This is Diablo II, not Diablo III

Not really I was answering something another guy had said earlier. I will link the quotes here for your convenience because I’m a legend. Really though you should read the entire thread so you understand the context of each comment. but who’s got the time for that am I right. These threads just go on and on.

Now does that make D3 a good game no not really, at least in my opinion. It sold well because it was the next diablo game we had all been waiting for but it was not a good game. I stuck it out on D3 for a long time made friends there and used to get on the seasonal leader boards and such played non season too for a while. So I know what D3 was like.

That being said Thousands of people still play it today. I would be interested to know if the small communities on D3 and D2 are similar in size.

What is important for D2R and the future of it?



thats it.

what destroys d2r

D3 players and their opinion

Casual Player because they play 1 month and start to change games like we change our shorts everyday

Players who wants changes and this is addressed to the casuals and some fanboys of other games who wants always changes aswell but doesnt know what kind of negative impact these changes can be.

We want unique games and we dont want to copy bad games and applied this to a game which is perfect at his own way.


These are your opinions. Not everyone agrees with you. I’m not going to spend my morning arguing with you about your opinions though :slight_smile:


Ladder items/runewords dropping in non-ladder, 3 10x10 shared stash tabs, o TCP/IP support…

How close does close need to be?

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Exactly. Still we are posting something to balance out the nauseating handful of posters posters. :wink:
It is not a good impression when there is only toxic comments around.

Same applies to act 3, act 4, act 5, nightmare, hell, the new lobby, the ladder, clan support, etc.
There are alot of features missing in the beta. And asking for ploot does not mean it has to be ready at launch. It might also be added in one of the later ladder seasons.
But given the fact that most new players will pick the game up at launch, it might make sense not to hold it back for too long.

It is the best data we currently have at our disposal. And it goes along with e.g. 93% of the voters in the latest survey of a well known streamer saying they are open to changes.

It is a company. And a company is very reliant on customer retention or aquiring new customers.
Ploot would do exactly that. The only question is whether it would also “cost” some other customers. And i think - despite the pushback from a certain crowd - that they would hardly be impacted and therefore the number of lost customers would be significantly lower than without ploot.
Also there are alot of customers who are not refunding over it, but still would prefer to play with ploot in some of their games.

Yes, and this is exactly what we are asking for as an opt-in system when searching for a game.
I want to be able to say “today, i do not want to fight over items with clicks”. And i want to be able to find 7 other people who want to do just the same. Without much hassle.

Actually i currently do have to. Because there is no way to directly tell. And because everybody is in the loot-grab-mode by default.

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If you have more, you can lose more.
Simple math.

What is your main point against ploot?

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The main reason about Ploot is that Ploot increases the Loot rate by many times higher as normal to give players a “fair” chance which is not really fair because this game will be outgrinded so quick and no one wants to play that anymore.

PLoot doesnt make sense in game like D2 which is based on limited acts with itemlv areas.

Ploot turns people selfish, because we will get greed if we know we have this item and we didnt tell our mates anymore what kind of stuff we get (d3 ros beginning was insane)

And one of the big reason in D2 is…You dont need Ploot in this game to get quick geared up, its working if you gonna spend amount of time in this game by trading and farming specific areas and finding real mates to help u out. Everyone who played D2 and knows how d2 works will get items their easily.

I mean, most of the guys doesn’t wanna play any more games or be creative to work their way through with their current situation.

Kids from today and the d3 noobstar want easy games…they want everything simplified.

That is a false assumptions.
Drop rates will stay the same. Items stay the same.
Please read what we are suggesting before saying no to it.

How is ploot more greedy than ffa loot, where you literally try to get everything for yourself?

While you can certainly trade (as long as you have items to trade with) and play with friends (as long as they are online). Why is that an argument to have ploot?
If i own a car and say i wanna drive motorcycle, would you tell me that i already have a car?

First of all. Diablo 2 is already easy. Do not treat it as if it was the pinnacle of gaming difficulty. It has a very basic (and good) game loop.

Second of all, you are making assumptions about the people asking for ploot calling them “kids” and “noobstars”, which is disrespectful and false.
If your best argument is to discredit the other side, you should think twice.


old d2 on classic bnet is there no ploot so u can have a clickfest with the kolbot pickiters to seee who has faster fingers why do u want ladder only runewords why make game harder for others … o wait ppl like u jus want unfair advantages so u guys can farm gg stuff early ladder and sell on jsp for fg and $$$ jsp is gonna get attacked one of these days


have more lose more yes, but have more lose almost all = failure.

Depends on why you lost “almost all”. 80.000 still is quite a significant number for a ~9 year old game.

Do you also have the D2 numbers so we can compare them?
Can you also provide the sources of your numbers?

80k from 30million is not a significant number for a 9 year old game it’s a epic failure. That’s less then 1% of everyone who bought the game. Do you have a source to prove me wrong?

Again: what is the source for your numbers?
And what other game are you comparing it to that makes it more of a fail than the other game?

So far you are just one guy on the internet claiming random numbers for himself. Change that. Name your sources so we can proceed.

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Totally agree. No game can remain unchanged if the world changes around it.
QoL changes are needed. Some to give fair conditions to new players. Others to reduce botting. It’s funny how a lot of these defensive statements are coming from people having a stake in the $$$ aspect of it. Take it away and most will just quit. If there’s no gain and abuse of any kind - they lose interest.


Diablo 2 per capita has more players retained then Diablo 3. D2 cost less to make, was during a period where online gaming was niche an not mainstream and Diablo 3 was heavily marketed an advertised compared to D2. How was D3 a success in comparison when despite all the advantages it retains less players per capita to a game over twice as old.

And what are the sources for that?
Can you link your sources and type the numbers down so that we can see them?

playercounter diablo3 15,839 Players Online , For d2 just the PD2 community alone (base game has players as well) they average 12k players according to the mod manager who can see how many. So per capita D3 is a epic failure considering they sold 26million more copies. D3 lost 65% of it’s playerbase 2 months after release. Which screams buyers remorse of a bad game (source Gametrics)

Prove it. Show the data and its sources.

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Reaper of Souls is when Ploot was added
The original D3 had the same loot system as Diablo II
and Diablo III had trading at that time as well

So you are comparing one random online player count of D3 with the peak player count of project diablo?

Also project diablo was release around 2020, if i am not mistaken. So albeit being a mod, it is still a fairly new “game” and still gets alot of updates from its developer. You are comparing it with a 9 year old game.

Selling 26 million copies is not an epic failure. It might have less customer retention, but the game itself was a success with record sales numbers.
And given the audience that d4 is getting already, it does not seem that it was a bad decision in terms of keeping players in the franchise.

Dont get me wrong, there were alot of things to improve in d3. But the numbers are not as bad as you make them to be.

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