This is Diablo II, not Diablo III

I totally get what you are saying, but you must acknowledge that there is merit in the obvious response to all of this which is that single player and solo bnet games are perfectly valid ways to play and acquire gear that don’t have all of the “pressure” you are talking about.

You can’t tell FFA folks that “hey FFA games will still be there for you,” and then in the next breath scoff at the response of “solo play is still there too.” Everyone should be going into multiplayer with randos with eyes open. You’re gonna have to fight for your loot, for better or worse. I get why that’s not enjoyable for everyone, but let’s not pretend that’s the only way to play.

I’m with you that allocated loot as an option won’t be a death knell for D2R, contrary to what all the hyperbolic click bait threads like this one are trying to assert, and if it was up to me I’d probably put it in albeit on a more limited basis than you are asking for. But not all of the arguments against ploot are wrong.

Eh, I can’t post links but it’s out there somewhere. He has a post where he discusses the reddit poll from a few months back (the same one that Micro and teezy were bickering about). His response to the ploot results as I recall essentially boiled down to “personal loot isn’t Diablo 2.” Not really an earth-shatteringly insightful discussion.

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Why would i play a multiplayer game alone? Maybe i want to play with other players, with less loot and with no loot-grabbing.
Why would that not be an option? Solo MF does not fulfill that profile of playing. Playing with friends is not freely available to everyone.

The difference here is that they are suggesting to us a gamemode that does not fulfill our needs.
We are suggesting to them the gamemode that fulfills all their needs.

Why would i need to fight over loot if everybody in my game agrees not to?

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His exact words were (with a disdainful look on his face) “Go play Diablo 3.”

He’s not a bad guy, but after his reaction video to that, I found him a bit too elitist for my taste. I much rather Dbrunski, he’s pretty chill, and his youtube content I find more interesting and to the point.


agreed, diablo 3 noobs need to stick to diablo 3… THIS IS DIABLO 2 and this is for the DIE HARD d2 veteran players. WEVE WANTED THIS FOR YEARS… GET OUTTA here d3 players

Ya know, most D2 fans DID play D3 at launch. It might have not been everyone’s cup of tea, but many did stick with it. It is possible to still love D2, but realize certain features from Diablo 3 could fit into D2, especially for a modern remaster. Just because people are asking for certain aspects, (loot toggle was first introduced into Diablo through D3 and now D2R has it), doesn’t mean they are this “D3 noob” profanity ya’ll love to throw around.

As for it being for the “die hard” most of the marketing has been for nostalgia, not necessarily for the die hard peeps that continue to play it today.


I don’t grant the premise of this question. Is D2 a multiplayer game that can be played solo, or a solo game that can be played with other people? The answer: it doesn’t matter. But it’s not strictly one or the other.

Maybe you do. But that’s not an option in this game at this time. I believe as you do that there’s a way to do it, but that doesn’t mean it will happen. The devs either will or they won’t, but I’m sure they’re aware of these discussions.

In the meantime, solo play IS a valid way to play whether you choose to or not.

Because it’s not. I don’t have a better answer for you other than that. Why doesn’t my car drive itself so I can take a nap on my way to work? Because it wasn’t designed to.

They’re not suggesting anything. Solo play is already in the game. FFA multiplayer is already in the game. If that doesn’t fulfill your needs then you have a choice to play or not. If you go into a clothing store that only sells blue shirts you don’t complain that you want a red one. You either buy a blue shirt and live with that, or go to a different store.

Those of us that think ploot would be a nice addition are the ones making a suggestion, but we need to accept that it’s not likely to happen.

You wouldn’t. So get everyone to agree. :wink:

Cool. Thanks for the input.

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There are plenty of people that are Diablo 2 Vets that are happy the game is finally returning into active development and are just making suggestions.


I want changes just not these changes, personal loot is poop, boa items are poop. Give us balance and content thats it

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“Blash has left the chat”

Now you’re not even trying, the point of minesweeper is to not click the items on the ground. Enjoy

MicroRNA has entered the chat :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Fyi. I don’t use plugged or any other mod and I’ve always been quite content playing the game.

leading to the logical conclusion of providing an option to chose.

And that is what we are asking for in this thread.
Again, logical conclusion is to give an option. (or ask for it)

Strange comparison.
But when i buy a new car which designers have expressed that they are open for feedback, i might even suggest such a feature. I dont think ~50% of the community will be behind it in that case though.

Or the choice to provide the feedback that the devs have asked for.

I already got them to agree. ~61% of the reddit poll voters agree. ~40-50% on this forum agree. An unknown (but arguably larger) number of new players will agree.
What you are asking for is already the case. We do agree to share the loot. If you dont, you do not have to play with us.

Non sequitur. The game’s duality as both a solo and multiplayer game doesn’t lead to a “logical conclusion” of a need for allocated loot in the multiplayer setting.

And countless others. Do you honestly think the devs are unaware by now? Or that the same arguments being posted over and over ad nauseum by the same handful of posters is impactful?

I get it, it’s an internet forum and when you get a tool bag who feels the need to start yet another moronic thread attacking the “D3 fan boys and D2 casuals,” it’s hard not to push back. But nourishing the trolls isn’t going to get you what you want, and you risk becoming just another voice in a petulant cacophony.

The debateable veracity of this data aside, again I’m quite sure the devs are aware of these and their own internal polling numbers. And yet we are a month away from launch and a day away from the close of the only known open beta test they plan to run, and allocated loot (which would almost certainly need to be tested) seems to be nowhere on the radar.

Could they be waiting to spring it on us at the last minute or in a future patch? I suppose it’s possible until they come out and say it’s not, but a reddit poll of questionable validity isn’t going to matter in that scenario. For one thing, Blizzard isn’t run by democracy.

Then by all means, share it. I do so in my public games all the time, and if you’re ever looking for a group of like minded individuals, feel free to count me among them.

And conversely, you don’t have to play with those who won’t share.

For High Runes I go into Season/Ladder 6+ pub games and do chest runs for all the loot drops.

So you don’t know much about the game.

I pressed the “summarize this topic” button but all it shows is “qq”

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Think you’re ignoring the fact d3 has the record for the most players to ever buy a ARPG game an quit. If you have 30 million sales why is it that 29,920,000 already quit. Game is trash.

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Agreeing with you, they better keep the game as close as original or I am refunding,


this game IS Trash… unfortunatly there are many more casual guys out there than normal d2 players who loves the old mechanics.
no wonder they sold this piece of crap so well.

The difference in sales for d2 and d3 are : D2 came out when playing games on the internet wasn’t mainstream yet it was niche. People were using dial up and D2 wasn’t as heavily marketed as d3. D3 came out when gaming online had already exploded and was everywhere. D2 hyped up d3 an they advertised and marketed enormously. An d2 players hyped up d3 as well until everyone played it. Then 29,920,000 quit.