This is Diablo II, not Diablo III

Im talking about Personal Loot, “seasonal themes” (its ladder in Diablo 2, btw), BoA items, things like that.

Literally no veteran Diablo 2 player wants that.

If you want that, go play Diablo 3. The devs already stated they want to keep this as close of an experience as possible.

You are trying to ruin the game for us, the ones who have played it for 20 years. You have your Personal Loot Slot Machine already: Diablo 3…

This is Diablo 2. The game is built around loot mechanics that cannot be changed, else risking a tarnishing of the experience.

You can have personal loot in Diablo 2: Magic Find alone. The fact that you even suggest Magic Finding in random public lobbies tells me all I need to know: you know nothing about the game.

All the main MF routes don’t even make sense to run multiplayer. They are over in literal seconds. This isn’t Diablo 3 where all monsters have insane drops and items rain from the sky. Diablo 2 MFing is about speed and runs per hour.

There is no point in the devs wasting development resources implementing something as divisive and pointless as personal loot, when that problem can be solved by playing solo or with friends

Again, you already have your game, let us have ours.

Forum Moderator Note: Inflammatory topic title changed.

absolutely +1

entitled brats swimming in a sea of QoL fast food titles that have a two year shelf life on average demanding now remastered classics have to be changed to their spoiled liking so they can leave after a few weeks of playing for Fortnite II leaving the actual core community with a total mess of a ruined classic.


do you D3 fan boys even know how MF works in Diablo 2? outside of a few routes, you literally just teleport to the boss in seconds, and kill it in like 1-3 seconds, rinse and repeat, how does that even make sense to do in multiplayer??


Too bad. It already happened.


go back to diablo 3 if you want a boring BoA personal loot slot machine game


Haha, I’ve probably played more D2 than you.


thankfully the devs want to keep the game as close to diablo 2 original experience as possible. so your personal loot dreams will never happen


That’s not necessarily true though. The higher ilvl areas are good to farm in too. I also don’t think I’ve seen one person request BoA lmao.

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that’s what i’m saying, outside of a few routes. but even the high ilvl areas outside of chaos are over in like a minute or two - the pits for example is one level and a small room. how does that make sense for multiplayer?

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I don’t think anyone here is advocating for Ploot. I don’t want that anyway, but some minor changes like including ladder only items in NL is a great change imo.

You really think people want to play the exact same game they’ve played for 1500 to 20000 hours? Well if they do, there’s this game that was already released that this remaster is based off that is available for them.

Times change.


I think it is the other way around, you guys are trying to bring D3 brain dead gameplay style to D2R because, actually D3 lost diablo essence of darkness and now again we have that with cool graphics.
So you want 200 legendary items per hour and get maxed out in one week, destroying one of the cores of this game, which is exactly how difficult is to get the perfect equipment to play as you want and then, go away and keep playing my little pony in the smartphone.
Hell, even bringing PLoot would destroy trading experience…

“Abandon your foolish quest! All that awaits you is the wrath of my master! You are too late to save the PLoot! Now you will join it — in Hell!”


I don’t think anyone is asking for those to become multiplayer areas… But they could. Just look at the way classic Chaos runs are done, they usually just rush the seals and they’re over in like 2 mins.

The ploot advocates just want equal opportunity for loot while playing multiplayer on characters like Bowazons. Practically nobody wants BoA or drop rates changes.


You assume much, haha, very wrong.

The irony of you saying this the day after they make runewords/pandemonium non-ladder and change how cow king works…


exactly my point, though, multiplayer is for questing, pvp, and exp

MFing has always been done solo, because it makes sense for efficiency

people arguing for ploot are saying it’s unfair, but how is it unfair when nothing good ever drops multiplayer games unless you’re really lucky?

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Yeah I think people do want to play the same game. Because they still do. Stupid and horrible use of sarcasm there big guy.

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It depends on what patch you’re referring to. Back in the day, cows used to be great for drops and xp and were played in multiplayer. Chaos is also good for xp and drops still. I don’t mind having another option when playing with other people myself.

A ploot implementation isn’t going to harm anybody as it should be optional and drop rates shouldn’t change.

I also think your main post makes a lot of assumptions. There are quite a few of us that have played thousands of hours of D2 and want changes.


Aright little man, whatever you say. I’ll not take your word it lol

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Little man?

Tell me you’re triggered without telling me you’re triggered :laughing:. Gg.

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Wait, I thought I was the one who was triggering you there with that comment, and it worked haha