing much but make your quality of gameplay improve very slightly.

Ring of Emptiness bogs down every single build WD has, which i have no issues with, but this change to Wormwood would not do anything but make low T16 builds more enjoyable to play instead of being forced to open every single attack with Locust Swarm. It just gives options. And the Jade set would really benefit from this as well, and while it still likely loses out to The Furnace for that cube slot for high GR’s, it still makes the set more flexible.

This does not render vile hive obsolete at all. Vile hive is still BiS along with Soul Harvester. Outside of Jade, vile hive is not used in a serious build. Vile hive certainly needs a buff to a much higher percentage.

I’ve considered all of the angles. Your hesitation is warranted, but consider some facts. Wormwood is vendor trash in its current state beyond T3. Witch Doctor has the lowest representation by far and it’s because the sets and builds are terrible and most importantly very very clunky to play. Mundunugo was a godsend. The steps towards Arachyr and Helltooth are helping greatly. These changes i suggested for Jeram’s bracers and Wormwood still do not put WD within 10 GR’s of most other classes. These changes would only make WD less clunky, and bring 3 more builds up to about 80% of Mundunugo potential.

It’s a perfect solution.

what are you even talking about, you make no sense.

i suggested 3 item changes.
it would make Bears stronger
what are you even saying.

Why do you say the same thing twice?
There is no theorycrafting in saying “I want this item and this”.
Theorycrafting would be providing some numbers that should be added, together with some buffs on certain items. Bear Wd is weak, even with the buff to Helltooth. There is nothing from you regarding this, and this is what they buffed first.
Typing “please buff suwong diviner similar to scrimshaw” is not enough either. Scrimshaw is still too weak and cannot compete at all, unless you want to run t16.
Would be better they focus on buffing ENOUGH rather than what you suggest.
Wormwood buff is not enough either. Even with every rune it is still too weak.
You even type “I have put a lot of effort and theorycrafting into this data”, which you have not.
Scrimshaw is not enough, can do t16, but nothing else.
Buffing Wormwood with every rune is not enough, if you want to go a haunt/locust swarm build.
Suwong Diviner is weak as well, cause you want to buff it up to scrimshaw, which has been tested and is weak compared to, well a lot else.
Running t16 “fine”, is weak, considering people should be able to run 130-140s with it.

So what I am saying is, you don’t provide any numbers, you smash something up like “put every rune on it”, that is simply not showing “an effort in testing”.
If you had tested so much, show us your 140 grift with scrimshaw.

I would love to play bear Wd or suwong diviner build. But they are too weak.
But theorycrafting could be more like : helltooth ( fix pets line of sight / follow you, like monk pet build or Necro rat ).
Buff the set to 20k percent.
Buff spirit of arachyr to 20k percent.
Buff scrimshaw to damage from 6-7 to 10-15 in order to go for a 130 grift with 1000 paragon points and decent gear.

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Neither. Just tried to show you how a good feedback/suggestion-thread should look like to be taken somewhat seriously by most people and eventually blizzard

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maybe english is not your first language either, but my suggestion literally buffs the builds to be able to do exactly what you ask. I speak 8 languages, so if you tell me your main language i can explain it better to you.

This will be fun. Please, do tell - what are your 8 languages? But spare us from unnecessary cringe that you so generously deliver with every post: many of us in this forum are eu, it will quickly become painfully obvious that your only language is broken English.

Are you trying to be condescending? I know exactly what you were writing.
You were the one asking me twice in the same comment about what I wrote about, maybe you need to practice 2 languages instead of lying about how many you “speak”.
You did not suggest any real buffs. Neither address the fact, that scrimshaw bear build is weak and can only be used for a fun t16 run.
Your other suggestions does not improve Wd builds either. There are no suggestions at all to make it stronger. Just to have another one being a t16 build.

If you had made an efford as you wrote, you would know this.
There are currently official, 24 languages in the Eu alone. More in the entire World. Might need to know this before you think you can speak my language.

See, i was just being polite asking if you are able to understand English well, because i didnt want to offend you, by just pointing out inconsistencies in your reply. I speak 8 languages, part of my masters degree included translating difficult languages. It’s not polite to accuse people of lying without any facts or evidence. Please be kind.

Here is where i find you have issues understanding.
I suggest buffs for

Jeram’s Bracers
All Decay spells deal 500% increased damage to enemies afflicted by Necrosis

Please Buff SuWong Diviner similar to the Scrimshaw buff. (7times)

Buff Wormwood. Wormwood should auto-cast both haunt and locust swarm. Wormwood should be buffed to include “You gain all the runes from Haunt and Locust Swarm”.

and you claim

if one item is buffed

Which is terribly wrong i certainly suggested several buffs that would make several builds very strong.

and then you claim

Your other suggestions does not improve Wd builds either. There are no suggestions at all to make it stronger.

Which confuses me because my suggestion was to add a big multiplier on jeram’s when i have done 115 in it’s current state.

I’ve come to the conclusion that you must not read posts very thoroughly before replying, or that you want Zombie bears to clear 150’s in 10 minutes solo.

" and while it still likely loses out to The Furnace for that cube slot for high GR’s,"

…really ? …I mean nothing, NOTHING can replace The Furnace in the cube slot for higher GRs.


hence the reason why this buff to Wormwood could do no harm at all and only suffice to ease the quality of life.

You are not polite by showing off you may or may not speak 8 languages, has nothing to do with this place. Besides, you are not allowed to use other languages than English on here.
And stop saying “please be polite”, cause I am. It IS condescending to reply with “do you even know English”. And you did.

And this is also incorrect and condescending. Have you gotten proof that I would think that it should do 150s? No.
See here :
www. youtube.com /watch?v=F7QjfAAedYo&t=202s (remove 2 spaces)

Now HE knows how to teorycrafting…
Your title states : very important stuff. Do you see people make posts about these buffs you claim to provide? That they are needed or important? No.
You were also told that the buff to scrimshaw is too little.
The buff to Helltooth is too little.
If you have tested it through, you would know this.

The only thing you want for Wormwood is to autocast Locust swarm and haunt, which is not a buff.
You want another item to be buffed like Scrimshaw, which was and is too weak meaning next to no difference.

The socalled theorycrafting misses a lot here.
The socalled testing is missing.
Your socalled buffs, do not buff anything in numbers or damage.

And ps : if you want to lecture me in being polite, start with yourself :

Calling someone a troll when the person gave you a correct answer, is simply just not polite at all.
Neither is the case of showing off your socalled “master degree”, which I doubt you have.

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you make completely false accusations and certainly do not understand the proposal i made. please try harder to understand the simple changes i suggested as you are arguing against something else that you’ve created in your own mind since your comments do not reflect the text i posted. You make up quotes as if we cant literally see the text i wrote, and you claim things that i did not post.

followed by an assumption and or accusation:

Followed by Belitteling and Gaslightning

no, it’s accurate and factual. they make statements like this

The only thing you want for Wormwood is to autocast Locust swarm and haunt, which is not a buff.

but my suggestion is different, therefor they either do not understand or are pushing an agenda they’ve created in their own mind which does not apply to mine.

they say

Your socalled buffs, do not buff anything in numbers or damage.

which makes no sense because i suggested

What Jeram’s Bracers needs to be changed to.
All Decay spells deal 500% increased damage to enemies afflicted by Necrosis

Total failure to understand what i suggested and proves beyond a reasonable doubt that they make completely false accusations and certainly do not understand the proposal i made.

Yeah, you can keep on rambling now, or take a look at the two threads i linked you in my first reply.

And in the next theorycraftsession you do, you just back up your data.
Then you structure your suggestion-thread like the one from cratic, and try to imagine to be the reader of your own thread.

Afterwards you back every claim/suggestion with data / examples etc so that everybody can see where you are coming from.

And if you are done with that, step off from your high horse, and try to be more social.

You might end up getting a constructive thread then instead

Listen up. If you have a master degree, read carefully.

Your Wormwood “buff” is not enough. It is barely a buff. You have not even tested it. If you had you could write something like : "I have tested Wormwood together with (insert build/gear). It can do speed 110s, but in order to push with it, you will need it to cast both locust swarm and haunt and have it deal xxx percentage amount of damage to be able to climb greater rift levels.
The only failure here is you, for not even being able to defend yourself.

Scrimshaw is lagging. It is fun for t16 but not viable elsewhere.
There is no real important stuff here. Others have done a MUCH better at suggesting things for Wd.

You don’t provide numbers. You barely provide with any buffs. Scrimshaw is lagging, period. It has been proven. And yet you suggest another item to be buffed on par with it = another build not capable of anything but t16. What’s the point in that? When endgame is about pushing greater rifts and it being viable.

I am done here. Considering you hiding your trash talk to me behind a wall of “I was only polite”. No you were not, questioning my English skillset and understanding it.
On top of that, there is nothing “very important stuff” here, other than your own wishes. There are no number crunching what is needed to buff, there is no addressing the lack of scrimshaw buff that is in a dire need of another buff.
There is no addressing the recent buffed Arachyr nor Helltooth.

You only want a couple new items in and only buff it on par with Scrimshaw, which is not even close to be viable.

I am done here. I have proven you trash talk others, can’t handle when people go against your post here and even with constructive things for your post.
I don’t mind the ideas in your thread. I do, however, mind about you being condescending towards me and others and not having anything to say other than “I want this and this, but I got no data to show”.

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Ahh, no, not needed, you do that yourself :slight_smile:

By what?

Awww, you are such a sweetheart <3

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