[2.6.10 PTR] Wizard Push & Multiplier Feedback

Welcome Wizards of Sanctuary! :mage: I will be posting my solo Push and multiplier related feedback here. Please chime in, as I am not the most skilled or highest pushing wizard out there! And I definitely can’t test every set or build myself.

I am having quite a lot of fun testing on PTR! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :grinning: :hugs: Despite my quibbles with the direction taken on a lot of the item changes, once we have the 4th cube slot, Wizard builds are playable, and enjoyable, for the most part.

Format Your Testing Feedback!

To keep this orderly, please place the following text in all caps and bold. This will help players and Team members identify Testing Feedback comments more readily.

:speech_balloon: [2.6.10 PTR] TESTING FEEDBACK :speech_balloon:

Feel free to reply and discuss each others’ testing feedback as well, but without using this tag.

List your answers to the items below in your feedback. I will be forming my feedback as such.

  • Seasonal or Non-Seasonal Testing
  • Paragons and/or level of INT
  • Main Set or non-set used (Ex: DMO, LoD)
  • Main Damage dealing Skill or Item Proc Used. (Ex: Hydra, Chantodo)
  • Style of build (Ex: Archon/Non-archon, Channeled/Non-Channeled, Shielding/Non-Shielding)
  • Successful Clear on PTR in GRs (Ex: GR125), with clear time (MM:SS), if possible. Estimated number of Keys used on fish.
  • Note 4th cube Option (if seasonal).
  • Post a Build or d3planner link if you have one.

The following are also welcome, but optional:

  • Estimated clear potential at higher (perhaps 2k?) paragons, and perfected gear?
  • Feelings on how this compares to other builds and sets?
  • Multipliers, if any, you think need to be changed?
  • Feelings about new item mechanics or changed item mechanics?
  • Feelings on how the 4th cube option affected your build?
  • If seasonal, and clones are active, how do you feel the Shadow Clones affected your clear?

If you can think of any better item to list above, please let me know, and I’ll try and add them to the format.

Note: Since the PTR is extended, with no end date currently, I will edit and note in a comment within the thread when I add any test results from other push builds not already noted, such as Vyr Chantodo, LoD, etc.

Note: I have video of some of the clears mentioned, but these are not uploaded yet. Will update with video links when I have time.

Item Design and Nephalem/Speeds Testing Feedback (General Wizard Feedback Thread)

:speech_balloon: [2.6.10 PTR] TESTING FEEDBACK :speech_balloon:

DMO Frozen Orb
  • Seasonal or Non-Seasonal Testing


  • Paragons and/or level of INT

~1.2kp / 8.7k INT.

Unaugmented, but with ancient or primal weapons. Some ancient armor pieces, some non-ancient. Some of the paragon went into VIT.

  • Main Set or non-set used (Ex: DMO, LoD).
  • Main Damage dealing Skill or Item Proc Used. (Ex: Hydra, Chantodo)
  • Style of build (Ex: Archon/Non-archon, Channeled/Non-Channeled)
  • Successful Clear on PTR in GRs (Ex: GR125), with clear time (MM:SS), if possible. Estimated number of Keys used on fish.
  • Note 4th cube Option if Seasonal.
  • Post a Build, d3planner, or video link if you have one.

DMO Frozen Orb:

  • Non-Channeled. Non-Archon. Non-Shielding.
  • 4th: OID / Wizardspike. Fits in OID without having to drop Wizardspike.
  • Completed: GR120 in (14:05) with ~25 keys.
  • https://ptr.d3planner.com/833816881
  • Estimated clear potential at higher (perhaps 2k?) paragons, augments, and perfected gear?

~GR127 @2kp.

  • Feelings on how this compares to other builds and sets?
  • Multipliers, if any, you think need to be changed?

Damage is pretty low compared to many builds, but definitely feels much better than it was. A step in the right direction, but still lacking.

It feels:
~3 GR behind TV Hydra in seasonal.
~4GR behind Vyr Chantodo in seasonal (gets Crimson’s+Furnace).
~13GR Behind the likes of GoD DH and Masquerade Bone Spear in seasonal.

If the intent is to take away this 4th cube after the season, this build will not function defensively; or alternately, will have severely lowered multiplier.

Recommend Additional multiplier about/between:

  • 1.2x increase for DMO. 6pc increased to 15000%.
  • 2.5x for Frozen Orb, to be placed on Unstable Scepter.

DMO could use a little more increase over LoD in my opinion. The requirement for Slow Time makes it harder to play / set up pulls. I wouldn’t go more than ~1.5x higher than LoD though. Hence my recommendation for 1.2x from where it was sitting on PTR, at 12500%, or ~1.765x higher than it’s previous, 8500%.

Unstable scepter’s multplier get’s multiplied by 2.5x, so, for example:
450% increased damage = 5.5x
5.5 * 2.5 = 13.75x = 1275% increased damage from Unstable Scepter.

These changes combined would produce about 7GRs increase for the build, resulting in ~GR134 @2kp. Left 1 GR buffer there, seeing as there are other DMO builds that could perform better with even higher (3k+) paragons.

  • Feelings about new item mechanics or changed item mechanics?
  • Feelings on how the 4th cube option affected your build?
  • If seasonal, and clones are active, how do you feel the Shadow Clones affected your clear?

This offmeta DMO build, for reference, cannot fit in shielding, opting for OID+Life Per hit for recovery.

In place of Endless walk, I swapped in Aughild’s+FoT+Nems. This felt great for challenging elites and getting extended pylons to help kill them. Life per hit recovery felt decent, though lower than some Necro builds for sure.

Frozen Orb, as always, is very engaging on a push, kiting is a priority, as is positioning of enemy targets.

Wizardspike, while neat to see it proc, still has little to no impact in a push scenario, since it can’t proc Area damage here. While It does not have a 2s ICD any longer, the proc rate was also still rather lackluster.

Mostly, feels good, just like it did back in [2.6.1] but slightly better with the keen elite focus we can now place via elite damage items and FoT.

Speed pylons felt good to click, as these allowed increased attack speed for quite a long time.

I wish I could have fit in more with the cube. Echoing Fury would have been so much fun to play around with in a push scenario.

All of the Clones had little to no effect DPS wise in a push scenario with this build, though I did notice the clone that uses Arcane Orb seemed to do more damage than the others when it’s arcane orb landed hits (maybe it’s placebo effect / or i’m seeing things).

Typhon's Veil Frost Hydra
  • Seasonal or Non-Seasonal Testing


  • Paragons and/or level of INT

~1.2kp / 8k INT.

Unaugmented, but with ancient or primal weapons. Some ancient armor pieces, some non-ancient. Some of the paragon went into VIT.

  • Main Set or non-set used (Ex: DMO, LoD).
  • Main Damage dealing Skill or Item Proc Used. (Ex: Hydra, Chantodo)
  • Style of build (Ex: Archon/Non-archon, Channeled/Non-Channeled)
  • Successful Clear on PTR in GRs (Ex: GR125), with clear time (MM:SS), if possible. Estimated number of Keys used on fish.
  • Note 4th cube Option if Seasonal.
  • Post a Build, d3planner, or video link if you have one.

Typhon’s Veil Frost Hydra:

  • Non-Channeled. Non-Archon. Shielding.
  • 4th: OID / Winter Flurry. Fits in WF without having to drop OID.
  • Completed: GR123 in (14:06) with ~25 keys.
  • https://ptr.d3planner.com/821328704
  • Estimated clear potential at higher (perhaps 2k?) paragons, augments, and perfected gear?

~GR130 @2kp.

  • Feelings on how this compares to other builds and sets?
  • Multipliers, if any, you think need to be changed?

Damage is pretty low compared to many builds, but definitely feels much better than it was. A step in the right direction, but still lacking.

It feels:
~1GR behind Vyr Chantodo in seasonal (gets Crimson’s+Furnace).
~10GR Behind the likes of GoD DH and Masquerade Bone Spear in seasonal.

If the intent is to take away this 4th cube after the season, this build will not function defensively; or alternately, will have severely lowered multiplier.

Recommend Additional multiplier about/between:

  • 2.25x for Hydra, to be placed on Serpent’s Sparker.

Serpent Sparker’s multplier get’s multiplied by 2.25x, so, for example:
450% increased damage = 5.5x
4 * 2.25 = 9x = 800% increased damage from Serpent’s Sparker.

This change would produce about 5.16GRs increase for the build, resulting in ~GR135 @2kp.

  • Feelings about new item mechanics or changed item mechanics?
  • Feelings on how the 4th cube option affected your build?
  • If seasonal, and clones are active, how do you feel the Shadow Clones affected your clear?

Felt surprisingly good. It was especially nice to be able to dodge attacks and move around more than we used to with Channeling.

I really enjoy the Spectral mechanic, and once getting into the rhythm of using Arcane Dynamo, felt good.

I also really enjoyed the faster stricken stacking from Spectral blades, Shame+Fragment. Felt really cool to have the insane stricken stacking for solo push. Even still, it doesn’t make sense to me why Fragment of Destiny needs to be the item used here. Still in favor of moving the Spectral buff to TV. If group RGK builds want to fit it Fragment in, they can still do that even after this sort of change. Solo push will still stack stricken relatively fast, even without Fragment’s attack speed multiplier.

Blizzard / Winter Flurry in solo Push feels so bad to manage, again. It does introduce something else to do in the build besides signature and Dynamo, but Spellsteal or Absolute Zero would have been more engaging as a filler spell for certain. Plus, we’d get to choose our skill, would have the option for say, MW:Deflection if we’re feeling lazy. Not a fan of the Winter Flurry.

It still rolls Cold% as an affix default, why?

In the very least, Blizzard was a pretty good aggro skill, was able to more easily pull enemies.

Build wise, I still detest the fact that we have to place RoRG in every build if we want to slot Magistrate AND TnT.

The set itself favors the shielding / Squirt’s playstyle but I definitely felt sad to look at it and realize that I could not swap out any part of the build for optional items or skills.

Feels like TV Frost is forming in to a more well-rounded push build, but also feels as if every item placed is required to make it work.

DMO Twister
  • Seasonal or Non-Seasonal Testing


  • Paragons and/or level of INT

~1.5kp / 10k INT.

Unaugmented, but with ancient or primal weapons. Some ancient armor pieces, some non-ancient. Some of the paragon went into VIT.

  • Main Set or non-set used (Ex: DMO, LoD).
  • Main Damage dealing Skill or Item Proc Used. (Ex: Hydra, Chantodo)
  • Style of build (Ex: Archon/Non-archon, Channeled/Non-Channeled)
  • Successful Clear on PTR in GRs (Ex: GR125), with clear time (MM:SS), if possible. Estimated number of Keys used on fish.
  • Note 4th cube Option if Seasonal.
  • Post a Build, d3planner, or video link if you have one.

DMO Twister:

  • Channeled. Non-Archon. Shielding (But no Squirt’s; EW instead).
  • 4th: Deathwish; Required Multiplier for Channeling.
  • Completed: None; Got frustrated with build mechanics and quit before clear. Damage felt like could have completed GR124@1.5kp/10k INT
  • https://ptr.d3planner.com/427509505
  • Estimated clear potential at higher (perhaps 2k?) paragons, augments, and perfected gear?

~GR130 @2kp.

  • Feelings on how this compares to other builds and sets?
  • Multipliers, if any, you think need to be changed?

Damage is pretty low compared to many builds, but definitely feels much better than it was. A step in the right direction, but still lacking.

If the intent is to take away this 4th cube after the season, this build will have severely lowered multiplier.

Recommend Additional multiplier about/between:

  • 2.25x for Twister, to be placed on Twisted Sword.

This change would produce about 5.16GRs increase for the build, resulting in ~GR135 @2kp.

  • Feelings about new item mechanics or changed item mechanics?
  • Feelings on how the 4th cube option affected your build?
  • If seasonal, and clones are active, how do you feel the Shadow Clones affected your clear?

Vyr Cold Chantodo
  • Seasonal or Non-Seasonal Testing


  • Paragons and/or level of INT

~1.5kp / 10k INT.

Unaugmented, but with ancient or primal weapons. Some ancient armor pieces, some non-ancient. Some of the paragon went into VIT.

  • Main Set or non-set used (Ex: DMO, LoD).
  • Main Damage dealing Skill or Item Proc Used. (Ex: Hydra, Chantodo)
  • Style of build (Ex: Archon/Non-archon, Channeled/Non-Channeled)
  • Successful Clear on PTR in GRs (Ex: GR125), with clear time (MM:SS), if possible. Estimated number of Keys used on fish.
  • Note 4th cube Option if Seasonal.
  • Post a Build, d3planner, or video link if you have one.

Vyr Cold Chantodo:

  • Archon. Shielding.
  • 4th: Fazula or Swami; Allows inclusion of Captain Crimson’s, dropping Zodiac for CoE+Karini.
  • Completed: GR124 in (14:45) with ~60 keys.
  • https://ptr.d3planner.com/509342794
  • Estimated clear potential at higher (perhaps 2k?) paragons, augments, and perfected gear?

~GR131 @2kp.

  • Feelings on how this compares to other builds and sets?
  • Multipliers, if any, you think need to be changed?

One of our best options at current, and the only build that will still function mechanically without too much multiplier loss after the cube is taken away.

That said, I still feel VyrChant needs more damage.


  • Revert the AS scaling nerf
  • Give 1.75x multiplier, to be placed on Chantodo.

This change would produce about 3.56GRs increase for the build, resulting in ~GR135 @2kp.

  • If seasonal, and clones are active, how do you feel the Shadow Clones affected your clear?

Clones were a large part of my clear; they helped finish off a group of 3 elite packs, made a shield pylon feel more impactful for certain.

N.B.: Clones in Nephalem and Low GR speeds with Zodiac can actually kill trash, and prevent you from resetting archon. It’s really annoying when it happens, but it does not happen all the time.

  • Feelings about new item mechanics or changed item mechanics?
  • Feelings on how the 4th cube option affected your build?

The build feels great mechanically, higher stacking gives more damage scaling. It’s an interesting concept, and one that excels with good mob type + perfect elite spawns (Illu Rat caller, Illu Maggot Brood, etc.).

The ‘standard’ shielded configuration with Furnace is generally more consistent defensively and offensively; it is fairly engaging to manage defenses, so as to not lose squirt’s. Makes toughness and positioning points of interest while playing.

I like that we have Furnace again; compared to the season of unlocked cube, we did not have this item; this is a nicety of having the 4th cube now.

Stacks stricken pretty fast. Wide range of RGs to challenge successfully. Definite upside to running this build.

Mechanically, for the moment at least, it feels good to me. Some of our Wizards have given feedback that the damage should be partially shifted back to Archon abilities, so that we aren’t only dealing damage via Chantodo’s. While I agree this would be a good move, I’m unsure if changing one of our most mechanically solid builds is a good idea right now. This has always been a great build to ‘go back to’ if you need consistency in your D3 life.

LoD Cold Twister
  • Seasonal or Non-Seasonal Testing


  • Paragons and/or level of INT

~1.7kp / 10.7k INT.

Unaugmented, but with 12/13 ancients. Quite a lot of the paragon went into VIT; 600 points.

  • Main Set or non-set used (Ex: DMO, LoD).
  • Main Damage dealing Skill or Item Proc Used. (Ex: Hydra, Chantodo)
  • Style of build (Ex: Archon/Non-archon, Channeled/Non-Channeled)
  • Successful Clear on PTR in GRs (Ex: GR125), with clear time (MM:SS), if possible. Estimated number of Keys used on fish.
  • Note 4th cube Option if Seasonal.
  • Post a Build, d3planner, or video link if you have one.

LoD Cold Twister:

  • Non-Archon. Channeled. Shielding.
  • 4th: Twisted Sword or Valthek’s or Deathwish. Fits in the 3rd weapon multiplier.
  • Completed: GR132 in (12:43) with ~125 keys. However, I got lucky with a double festering Conduit + Power on RG. I’d expect such a rift to take at least 250 keys on average to fish.
  • https://ptr.d3planner.com/671164641
  • A quick note about the build; Most players run with Area damage, I actually dropped AD in favor of more Attack speed + RCR. This seems to help both uptime of Aquila (toughness for Squirt’s) and allows more Twisters to be put out while simultaneously allowing more channeling uptime (Deathwish+Etched Sigil multiplier uptime). At least in solo this felt like a good combination.
  • Estimated clear potential at higher (perhaps 2k?) paragons, augments, and perfected gear?

~GR139 @2kp.

  • Feelings on how this compares to other builds and sets?
  • Multipliers, if any, you think need to be changed?

Highest clearing build I’ve pushed with for Wizard at current, however, required a lot more fishing to realize that benefit at the higher end.

I think the damage potential for this build is actually in a good place, damage / multiplier wise.

I’d prefer if Valthek’s multiplier were placed on Twisted Sword instead. The 4 weapon / source multiplier configuration means we will lose a multiplier if the 4th cube slot is taken away.

I also don’t like Deathwish in general; but that’s a different topic.

Overall the build is performing fairly well. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: First build I’ve been able to say that about.

  • If seasonal, and clones are active, how do you feel the Shadow Clones affected your clear?

Clone were helpful, but not overpowered. They did help kill trash and weaken elites on a push.

  • Feelings about new item mechanics or changed item mechanics?
  • Feelings on how the 4th cube option affected your build?

I really enjoy the changes made to both Twisted Sword, where it will allow the Raging Storm rune effect of combining Twisters, stacked up to 5 times. This is a great change. I also enjoy the increased control that the stacking behavior affords, as described below:

I’ve been enjoying the fact that we can run the cold rune for cheaper cost and to chill/slow enemies at range for proccing Trapped. Feels great to use a different element than Arcane.

I also enjoy that we can again Corner stack our twisters on terrain. It feels really good to be able to stack up larger twister counts.

Mechanically, I enjoy that corner stacking is now again allowed for Twisters. Especially when you combine this with the higher stack counts we can get with Twisted Sword combined Twisters now. Definitely makes the build more complex; but in a good way I feel.

However, there is still a large discrepancy for those players who don’t enjoy this mechanic. Players that want to run Wicked Wind will clear a few GRs lower simply because they chose a different rune and playstyle. I feel this is bad, and would like to see an increase to Wicked Wind damage. I was thinking 1150% would be a good place to start.

Now on to what I don’t like: Valthek’s.

I feel the Twisters going in a straight line is not only detrimental to DPS in many situations, it downright feels bad to see your twisters just saunter off into the void. Requiring this skill modification via multiplier on the staff just feels bad.

Recommendation: Remove the multplier from Valthek’s and move it to Twisted Sword.

Thank you.


Nice work. I’ve rambled enough in your previous thread (apologies btw), so I’ll simply wish you and everyone else luck in this endeavor.


I can only hope the devs take your suggestions seriously, Cratic.


@Oblivion, @Free:

Appreciate the ramblings and support. Sadly I haven’t had the time to review or reply to a lot of the feedback in the other thread.

Hell, I haven’t even had time to test Twister or Vyr Chantodo yet. We know Twister is in a pretty bad spot. If anyone else has been testing, that feedback would be really helpful. :slightly_smiling_face:

Glad the PTR is extended in the least!


There’s no way we’d ever get 1275% damage on Arcane Orb on a single legendary. I think it’s basically out of the question. I think the oft-suggested Aetherwalker suggestion where we get like ~250% damage even using Teleport for X seconds is reasonable, though.

Also on the table is maybe a slight tweak to Wizardspike, say 500% instead of 350%. I can’t think of a good way to solve the area damage issue, unless Wizardspike was re-coded to like “Whenever you cast Arcane Orb, cast an additional Frozen Orb.”

There’s not too many open DMO gear slots. Another possible target is Crown of the Primus doing something more useful, like “After casting Slow Time, gain 200% damage.”

I’d suggest focus (and feedback) go here, or changes like these.


Isn’t Triumvirate 1200%?

Aether Walker changes would be really nice to see, but perhaps that can wait until another patch.

No - bad idea, already a nice item to slot in based on mechanics alone, a bland multiplier is just bad. Perhaps a modification similar to the below would be better:

Anyways, we’re a bit off topic for this thread.


Don’t you want ideas on possible buffs to normalize the builds?

I hit Stoneslinger for 70Q last night on the twister build :eyes:

Speaking of twister. Thoughts on DMO setup? Setup with 2k paragon, full augment, 130 gems. This is about the best I could see with DMO ET. 6 variants, all being very similar to one another.


Sorry about the incoming wall of text, it will just help summarize the ideas in the variants above.

Variants with either Wicked Winds or Raging Storm. I hate the idea of using Raging Storm because of the way it moves, but if they were to allow it to spin in place like Wicked Winds, that’s some nice damage. If you’re looking for highest damage capacity of these, the one titled Team RS (last one) spawns large tornado’s that do 761T over their life.

There’s a lower damage higher toughness version of each using Stone Gauntlets + Invigorating Gemstone (CC immunity is nice for melee channel) in the planner above and then a team variant that plays at longer range with Zei’s (Wizard trash killer maybe?) that carries significantly more damage. All solo play is made for melee, under a bubble to better control mob positioning while you stay planted and channel (with occasional teleports). You could probably play at range with the team setup for more damage on solo depending on the type of mobs, but it can be challenging to keep mobs in place at range while they have you targeted. Black Hole helps keeping elites/champs in place where you stack tornado’s.

As far as stats, no Area Damage in WW variants since it doesn’t benefit when spawned from ES. Lots of RCR mostly for toughness benefits from Crimsons and to make you a harder target with recovery from LOH.

For gems, DIBs is pretty high with the Taeguk on some variants so not sure how much Energy Twister damage rolls we would want on gear for those (could go more toughness on head and feet. Taeguk is actually not a great option on the team variants since you’ll probably have a DH bringing +150% DIBs to stack additive with Taeguk. Also BH spellsteal … more DIBs.

Playing with WW variant with the Stone Gauntlets at ~115-120 in PTR feels okay at 1k paragon, 10k int, no augments. Gems also very low level right now (25 Invigorating, 27 Taeguk, 52 Zei, 92 BoT, 106 BoS).

Ideally for solo, a change happens to allow RS to spin in place and use RS with Stone Gauntlets + Invigorating Gemstone for best balance between damage and toughness.

I like the idea of a global damage multiplier on AW. Teleport is always a welcome skill but usually suffers a damage tradeoff to slot it. Would be nice to be able to freely slot Teleport without feeling bad about the dmg loss. However, if it also works with Archon Teleport I’m not sure whether it might empower Chantodos a bit too much in season with 4th cube slot. I think Archon Teleport and regular Teleport are different skills though.

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Archon Teleport would still benefit from aether walker, so adding a global damage boost would indeed boost chantodo damage.

This can be avoided if the proposed damage boost offered by Aether Walker was:

Increase the damage of your skills by xxx-xxx%.

Since chantodo’s waves of destruction isn’t a skill (as far as I’m aware of), it wouldn’t be boosted by the proposed damage boost. While it should disallow chantodo from benefiting, it would allow the archon skills (which deal meager damage) to benefit.

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@oblivion, @pele. Excellent thoughts, both of you. I had forgotten about Aetherwalker and Archon. I BELIEVE, like 95% sure, Archon teleport and the Wizard teleport are different skills. It is perfectly possible Aetherwalker could only increase your damage on the Wizard teleport.

However, Vyr’s is still 100%ish behind in damage, I think it’s around GR ~142 at 10k paragon. If Aetherwalker boosted damage by ~150% (Remember, we would lose Furnace, which is not inconseqential) or less, I see no reason why it couldn’t work with Vyr. It would give us a potential speed build - a very welcome change and long overdue.

Is a weapon that increases damage by 100% for X seconds after teleporting a fair legendary? I would absolutely say yes. 200% might even be overbudget.

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It would make Furnace instantly an auto-salvage item for Wizards, but it would in no way make the class OP so I’d love to see this. It still doesn’t address all the issues with the skill itself though.

@ Twister :

  1. there are 2 many Items requestet

  2. they move 2 fast

  3. the duration is 2 short

  4. DMO - Set, this is boring 2 play with.


Just finished testing Vyr Cold Chantodo (the ‘standard’ configuration with Crimson’s+Furnace) on PTR seasonal - feels like I could fairly readily complete a GR125 with enough consistent density. That would be about GR131 at 2kp+augmented with great effort. This is indeed lower than I was thinking. I’ve edited my estimate above to reflect this.

Perhaps I was remembering and comparing based on pre-nerf power level?

Feels like it could use with a revert to the nerf, even though this test was without swapping Unstable anomaly for EE, or fishing for insane elite types (illusionist rat caller anyone?).

I don’t think Wicked Wind is as good as Raging Storm for Push; That and I don’t think the Crimson’s is necessary or as beneficial here.

I was thinking to keep CoE with MW:Deflection (no Black hole). Spellsteal Doesn’t add much besides the pull since you’re running Taeguk+Skill damage% on gear.

I agree that RS is obviously a better damage skill for this, I just can’t stand how restrictive it is with placement of twisters which is why I look at both WW and RS. I hope you saw the other builds in the linked planner that had RS to see how much higher the damage potential was with RS. DMO ET is probably not what I go for in the next season, but while in PTR I’d like to see how far it goes. DMO ET is probably a fringe build so if people don’t want to hear about it, I can stop talking about it :smiley:

They may be looking to improve it though, so that’s a reason I care to look at this at all.

"Reduced the tick rate of Energy Twister by half and doubled its damage. (currently looking into improving this) "

I’ve found toughness to be a pretty big issue with this build if you want to stand and channel on longer duration fights, so if you drop crimsons you’ll need to pick up another large chunk of damage reduction while maintaining some RCR and the 1.28 multiplier from CDR damage. AC and Unity would get you some of the toughness back that this setup provides (you’ll take about 20% more damage without the high RCR crimsons), but will still eat a ring slot with either RoRG for AC or Unity. OID is just too detrimental to damage since you’ll be dropping a multiplier. Is there a way to make up for toughness on this build without dropping an additional ring option?

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Just tested Raging Storm in push. Previously it was playable for the most part. Now, because of Valthek’s, Downright annoying to play. I can see why you’ve moved to Wicked wind for some of your builds.

Same; I’m currently testing swapping a legendary gem for Esoteric, not sure if that’s better or worse yet.

Recovery is also extremely low.

EDIT (10/18/2020): My thought is that Raging Storm is still the better rune for push (combined Twisters get larger size and Area damage too).

This rune feels like it has the damage to complete a GR124 @ 10k INT, unaugmented, on the PTR, however, until this behavior is fixed, I won’t be playing this build. It’s terrible.

Twisters float straight through the bubbles. Also, when trying to hem them in against a wall or corner, they now hit the wall, and glide along it, instead of bouncing slightly back and roving in circles.

On top of this, damage to enemies that Twisters pass through quickly is reduced, due to the tick rate change. Puts even more emphasis on keeping Twisters in place, with a build that can’t reasonably do it.

EDIT2: Added Vyr Cold Chantodo :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: and DMO Twister :rage: feedback to the original posting.

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Hey Cratic, i don’t know if you are still reading this or not. However i looked at that setup…played around myself somewhat with DMO Twister and you should give Obsidian-Ring a go instead of CoE.

This lets you re-cast bubbles almost immidiatly. You do loose the 50% dmg from CoE but you gain the Setmultiplier more often have more freedom of movement


Paragon 1533, 18k INT. Needed to augment all items with gems lvl 100, mostly for more toughness.

Typhon Veil set

Frost Hydra


GR132 @12:23. Used about 30 keys on fish.


Storm Armor - Power of the Storm
Arcane Torrent - Flame Ward
Electrocute - Surge of Power
Blizzard - Snow Bound
Hydra - Frost
Energy Twister - Wicked Wind
Galvanizing Ward - Power Hungry - Blur - Arcane Dynamo

GR134-135 @2k. I almost did GR133 but got bad boss at the end. Damage isn’t the limiting factor but toughness and mobility are.

  • Frozen Orb: big damage but clunky b/c need to aim for the explosion.
  • Twister: unreliable
  • “Normal” Frost Hydra build (with Teleport / Magic Weapon, no Twister): lacks means of grouping enemies so each hydra head attacks a random mob, losing big damage.
  • Archon: doesn’t change
  • This build: damage is nice with the twister pixel pulling. Twister can also be used defensively to pull enemies nearby away. I have no trouble killing elites at GR133 (even Jugs) but the build is extremely squishy and immobile because no teleport and no Magic Weapon / Deflection. So once the Galvanizing Ward shield is off, there’s no Deflection to back it up and lose hydra heads very quickly. With hydra heads gone, there go damage and toughness as well. Rifts with certain mob types are impossible to do (most notably Lacuni Huntresses / Phase Beasts). The build has a lot of weaknesses. Things you don’t wanna encounter: ranged attacks, frozen, waller, jailer, teleporter/jumper, ghosts, fast chasing melee mobs (scavenger frogs, dogs, A2 mob that releases poison on death). Basically a lot.

For this build, no damage multiplier needs to be changed. Need to change mechanics to be able to get more toughness/mobility.

Overall bad and clunky. I play similar build with Deathwish/Etched Sigil on live patch. It’s much better and easier to play because I can teleport around and twisters are autocasted from Etched Sigil. Did GR131 @p2855 NS. I hate the necessity to cast Blizzard to gain Hydra damage buff. Wasted a skill slot. Also would be nice if Primary Skills don’t need to hit enemies to gain Spectral buff (like Triumvirate). Can’t hit enemies through waller and screen doors in A2 Kulle map.

4th cube option gives Deathwish, a cancerous item with nice damage buff but adds another layer of difficulty in playing.

They’re almost non existent in high level pushing. Damage doesn’t scale with GR level. The only thing nice about the clones is they sometimes cast Blizzard, especially the fire one.

Video demonstration at GR125:


I have updated the OP with my LoD Cold Twister feedback. I was able to clear a GR132 in 12m43s (very good rift though), unaugmented, 12/13 ancients.

The recent changes to corner stacking and Twisted Sword have made this channeled playstyle a lot more engaging. I was having fun! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

This is the highest pushing solo build for Wizard that I’ve tested thus far, and I’m happy with where the multiplier is at (for once).

However, I feel Valthek’s behavior is still an issue, and Wicked Wind is still slightly underpowered compared to the other runes in solo push.

I just realized… Almost all the builds I’ve tested have been cold element. Haha! Either d3 team wants us to play cold or I just like it more.