[Theory] Rankings: skill > paragon (bots)

The sense of idea - to replace the current priority:
   random_in_GR > paragon & gear > skill
by this one:
   random_in_GR > skill > paragon & gear
to remove (minimize) influence of the paragon (bots) on rankings.

Idea itself: one need to calculate such value for rankings
Skill_points = 10 x (20 + GR_level x ln(1.17) - ln(main_stat) - ln(GR_time_in_sec))
bigger value means upper position in rankings.

For the group: main_stat = average_main_stat of group
  = (total_main_stat_of_group) / (players_in_group).

Of course, one need to display such value in rankings.

The formula was derived from this one:
   Parameter = (1.17)^(GR_level) / (main_stat x GR_time)
by taking natural logarithm from the right side (to do not have deal with big numbers), shifting all values up by 20 (to do not have deal with negative numbers) and multiplying by 10 (to increase accuracy of numbers because I suppose that integer part of the parameter Skill_points will be displayed).

P.S.: I need to note that not only bots can play 24/7 - consider the situation with 3 brothers which play on one account (and also can play 24/7). In the current scheme of rankings one player (one human) will compete with 3 players (3 humans = 3 brothers). In the scheme I suggested this fact does not matter because in this case much more important the maximum possible skill of these 3 humans (i.e. the best skill of them = skill of one of them = skill of one player) in the comparison with the skill of another player (i.e. we replacing competition “3 vs 1” by “1 vs 1” by considering the skill as more important part of gameplay than paragon).


If you want the leaderboards to factor skill above all else, then you’ll need gear/paragon/dungeon layout to be equal for everyone just like Challenge Rifts.


For that you do not need to do anything exactly by this reason - due to existing of Challenge Rifts. The main difference between GR and CR is in the fact that in the first case you use your own gear & paragon (you dress your doll by yourself) whereas in the second you just play by already given profile (you need to play with the doll which is dressed by someone else). And if you will obtain the possibility to dress your doll by the wish to use it for rankings (I saw such suggestion - analogue of CR with the possibility to choose gear, paragon and rift), this mode will have the same popularity as CR just because Diablo is about farm and random, it is not about about playing alien dolls or dressing it by the wish without any efforts.

I’m just pointing out that if people want the leaderboards to only factor skill, that’s what needs to happen. And considering the popularity of CRs, they clearly don’t really want that.