This is Diablo II, not Diablo III

I do not think that is his rationale. Watch his youtube video on the poll where he goes over that question in particular about optional personal loot. He mocks the fact that so many wanted it. He simply dismissed the fact that only 39% wanted to keep D2R FFA only.

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here we go agian with a random survey on reddit.

i identified my self as a carrot. does that make it true?


Woa. What’s that like? :astonished:


He didn’t include it, because he doesnt want it. He was clearly cutting it out (because he is actually smarter than some people who are constantly screaming against it and giving it a bigger plattform).

I disagree. He had multiple questions in his survey that were not directly linked to the beta or the on-release content.

  • Would you like to see future content added post launch
  • Do you think Blizzard should create a trade site for Diablo 2
  • Would you like to change how Diablo Clone is spawned from selling SOJs to a different way?
  • Would you like an option for health bars above minions?
  • online private realm Mods

Ploot is currently clearly the most controversial topics. So it would be actually good to use his broad survey for some results from his fellowship.

You are welcome.
Still i would argue that it should include all items (with timed loot), because even white or yellow items have quite a value and are just as much targets of being grabbed as the ones you mentioned.
If the system is fair for the small number of uniques and sets, it is also fair for the bigger number of whites and yellows.

I wont dispute that (unless Jani finds this post and pins me on my announcement of ploot on the 23rd of september again;)).
But by the same logic we would also not have:

  • act 3-5 (;P)
  • nightmare / hell (;P)
  • other content that is currently still locked (ok, last joke on what will obviously be released)
  • proper chats, friendlist, clan, join friends game, search game, invite players, etc.

So many features are currently not part of the beta and therefore not testable. Especially the whole lobby stuff will surely be bugged and i cant wrap my head around why they didnt put it in beta.


its kracking :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin:

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I think that it demonstrates that there are substantial numbers on both sides and people are quite passionate about it. How do you compromise when people want two distinctly different and mutually exclusive things? You can not if there is only one choice.

Smart people would realize you offer both.

Hypothetically, you own an ice cream shop. Your customers fight about whether chocolate or vanilla ice cream is better. A savvy ice cream shop owner offers both flavors.

Currently it is the most representative survey we have.
Sorry for using the best source available to back up our arguments.

The latest survey could have changed that by using his 5k votes and “hardcore-d2-fanbase” to produce numbers that actually represent the anti-ploot crowd. But unfortunately he didnt add that question to his survey.


Yeah it’s a pretty simple solution. Those against choice are very likely doing so for exploitative reasons. Like… less people to ninja loot from.

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I’m no casual, that said I am 100% against personal loot, it changes the game at a level that I am not comfortable changing. Seasonal themes though? I don’t really care as long as they are purely cosmetic rewards(pets that do nothing, glows that do nothing, portal skins that do nothing other than look cool are fine, they do not impact gameplay).

No! You cant eat vanilla! Chocolate is the better icecream! You either never ate icecream or are just a casual icecream eater! You will also destroy all icecream if you ever eat chocolate icecream! Ever! Unless you eat it alone in a basement and cry while doing so!
Also go back to eating carrots! Carrots taste like vanilla and i dont like carrots. So clearly vanilla is bad and will destroy all icecream.
Also chocolate works for me, so you should eat it too.
I get goosebumbs while eating chocolate icecream and it is certain that this is what happens to everyone eating chocolate. That is why everybody should eat chocolate icecream. It is impossible to get goosebumbs with vanilla icecream. I ate carrots and i didnt get any goosebumbs so it is impossible and will destroy icecream anyway and you never ate icecream so you wouldnt know.


when you can cheat and break Tos in D2R with pickit and so on you have a whole lot to say… but a random surveay wher you can bot to vote and just make new chars to vote. its fine and we should just belive it?
if the shoo fit i guess. Thrump should also loose to Clinton, you could se that on pools

:rofl: no one did that

ok. if you say so. i know at least one person who voted 20+ times. but i guess you know better. he did it just to troll. ill bet he was not the only one

What did he vote for to troll?

The survey had a considerable number of unique comments that showed that the participation of “real humans” was not low.

I dont think that we will get anywhere if we dispute every source to that level.
What the survey shows is a trend towards a certain opinion. Even with false votes it is still enough indication for that.
As soon as you find a better survey, i am happy to take that. So far it is the best we have.

Well, he didnt win until the vote was there. And he lost the popular vote, so to most people in the world he did in fact lose.
But let us not get political. I do not think it has merrit nor is it allowed by the forum rules.

topic he knew people would go to forums with torches.

you know what i ment… nitpick. like you say alot

i dont look for random survays on the internet. i dont belive em.

What did you mean? The polls said x wins. X actually got (considerably) more votes in the actual election. So the polls were correct (on the opinion part).
Not really sure what your point is. Do you know your own election system?

You do not need to believe them.
But if there is nothing better then you can use them as an indication of a trend.

Example: I was against the harsh criticism of the new models, but i never contested that there were polls voting in favor to change them. My argument was that it was a loud minority and that people who were not emotionally charged because they did not care about the models so much simply did not vote there.
In this case however, the loud, emotionally charged minority is the players who are afraid of slight QoL adjustments and are creating threads on this board in a rate of one very 5 minutes.

polls said x would win presidents . and lost. yes pools is fact 100%