Screenshot of Blizzard Survey

I took screenshots of the blizzard survey so people can have a look.


Thanks for sharing.

Very scared about unbalanced changes on skills, items, “keybind ?”, gameplay…


i assume keybind = fkeys instead of left right click ,if players choose too, i dunno what they plan with other changes though, possibly just making weaker skills more likely to be used?

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Buff Psychic Hammer… Teeth does 1k damage to 20 targets and is a level 1 skill

This would be a disaster and change every mecanics in pvp.
Skills are “loaded” with f keys and applied with left or right clicks.

Speaking as a pvper.


you could always say " no fkey binds before pvping" - it certainly could change things but its only a less key press, on top of that you could quiet easily macro each fkey to press right click on press, with very little effort, and do this in d2 right now (if you really wanted)

If so, it looks like they’re trying to make D2R look like D3.

In this case, i’m out. :smile:


ill be playing regardless of if players can rebind keys or not, a player could do this using a macro anyway, so im not sure what your problem is, if they do put it in, it will be a option (you could play the old way), and someone who pvps and wants a edge could macro it anyway

macro maker works with d2, so when you press f1 f2 so on it also presse right or left click , i have a macro set up to my mouse button 5 so it toggles alt on and off so i dont need to hold it.

but you do you mate, no one is going to force you to play


Blizzard wonderful job

Personal loot yes JFC

Balance skills yes

Balance items like better drops and changing items that clearly need to be buffed or nerfed

Member people who want personal loot millions

People who don’t 10-15K

Personal loot or bust


THIS is the survey that people are crying to high heaven about???
This doesn’t say anything new we didn’t already know about. Shared stash and auto gold pickup, we knew from the beginning will be added.
They are basically trying to find potential alpha and beta testers with this survey. I seen and filled out many like this.

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Interesting. Doesn’t ask many specific changes questions, but should give them some idea of how many people want QoL updates.

No, people have been able to “quick cast” since the early 2000s. Simple hotkey macros would let you simultaneously swap a left/right skill and “click” it in the same button press.

You could also name lock someone easily with a macro so that you don’t have to hold a button down. Not some fancy third party program that will get you banned, a simple hotkey macro where a button press sends a key down event without a key up that you’d never be banned for.

Early D2 PvP also had a lot more people using third party programs to make targeting easier compared to what D2:R will have. Early D2 had no meaningful anti-cheat protection. People used trigger hacks, auto targeting hacks, hacks that even modified certain client-side stats etc.

D2:R will likely have a much more “pure” PvP environment compared to original D2. Having better built in key-binding isn’t going to ruin D2:R.

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Yyou high or something ? Macro to namelock ? Loooool
How can you setup a namelock macro " legitly" when the opponent is moving non stop on the map and offscreen and the target isnt predictable.
It’s not 2 skill that being used on the same time via hotkeys
You are somehow special. I don’t get why the randoms that didnt achieved anything and got 0 knowledge on this game start to showoff now and talk like they know everything about a game they did pvm only


you replied to me , not the person who was talking about namelock macros, so he isnt going to see your comment unless he checks manually

I’m wary of balance changes. Last thing I want them adopting is just some modders take who has little experience with anything outside of their small niche. I have extensive experience with just about all aspects of this game outside of hacks/exploits such as duping and I would see it as a real challenge to do well without disrupting the game significantly.

Its not that i don’t think there is some cases for better balancing its that i don’t trust them enough to do it yet.


Oh im tired sorry didnt even notice :joy:

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Take a look above i made a mistake on quoting

Sometimes I wonder if forum posters reply before reading an entire post and/or scrolling through multiple images.

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I’m referring simply to when you hold down left/right key after successfully targeting/clicking on someone. I believe that is all the term “namelock” is meant to refer to.

The macro would simply be a left/right key down event without an up event, so your computer basically thinks you are still holding that key down because it never got a key-up event.

You can do that easily with any logitech/razr/whatever keyboard/mouse software or with auto-hotkey or other similar software.

I don’t know what you were attempting to communicate here, but I think you’re confused.

When I mentioned “quick cast,” I was describing making a macro that would both press a hotkey to change either left or right click’s active skill and then click it at the same time. It basically would accomplish the same thing people are asking for with a QoL update to D2:R keybinding.

If it isn’t provided baseline, people will be using simple keybinding macros to achieve the same basic result.

No. Perhaps you are?

Your inability to comprehend what I wrote is a personal problem.

What I said was correct.

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Hey buddy,

i will reply even tho i’m not sure to understand 100% of what you are talking about. Maybe i mistaken myself about this “keybind”.

Here some background: I’ve been playing legit d2 pvp for 15 + years at the highest level possible (Type : dha D2 pvp on youtube)

I never used hacks, neither macros. The only macro i know that is used for legit PvP is for WSG when you repeat x times the “w” key to accentuate the WSG/Sync effect.

No idea what cheaters used as macro, i’m not really interested about that anyway but all of them still got detroyed even with there AA, TMC, Auto TP and more because of their lack of pvp knowledge. Thanks god D2R will be cleaner about cheats (thats what you meant by “pure” pvp environnement right?)

What i understand about “keybind” thing (and i’m probably wrong then explain me) is that you can cast skill by pressing “f keys” (or any key binded) instead of using “f keys” (or any key binded) to load the skill and then right click (or left for some skills) to actualy use them.

Maybe it would not be a “big deal” on paper but it’s still a big change of a basic d2 mecanic.

If that will have an impact on “chainlocks” then for me it is a disaster because it’s the one of the most amazing mecanics in the game.


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Yes, I expect D2:R will have a lot fewer 3rd party programs and fewer people using them compared to early 2000s D2 when you could do a large number of things that will either not be possible at all now or more easily detected.

We don’t know if they’re adding an extra option to “quick cast” yet which would let you both swap the skill and cast it in a single button press, but if they did I would imagine it would also be optional. Whether or not that would break target locks, I have no idea.

If you only wanted to use the older traditional style of controls either because you preferred them or because in PvP you want to hold down a mouse button to lock onto the target while still being able to swap active skills with other keybinds without breaking a lock, I’d guess that wouldn’t be going away. People just want another option on top of that.

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