There won't be any new content or expansion

First and foremost, I’m Plasmagun, the one who completely destroyed any argument in favor of personal loot since the creation of this very forum, with real maths and netcode arguments, even going as far as fixing personal loot beggars’ bad geometric distribution modelisations just to destroy it even more. Since the begging kept spreading on all topics ignoring all of our solid arguments, I decided to retire from this forum since I’m employed IRL and I unfortunately do not have the personal loot beggars’ time to spend on this forum thinking begging more will increase the probability of my “ideas” making it into the game.

I recently re-completed Diablo 2 offline with absolutely no mods nor item sharing up to hell completion, with all characters besides assassin and amazon (which are easy anyway).

My conclusion with all of this is, I can’t believe so many of you are expecting D2R to be some sort of messiah of the genre, a game which is magically going to challenge already existing games like Diablo 3, PoE and such.

So many people are wishing D2R to be a brand new game, where developers are going to build something brand new from some sort of Diablo 2 base. This is not going to happen already, because the word “remaster” is well defined word in the gaming industry you cannot change, except by lying to yourself. The true fan base already loves Diablo 2 as it is, and has no issue coming back to it over and over again (be it with some years-long breaks).

The truth is, Diablo 2 : Resurrected is NOT the game YOU are expecting. What you are secretly expecting is a new Diablo game faithful to Diablo 2’s universe and mechanics. But unfortunately Blizzard failed to do so with Diablo 3 and will also fail with Diablo 4 in that regards. The sad part is, the true (not even hardcore) fan base was already waiting for such remaster way before. They had a sit before you. They are the ones who decided to not move on when they discovered that they didn’t like Diablo 3. Despite the outdated, barely maintened software that is Diablo 2. Where have you been, meanwhile ? You can’t just come back once they turned on the light with this remaster and ask for things. You should come back head down and embrace the remaster proposition.

D2R is not about challenging Diablo 3, Diablo 4 or PoE, and even less about trying to mimic those with any content you would call “new expansion”. D2R is simply a proposition to go back to a journey you once knew and would still love, like people who are still playing and enjoying the old game right now.

If you are asking for additional content, I’m sorry to tell you that the game you are expecting is either called Diablo 4 (I wouldn’t include it tbh), or simply does not exist yet. But do not dispair, D2R will surely rekindle the need for a new Diablo-like game closer to Diablo 2, be it from Blizzard or from another studio.


This was perfectly explained, thank you! :wink:


Well said… thanks!!


I am already tired of debating change vs no change. Such post may catch community manager’s eye to surface in early days, now, it is meaningless. Developers are fully aware of such debate and it is in their hand to decide.

Just give me alpha access next week. :wink:

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Here here!
(As in, agreement)

Really hope I get alpha access, but I won’t be surprised if I don’t. They can’t be letting too many people in right away. Just enough for everyone else to smell it on them and drive up hype even more. Haha.

(But yes. Seriously, extremely, unequivocally, absolutely and in all other ways totally tired of the back and forth “#^#: you! No !^#&$* you” posts that pop up literally every day.)


DaviD Brevik said it would have been added but due to limitations it was not what a joke of a post


Exactly, the Devs themselves have stated they wish they could implement personal loot back then, so you shouldn’t be so quick to think they won’t look at it. =)


It actualy is exactly what I am expecting so far.

I think you are wrong and they learned, if i remember correctly, diablo 3 lead game designer never played Diablo 2 and when it was directed by someone who actualy played it, it was too late for big changes. Thats biggest D3 failure in my eyes as it was done like completely new game without actualy using what was so good in diablo 2 as core of the game.

Diablo 4 looks a lot better and actualy so far it looks very close to original Diablo 2. A lot more than to Diablo 3.

Well you are wrong, devs already said they will consider future content based on players feeback from D2R. Simply put, if D2R will be success economicaly, they will most likely do new content. Its basicly free money for DLC to Diablo 2 as probably every D2 player will buy it if D2R wont be total disaster.


Purist can’t handle that David wanted thst for his game it breaks there souls they won’t even acknowledge it! Like a flaw of 20 years prevented an amazing needed feature living in denial “I did the math rofl” hahahahahah

I read the game creators quote check mate


Wanted what? Are you talking again about ploot? :confused:

FFA loot is not flaw, its actualy well tested loot system which works for years. Ploot would be experimental thing with unknown results.


It was a flaw his words not mine he wanted personal or instanced loot where everyone got there own items! He client due to the tech limitations of the time! Get a hat through your head! 20 year old coding didn’t allow it it was a flaw of the times! I know it hurts I know being toxic and out clicking everyone super cool but it’s a flaw that needs to be corrected! If he could have had it in the game he would have the end stop crying about broken tech from20 years ago

It was a flaw the game creator wanted this in his game let’s honor his words and wishes instead of dumping on them


I dont care what he wanted. Game has FFA loot and it works for 20 years. I dont remember anyone crying about it so much when I wa splaying on battle net, suddendly its a big thing here on D2R forums.

Its still 20 years old coding, changing something that major can break other stuff. I want game releases as soon a possible. I refuse to wait longer for coding new feature we dont need like ploot. Also again, its not flaw, its well designed loot system which works.

Actualy nonsense, if he wanted to have in in game, he should have it there at release or in next several years. There was a lot of time to actualy change it.

Why lol? he left company many years ago. Why we should listen to him more than anyone else?


No it is not.

Doesnt make any sense. Why would be anyone hiding in game? I dont get it. Ploot will force more people to play in private games because there will be less items guaranteed in public games so your argument actually supports FFA loot.

All of us who? I see people who want ploot as minority here on forums. Even in poll i saw they werent decided which kind of loot they want exactly.

I dont want game just to honor some guy LOL. I want the games I will enjoy.

Actualy he left to persue “other opportunities” so you are wrong.

Wrong again, I am not purist , I would change a lot more than devs wants. But I dont want someone not tested as ploot in game where FFA loot works fine.


lmfao. Still using that defeated argument? what the PREVIOUS developers 20+ years ago wanted for D2 is 100% irrelevant. The game became what the game became BECAUSE of FFA loot and its features on original launch. Everyone loved it because of that. Pulling up what the old devs would or wouldn’t do if they could reverse time as an argument literally makes you look like a child. Please stop. Its very embarrassing.

Your responses sound like you get easily hurt in video games and should probably take them less seriously. Don’t cry over FFA loot, just play another game bud. The D2R devs, you know the ones with all the power, THEY disagree with changes, THEY specifically don’t want personal loot and they have said so out-right in the D2R deep dive. But please, keep entertaining us with your hilarious responses acting like you’re winning.


The amount of gate keeping in the op’s post is ridiculous. My guess is the op and myself probably want pretty much the same thing from the remaster ie the original game with updated graphics. But guess what, my opinion is not worth anything more than anyone else. I am a customer. Blizzard is selling their product. They own this product not me. Maybe they release it as close to the original as possible and I am happy. Maybe two years down the line they find that the game is wildly popular and decide for financial reasons to make an expansion or to make changes that I disagree with but other players would enjoy. Guess, what that is their call.

I have played the diablo series since diablo 1. I bought Diablo 2 right when it came out and played the heck out of it. That does not give my any kind of special status when it comes to my opinion as to the game’s future. My preferences, likes and dislikes, are no more important than someone who has never played the game but has always wanted to. That said, it sounds like Blizzard is marketing this game to players who have played the game in the past and would like to come back. If that is the case they will probably make it as close to the original as possible with a. loot system that is true to the original. But what happens in a year from now if the game is really popular with a new generation of gamers and they want changes? Guess what, if it is in Blizzard’s financial interest to listen to them instead of me, they will. If that means personal loot or god forbid D3 rifts that is their call.

Again you are not special because you have played this game a lot. There is no winning a debate here because there is no debate. You can share preferences and opinions but in the end Blizzard makes the decisions.


Blizzard already made their decision. They announced a faithful remaster and are looking into the future of Diablo with DI and D4.


They have made no decisions. They’re actually sending out surveys to people asking about changes. So, lol, you’re wrong.


Yes a random survey is your only hope that the D2R devs will reverse course and go against what they’ve publicly announced at blizzcon and suddenly make changes… But oh wait… that’s assuming the survey doesn’t return exactly what were all expecting… that the vast majority of the playerbase doesn’t want changes. The survey will only confirm this fact. lol :laughing: . Hope for a charms inventory, would be nice, but beyond that don’t hold your breathe bud. :roll_eyes:

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It’s not a random survey. It’s official Blizzard surveys that they are sending out to registered emails, and they do ask about things like personal loot, inventory changes, etc.

So do keep showing us how ignorant you are about what’s going on and what the Devs are thinking and looking into lol.

And considering how the Reddit survey went, expect a majority of people to ask for changes.

Multiple surveys have already been run by fan sites and fan communities and all of them end up reporting a majority of people wanting changes. Purists are the vocal minority, not the other way around, lol.


Is this the guy that was using real maths?