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REAL MATH. Except that real math based on false assumptions and data is still wrong LOL. OP is probably one of those people who thinks if you insert scientific terms into a conversation and use math to resolve an argument, nobody will question it or look at it because it looks and sounds smart.


Have a happy retirement

Edit: The retirement didn’t last very long, as evidenced by creating another thread, posting in others, and 20+ additional posts as of 4/11.


I have played this game in 20 years, I have never met anyone who cried in game about FFA or being toxic about FFA, and not a single person complained about it either.

If you can’t play, stop playing. Find a easier game to play. Problem solved :wink:


They would only make changes if a vast majority wants them. 70% in favor still wouldn’t be enough. This is not a new game so every new change has to be carefully considered.

Do you have proof of this?

Search the forums or reddit. Pictures have been posted of the Blizzard survey questions asking about ploot, item and skill balance, charm inventory etc


Or been photoshoped. Even if there was one survey, thats it. The guy i quoted talk about it like he has internal info and how they are frequently sending surveys to people. Sorry i dont buy it.

Highly doubt on the photoshop. Just search survey on these forums and scroll down to find the topic and see for yourself. Many of the post Blizzcon media articles have also stated things could change during alphas, such as balance changes, should players want them. The questions from the Blizzard survey even asked at launch.

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I did, it was survey 20 days ago. They already have the answers they need. But guy i quoted is talking about it like they are not decided yet and still sending e-mail. Thats nonsense.

Btw i am going to check my mail, maybe i went to spam lol :frowning:

Ok, so you seen that one. Don’t know if it was still ongoing, but I assume it is the one he was talking about. Maybe come later this week once alpha starts, whether korea only or worldwide, we’ll see some answers. Could just be stuff too for back burner post launch or even some stuff relating to console version, since at this point, I don’t think preorders have happened yet for consoles, and pc might release first. Any changes might be how console launches.

Blah blah blah, look at the Diablo reddit and do your own research.

People are still receiving the emails.

For one reason or another they chose to roll the surveys out across a couple weeks. I don’t know why, but it’s what they did.

I received one two weeks ago and filled it. Others reported receiving theres a couple days before me, and a couple days after me. It’s been weird and staggered.

Again, do your homework.

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FFA definitely was a toxic hellhole.

I was 13 when Diablo 2 first came out, and played with about 10 friends from high school. We frequently got into fights over loot because some of us, me included, would spam click and pick up loot that wasn’t for our character/build and that someone else needed more, but we wanted to keep it just in case. More than once this resulted in friends quitting the game outright.

As I aged and “matured” I started using maphacks and pickit to boost my chances, because playing in random multiplayer games, it was impossible to get any of the drops. I just couldn’t click as fast as the more hardcore or experienced players.

Pretty much everyone I’ve ever spoken to had similar stories and anecdotes to tell. While we laugh about them now, these are definitely extremely toxic game behaviors that ultimately discourage people from playing in random multiplayer games and/or leveling with strangers.

It’s dumb, and there’s a reason even the game devs admit that they wish they could have implemented personal loot back then.


Matured to start using pickit lol.

No we dont need ploot, FFA loot is just fine, they just need to keep banning cheaters.


Huh-uh. I’m sure 20 years ago when you were a tween you never used pickit or any maphacks. =P

Fact is the game is designed such as to make you desire those tools to get around the inconveniences, and that’s toxic as hell. Argue all you want but the community has already spoken in plenty of polls; a majority wants changes.

“tHeY jUsT nEeD tO bAn ChEaTeRs!1!” yeah lol I’m SURE they’ll be able to ban cheaters reliably oh wait no they won’t and that’s an extremely unrealistic outlook; they can’t even fix those issues in D3 and WoW, what makes you think the D2R team has the tools or even the budget to do it?

Keep denying it all you want but purists are the vocal minority and nothing more. We want a more fun and more convenient game where cheaters and spam-clickers aren’t the only ones who can get loot, and where joining random multiplayer games isn’t detrimental to your experience.


People stopped arguing on the forum because it’s a waste of time. They made their point and moved on. The devs saw it and will take opinions into consideration, ALL opinion’s, that was the only point in posting.

Don’t forget that…

The first paragraph of your post makes me laugh I hope your not serious :smiley:


Yes i posted the proof weeks ago

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Stopped reading after you spent the first sentence attempting to make yourself out to be the god of these forums.


I can understand when people are slow to be the first one that picks up the loot. I have also been there, but I still never complained because fight over loots are part of Diablo 2. I like the competition and challenging. If you can’t grab, then GL next time.

About Toxic, are you sure It wasn’t you and your friend that was toxic because you were to slow to pick up? That makes more sense to me.

Once again, I have never met any toxic players on Diablo 2 and I played it 24/7.

FFA all the way. No easy mode like Diablo 3.


Very well explained, 100% Agree.

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Seriously? You did nothing but sing praises of yourself for an entire opening paragraph.
That renders your opinion about anything just as worthless as the people you supposedly schooled with your “awesomeness.”
Just another individual puffed-up with self-importance to ignore around here…