The New Gears of Dreadlands Set

The multipliers better be extra chunky to allow solo play with a defensive configuration, when you group gain 5GRs+ of power by cubing depth diggers and some passives…

Something tells me Strafe might have to work like Fist of Heavens in the AoV 4pc, a Spender turned Generator, and technically a Generator for the sake of Wraps of Clarity. Remember all of those complaints about Wrath management in the first iteration of AoV?

on second thought (third, fourth, fifth, hell i lost count), what if blizz throws a curve ball and the set doesn’t take up the standard slots?

It’s interesting that they would introduce that SoJ legendary affix at the same time they are wanting us to slot multiple generators that will have different elemental properties…

What if the new set has a ring?


Interesting idea, but that would imply that there is some kind of causality between the new set and the new SoJ. I think it’s just a correlation. The thoughts behind SoJ are probably related to LoN/LoD, where the usual ring sets are not allowed.

I don’t think that Blizz will introduce another set with the possibility to create hybrids. On the other hand … well, who knows? :bow_and_arrow:


Typically new the sets have been in standard slots. With this said, you’d be able to hybrid G4/N6, albeit not efficiently. The only other hybrid that could be useful if it’s not in standard slots is UE4, but since generator builds have so many pieces, you’ll most likely lose out more than you would gain, like G4/N6. You also can’t strafe with a melee weapon so S2 is out. If they were to throw a curve ball and change the slots, they’d still be able to hold up their philosophy.

I’m not necessarily implying that the SoJ was meant for the set itself, though the timing suggest that it may be there to take advantage of it given that it’s the only set you’d want to consider different elements. The synergy is there, but no one’s going to take it over F&R if the set is in standard slots. There aren’t many LoD/LoN builds that would benefit heavily from the SoJ change currently, but that could be different next season.

All in all, given how many legendary’s we need to pick up for this to work, it wouldn’t be far fetched if they considered other gear slots so that we can. Still all speculation.

Yeah I think people are getting way too fixated on the SoJ buff. For a non-LoD build, it’s going to be a 20% elemental boost to your primary skill and a 60% boost to your second element skill. Better for a LoD build if you can stack more elemental damage, but I’m not sure how many viable builds there will be that can really leverage the new SoJ like that.

For a non-LoD two-element two-skill CoE build (main reason to run a build like this is to leverage multiple CoE cycles), you’re comparing (3*1.4 + 3*1 + 1*1.4 + 1*1.4) = 10 vs. (3*1.6 + 3*1.6 + 1*1.6 + 1*1.6) = 12.8. So for a dual-skill dual-element CoE build, SoJ is a 12.8/10 = 28% DPS boost compared to running with just 40% elemental for your primary skill and 0% for the secondary skill. That’s a pretty mediocre damage boost for a ring slot. Other DPS jewelry options are more compelling.

A little better if you work in a third element skill and can so you can do 3 CoE cycles instead of 2. (3*1.6 + 3*1.6 + 3*1.6 + 1*1.6) = 16 vs. (3*1.4 + 3*1 + 3*1+ 1*1.4) = 11.6, so for a three skill three element build, it’s a 16/11.6 = 37.9% DPS boost compared to running with just 40% elemental for your primary skill and 0% for your secondary and tertiary skill. Again though, not a super compelling multiplier from a ring slot. And I’m not sure if any builds will be able to leverage three primary damage skills and give up some other potential skill buffs they could otherwise put on their bar AND take all the supporting items required to buff three primary damage skills. A 3x element skill build doesn’t seem all that feasible.

I’ve also ignored the loss of a crit stat to gain the elite damage on SoJ, which would bring the effective multiplier from SoJ down a bit. Then we could factor in the SoJ elemental damage which is a benefit in the SoJ column, but you also lose another primary ring affix to gain that, so there’s an opportunity cost there too.

LATE EDIT: corrected typo in last paragraph (meant elite instead of elemental)


I feel like they could add a 2nd defensive bonus to the 2, 4, or 6-piece that reads something like: “While Strafing you gain 90% ranged damage reduction.”

I think this would make all those things that cause DHs to pull their hair out (khazra spears, mortars, ghost + corpse raiser life drain, etc) only a modest consideration, and allow you to focus on preventing enemies from closing to melee range. You’d be quite fragile against melee attacks, but very sturdy vs ranged. And since you’d be in near-constant motion, and continuously attacking while doing so, playing “keep-away” would feel less like a big dps loss, and more like an intrinsic part of the gameplay.

This would fit in well with the DH class fantasy, and would allow the play of the set to be significantly different in feel and style from WW Barb or Tempest Rush Monk.

That’s a nice breakdown, Tinne. I actually think they should just let the new SoJ work in concert with CoE (taking the rotating bonus into account). Then it would actually be competitive with other offensive ring options. For single-element builds, I think CoE + SoJ would still be a hair worse than F+R. (I looked at a few numbers here). For multi-element, I think it would be a little better, but then of course you need to find room for an extra skill on the bar, and extra gear, as you mentioned.


If it is like ww/rend, the auto-cast primary (or the auto-applied rend) does not proc area damage. As such, it is only hard casts of rend that proc area damage.

I think since it states “Cast” vs “Channel” it’s not going to run like WW at all.

I am not sure but I think it will constantly cast your last primary as long as it is on an enemy. If it is only upon the initial cast, it would be somewhat lame unless it simply to serve as movement/DR bonus.

4-Piece Bonus

  • Casting Strafe against enemies will automatically shoot your last used primary skill, and also give 60% damage reduction while strafing and for 5 seconds after. While casting Strafe, you move faster per stack of Momentum.


Ambo’s pride Secondary
Attacking with Whirlwind also applies Rend, and the total damage of Rend is dealt over 1 second.

We’ll have to see when PTR drops. Could be strafe replaces vault and you will have two gen’s on your mouse. The 5 sec Cooldown makes that easy to manage and moving once every 2 secs will build momentum stacks which would work for a ranged DH.

But, it could be just another spin to win iteration. We’ll soon see.

This could make sense. The stack lasts 2 seconds by default, but its duration increases when you apply a new stack by 2 seconds until its total duration for that stack including increases has been 10 seconds, at which point it falls off. That would mean you’d max out at APS * 10 stacks, or 50 stacks at 5 APS, at which point you’d be adding new stacks just as fast as old ones fall off. That would make the first multiplier x6 (+500%) once “charged up,” and very likely mean the 4-piece would trigger the 2-piece, as otherwise you’d have to spend 10 seconds sitting still casting primaries just to have a buff that continually decays as you strafe for 10 seconds, which would feel really underwhelming. I’m curious how much the movement speed boost is per stack. 1%? 2%?


Yeah, I’m thinking a UE build that alternates between Entangling Shot and Hungering Arrow will work quite well.

Still need Dawn in cube but we won’t need Seethe to keep hatred up so will pick Dark Heart. No need for Visage of Gunnes so can use Aquila for more DR or fit in Depth Diggers.

You can do that but you lose out on depth diggers, trading 100% damage for 50% toughness.

In seasons, UE MS players traded out gunes for CoE (seasons theme), and CoE is worth less than what depth diggers would be for generators, then again UE MS has CC3.

Tough call to make.

Yeah, I realised that a few minutes back and updated my post above. These changes seem to make UE an easier set to gear up for during seasons. You won’t believe how many ancient Leonines or Odysseys I usually get before an ancient Yangs.

I haven’t read the whole thing, but I assume the 2pc bonus will work similarly to the 6pc bonus on Tal Rasha. One hit gets you 2 seconds; the next hit within those 2 seconds extends it to 4, and so on up to 10 seconds.

I will directly start playing my UE variant for it. Super hyped for Hungering Arrow.

I have to prepare myself for dying a lot, sadly no toughness boost on bracers. :frowning:

Would you recommend any changes if you aim for higher dps? (even though toughness suggs^^)

Considering giving DH class a try with their new set

The Ninth Cirri Satchel

  • Hungering Arrow is guaranteed to pierce

Do the arrows disappear at some point? Seems like otherwise your damage will just keep going up the longer you spam hungering arrow.

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I am interested ONLY in the Unlimited Hungering Arrow build.

Please break the game! Please dont disappoint!

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The arrows have a set distance they can travel paired with their chance to pierce. For now, what we don’t know is the satchel’s effect guarantees a pierce for every hit after the first or just the initial.

Given engine issues, I’m inclined to feel it’ll only apply to the first hit. Otherwise, I’m not sure how the game would really like having 8+ HAs from a single DH zig-zagging into a single target.

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I can almost guarantee you the pierce chain will end on the 4th pierce.

Travel time/distance and numbers of pierces is already limited.

The only thing, the quiver will change, is the percentage for a pierce.
Because it will be guaranteed, you are guaranteed to see the maximum number of 4 everytime now.

If you want to test it before the PTR hits:

Pick Hungering Arrow and use the 2nd rune. 50%
Pick Ninth Quirrel. 25%
Pick Buriza in cube. always 2 pierces (3 hits)

That means, your Hungering Arrow is now guaranteed to see 2 pierces with additional 2 pierces of a chance of 75% each , which in general lets you most likely see 4 pierces always.

The Quiver simply kills that 35% or 50% or 75% chance, it simply guarantees you a Buriza efffect that would give you 4 pierces instead of 2.

That’s why for Hungering Arrow itself, it won’t be necessary to cube or wield a Buriza.

The chance, that the mechanic would somehow change with the upcoming changes is like 0 and it would also be too strong.

The 100% pierce chance itself is super big, combined with these new multiplier on quiver and belt.
