This is Diablo II, not Diablo III

That guy is cherry picking as if there was an olympic gold metal for it.

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how is that a self own? you d3 fan boys and d2 casuals keep saying diablo 2 IS NOT d2:r so yeah, he has nothing to do with this game lol

sounds like you self owned :thinking:

but yeah, sorry casual, no ploot for you!!!


If you knew anything about D2, you would be able to tell.
Let’s see who agrees with you on your famous quote “David Brevick has nothing to do with this game”.
I’d be willing to bet you’d be standing in a quite lonely place.

Because of what “argument” again?
The wrong an delirious one or the cherry picked guy who happens to share your opinion?


lol ok private loot but arena doesn’t need changing?

yeah make it take at least 3 months to get to rank 14. that is healthy.

You can use whatever pejorative term you want to describe those that disagree with you.

The fact remains that the largest poll of D2 players, only 39% wanted to keep D2R as FFA only. I have linked this already for your edification.


Before public beta. So that number is going to drastically drop starting today.

If you’d like ploot, vote here:

Private loot - Poll

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Good to hear. I think we can get those numbers lower the more we explain how great the optional new timed loot assignment system is.

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I would be ok with timed loot as in PoE system.

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I am very sure that teezyjumps is this close to changing his mind and jumping over to our side.

Seems like it. Just needs a little tap over the finish line.

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That poll on the D2R forum has less than 300 votes to date. The other poll was >4,000 respondents who self-identified as D2 players.

We got 2 more days of open beta. We will reach that number.:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

But on a serious note, while not really representative, the forum like-poll at least has it reduced to pre-purchasers. So they can not use that silly argument that we do not know, love or whatever they say the original game.

Btw, i noticed that the anit-ploot narrative changed from “you never played d2” to “d2 casuals”. I think we are also slowly creeping our way up into being acknowledged as long-term d2 veterans. :smiley:

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As reluctant as I am to step into this fray…

I think that teezy is exaggerating Llama’s influence a bit (i.e. “appeal to authority” fallacy), but at the same time I think it’s conjecture to say he didn’t include a ploot question because he’s scared of the answer.

I think it’s more likely because he believes that the introduction of ploot at this point in the development cycle is unlikely (with which I’d agree), so it’d be a meaningless question. He might as well ask if players would like a house on the moon. Sure, lots might say yes but it’s not going to happen.

And for the record, I’d have no personal objection to an option for allocated loot on a limited basis (e.g. sets, uniques, HRs). But I think the odds of any changes to the loot system are quite small, otherwise they’d have said something by now or would have put it in the beta for testing.

The phrasing of the question matters. I think a lot more people would respond positively (well, in saying “no”) to the question:

should FFA loot be the only option

Very likely most will say no. But if you pose the question:

should D2 have ploot?

People will immediately think of D3’s system and be less likely to want it.
As soon as we can establish, for sure, that people are open to expanding from the FFA system, then it’s just a matter of community brainstorming. The timed loot assignment idea, I think works best. But if we just say “hey do you guys want ploot?”, not as many are going to get on board.

What? This isn’t true at all… I’ve played since release (Diablo 1 as well mind you), and I’ve never ONCE played PlugY. So…

The reason I play d2, is because ultimately, I see no other game that does this “style” of game as well as d2. My closest is POE, I have probably 10k hours, but it’s just not as good as d2. Same with Grim Dawn.

OP is 100% spot on.

I do not think that is his rationale. Watch his youtube video on the poll where he goes over that question in particular about optional personal loot. He mocks the fact that so many wanted it. He simply dismissed the fact that only 39% wanted to keep D2R FFA only.

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here we go agian with a random survey on reddit.

i identified my self as a carrot. does that make it true?


Woa. What’s that like? :astonished:


He didn’t include it, because he doesnt want it. He was clearly cutting it out (because he is actually smarter than some people who are constantly screaming against it and giving it a bigger plattform).

I disagree. He had multiple questions in his survey that were not directly linked to the beta or the on-release content.

  • Would you like to see future content added post launch
  • Do you think Blizzard should create a trade site for Diablo 2
  • Would you like to change how Diablo Clone is spawned from selling SOJs to a different way?
  • Would you like an option for health bars above minions?
  • online private realm Mods

Ploot is currently clearly the most controversial topics. So it would be actually good to use his broad survey for some results from his fellowship.

You are welcome.
Still i would argue that it should include all items (with timed loot), because even white or yellow items have quite a value and are just as much targets of being grabbed as the ones you mentioned.
If the system is fair for the small number of uniques and sets, it is also fair for the bigger number of whites and yellows.

I wont dispute that (unless Jani finds this post and pins me on my announcement of ploot on the 23rd of september again;)).
But by the same logic we would also not have:

  • act 3-5 (;P)
  • nightmare / hell (;P)
  • other content that is currently still locked (ok, last joke on what will obviously be released)
  • proper chats, friendlist, clan, join friends game, search game, invite players, etc.

So many features are currently not part of the beta and therefore not testable. Especially the whole lobby stuff will surely be bugged and i cant wrap my head around why they didnt put it in beta.


its kracking :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin:

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