This is Diablo II, not Diablo III

Yep hence why nobody plays it anymore. Which is why the playercount dropped even more indie game numbers.

The main thing I hate about the current Diablo III is monsters being level scaled with the player, I jumped off the WoW bandwagon when that was added to the game

That crap being added to WoW took out all the fun of running the older dungeons and doing item and level squishes made it worse

I have a new title for you…
“Blash, the brickwall, the enemy of diablo2”

There you are, running a campaign for personal loot again…
You literally called it a platform lmfao…

Those sales are derived on hype from D2. When you lose over half your customers after 2 months that’s not a sign of success that’s a sign of your customers wishing they never bought that game. When you own a business an you burn customers you get less customers in the future on the next title. Hence why when reaper of souls dropped it had lost 2/3’s of it’s opening sales players compared to original release.

Absolutely wrong. Personal loot has been in D3 since its inception.

No. See above. FFA loot has never existed in D3.


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Welcome back. Ranger, bowhunter of the watering hole. How was your antilope yesterday?

Why would it be my campaign if somebody else is building the plattform? (your friend the OP)

Or a sign that they finished the game and went on to the next.
Not everyone needs to play a game until they die for it to be a success.

D3 in its release state was simply lacking a few mechanics for long-term motivation. They learned from it and improved it later-on.
Btw it might have had backwind from D2s success, but also alot of backpush from some of the “purists” back then who didnt think it was dark enough. Thanks to them we have a unicorn level now. Good job about that, you truly know how to provide constructive feedback.

Rofl. Ofc the addon has less sales than the original release. It is an addon! It is in the nature of an addon to have lower sales than the original release.
Do you even understand how d2 and d3 were released back in the days?
Do you have the comparable numbers between D2 and D2:LoD?
And still having 1/3 sales for a game that has only 1 more class and only 1 more act is still quite a nice number.

I started up the PS3 vanilla version of Diablo III with two controllers on and the same loot can be picked up with both characters

Kill a monster. Does a drop happen always for both character? Sometimes it is both but sometimes it is one or the other. Now when an item drops for character 1 only, does character 2 see it on their screen? If items drop for both characters, it it the same item or different (it can be the same super rarely).

If character 1 picks an item up and then drops it, the other character can now see it that item and collect it.

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Good find!

Now let’s bring the two things together:

We are asking for split loot in d2r, d3 has instanced loot.
We are asking for the same items being split between the players in d2r, d3 adds a separate instance of all item drops for every player in the game.
Now riddle me this: are we asking for the d3 loot system?

PoE has shared loot but there is a short delay so the player that dealt the killing blow to a monster has the chance to claim the drops

uh no
the loot system has always been instanced.

It’s a expansion not a add on. Know the difference. It shows how many players your retaining compared to how many your losing. I don’t expect someone who doesn’t own a business to comprehend that.

What is the difference then?

Okay. It is good that blizzard has you to tell them how to run their business.

Expansion packs add whole new modes of gameplay which you can potentially devote an entire long term gameplay session to. Add ons are more about enchacing existing gameplay modes. You obviously are fishing for a argument cause you have no grounds to stand on from your original argument. So I will take it as you know you’re wrong you haven’t posted a single source to discredit my information you asked for my sources, then changed the subject cause you’re an idiot. :slight_smile:

At last check, PoE had 3 optional loot systems. FFA, personal and the last one that you described is often called timed loot. I think that PoE show that optional loot systems can successfully coexist.

P.S. In PoE, timed loot is not based on who got the killing blow but it is just an allocation of the total drops. Some PoE expert can correct me if I am wrong.

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So is the D2: LoD Expansion an expansion pack or an addon?

Well, you compared a 2 year old game and a 9 year old game.
A peak user count and a random user count.
Not much left to discredit. I can only hope your business is run more solid.

Well, you already showed that you are comparing apples and bananas.

POE is pretty much played solo except for trades , crafting , boss kills sharing trials etc.

Still waiting for your response to show me why over 99% of D3 players quit an your sources for it. But you like to change the topic when you’re wrong cause you’re a peasant. And a MOD does not turn a 21 year old game into a 2 year old game… what are you smoking… lololololol

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“Blash, the brickwall, the enemy of diablo2”
Stop campaigning.

You are bad news for these forums.

would love to see your sources for your conclusion that over 99% of people quit D3