Trust Level 2 - Which domains are we allowed to link to?

It’s day 15 of the new forums and I’m now Trust Level 2. So, that means I should be able to create links to trusted websites. Well, apparently, the domain isn’t a trusted website as I’m not allowed to make this link, to the Blizzard-hosted profile website, clickable…
Is there a published list anywhere of which domains they consider trustworthy at TL2?


When I (TL2) want to post a link I get an error:
Sorry, you can’t include links in your posts.

At TL2 that’s the expected behaviour if you try to link to a site that’s not on the allowed / safe list. The point I was making is that apparently one of Blizzard’s own domains isn’t on the allowed list, so I was wondering which domains are allowed.

How many sites you tried? I can’t link anything at all, so this probably is what the error says to be - no allowed linking. I get similar error for images too.


Get to trust level 2 by…

  • Visiting at least 15 days, not sequentially

Not allowed…

Allowed and embeddable…

As you can see here…

So, as I originally stated, whether a TL2 can make links or not depends on the target domain the URL points to and I found it odd that a domain that belongs to Blizzard - - isn’t on the list of domains that is considered safe to link to.

Heck, as a TL2 apparently I can embed YouTube videos, but not link to a Blizzard owned site.

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Yeah, you are right, I can add that tube link too. It’s a matter of what urls are on their white list. Seems they don’t trust enough their old platform kappa.

So … we can link to cat videos.

But not link the D3 manual…


I can’t link imgur screen shots from Diablo 3 in game either.

I made Trust2 at 12:05 am earlier today.

If you have visited 15 days sequentially and completed the other requirements, trust level 2 is now accessible. It is now day 15 of the new forum and many people now are trust level 2.


As of this post, there are 107 people on the forums at TL2. Of those, 67 were TL2 via manual means so are likely Blizzard staff, MVPs, or something.

So, approximately 40 regular posters have earned TL2 as of this morning.

How wete you able to figure that out? I know how you can check your own and others with their battle tzg, but how can you check the entire forum posters?

I am one of the 40 who is now trust level 2.

To get and maintain trust level 3, the forum will need to average 200 posts a day at a minimum. For week 1, the average per day exceeded 450 posts. Week 2 was slightly more than 300. If the daily post rate continue like week 2 it is doable. If the daily post rate continue to decline as a function of time, it may be exceptionally difficult to maintain trust level 3 under the current requirements.


You can only see the user count on groups you are part of. I am TL 3 + MVP group so can see those.

Trust Level 0

id 10
automatic true
name “trust_level_0”
display_name “trust_level_0”
:point_right: user_count 1517

Trust Level 1

id 11
automatic true
name “trust_level_1”
display_name “trust_level_1”
:point_right: user_count 715

Trust Level 2

id 12
automatic true
name “trust_level_2”
display_name “trust_level_2”
:point_right: user_count 107

Trust Level 3

id 13
automatic true
name “trust_level_3”
display_name “trust_level_3”
:point_right: user_count 66


For funsies I looked up the WoW forum stats. They converted to the new forum software in Nov 2018. So, over the past 8 months we have stats!

WoW TL User # Percent
TL 0: 473,440 100.00%
TL 1: 177,274 37.44%
TL 2: 16,253 3.43%
TL 3: 921 0.19%

Is this info from the json file or somewhere else?


Yes, it is from the .json file. That is why I copied the exact sections for you and put the hand arrow showing you the line with the user count.

json file.

You can only see it for groups you are a part of. But you can look at someone else’s json file if you want to see the count for a group you aren’t a part of, like say trust level 3.

I’ve been keeping an eye on MissCheetah’s to see the counts for TL2/TL3 over the past couple weeks.


Yep. That works quite well! There are a few other folks with TL 3 manually bumped but I am likely the most obvious one.

EDIT because I like data. Here are the current user numbers and trust level comparisons between the game forums. The date is the approximate conversion date to the new format. The games are listed in order of conversion date from oldest to newest. It shows roughly what percent of the poster base achieves and maintains each trust level. EVERYONE is TL0 and will count as part of that group as well as each other one they attain. If you want to know how many registered posters there are, look at TL0. If you want to know how many are active enough for TL 1, check that number.

OW TL User # Percent
2/20/2018 TL 0: 230,543 100.00%
TL 1: 93,355 40.49%
TL 2: 14,053 6.10%
TL 3: 497 0.22%
HotS TL User # Percent
10/2/2018 TL 0: 25,612 100.00%
TL 1: 5,688 22.21%
TL 2: 1,276 4.98%
TL 3: 167 0.65%
WoW TL User # Percent
11/9/2018 TL 0: 473,440 100.00%
TL 1: 177,274 37.44%
TL 2: 16,253 3.43%
TL 3: 921 0.19%
HS TL User # Percent
2/27/2019 TL 0: 13,149 100.00%
TL 1: 3,348 25.46%
TL 2: 762 5.80%
TL 3: 136 1.03%
SC2 TL User # Percent
4/25/2019 TL 0: 2,778 100.00%
TL 1: 1,081 38.91%
TL 2: 322 11.59%
TL 3: 83 2.99%
D3 TL User # Percent
7/9/2019 TL 0: 1,517 100.00%
TL 1: 715 47.13%
TL 2: 107 7.05%
** TL 3: 66 4.35%
** = Manual TL
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Btw, as regular forum posters we can do some checks to help increase the number of white listed sites for TL2.

Websites currently allowed:

Websites that are currently not linkable, but should be allowed/whitelisted:

A blue then can bring our wishlist to the website team in order they make it a white list.

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Approximately there are 2,405 players that stiil active playing d3.
so few… :crazy_face:

No. That is not how you even read that chart. I assume you are kidding, or I hope so.

Every person in TL3 is also in TL2. Everyone in TL2 is also in TL1. Everyone in TL1 is also in TL0. You can’t add each up to get a total number of posters. That is why I said to use TL0 as total poster number!

As for active gamers, there is almost no relation between posting on the forums and actually playing the game. Half the people who post don’t even play regularly. They just hang out on forums when at work or on their phone. It kills time.

Historically, for any game, only a tiny fraction of the player base uses the game forums.

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