Stone of Jordan - Patch 2.6.9

I wonder, what if SoJ can mix all elemental affix together (your character has 20% Fire, 20% thunder and 20% Cold), and you will 60% bonus to all elementals?

With this, you can mix Cindercoat (20%Fire) and Andariel VIsage (20% Poison) and you will get 40% elemental bonus…

or it is too boring and generic?


I would love to see it changed to something like:

“All static elemental damage bonuses are tripled and applied to each of your elemental bonuses.”

It would make it a competitive ring for many builds, and even with this I don’t think it would be overpowered.


Why so complicated? “Spells now benefit from double your current elemental % bonus.” or more even simply “Your highest elemental % bonus is doubled”.

Is having 60% Fire damage doubled to 120% too OP? Even if you have 100% damage bonus, doubled to 200%, the diminishing returns would balance it out pretty quickly, I’d think. I’d say if you have 100% damage bonus, increasing to 200% is probably about…50-60% damage damage?

Maybe someone who gets the math can chime in.


Assuming that damage from different elements is negligible, going from +100% elemental damage to +200% elemental damage is a 50% increase. (I said 33% increase before, but it is 33% of your total damage, not the increase)

Even in the near perfect scenario of nearly infinite elemental damage, doubling elemental damage is at best a 100% damage increase.

The formula to calculate the % increase is ((2*Elemental % +1)/ (Elemental % + 1)) -1

Honestly, like I said before, tripling it would probably be fair. with 200% elemental damage it would only be a 130% DPS increase, with a lower amount like 60% it would only be 75% increase.

the ‘only’ way i see this being a + is with Tal Rasha set that uses 4 elements, so you could stack one element up and the rest of them also get buffed as well. outside that? ~meh~ idk anything that uses even 2 elemental skills. let alone one of them being under performed to where this would benefit, lmao


SoJ would be a lot better, more interesting, and I think, not actually OP, if it worked in concert with CoE.

Look at an example of a class with 4 CoE elements, and a setup with 40% elemental:

Assume a “base” damage of 100.

In 12 of 16 seconds, you deal 12 * 100 * 1.4 = 1680 damage
and in 4 of 16 seconds, you deal 4 * 100 * 1.4 * 3 = 1680 damage
for 3360 damage total.

If SoJ worked with CoE, and you again had 40% elemental, for 3/4 of the time, the large bonus from CoE would actually be overwriting that 40%, i.e. your bonus would be at 200% for 12 seconds, and at 240% for the remaining 4 seconds.

In 12 of 16 seconds, you deal 12 * 100 * 3 = 3600 damage
and in 4 of 16 seconds, you deal 4 * 100 * 3.4 = 1360 damage
for 4960 damage total.

4960 / 3360 = 1.476, i.e. a 47.6% increase in damage.

Now, if you just had 0% elemental on gear, in 16 seconds you’d do 16 * 100 * 3 = 4800, only a bit over 3% less damage than you’d have with that 40% elemental on gear. So you’d probably be better off without those rolls at all. But, there’s nothing particularly game-breaking that you could take instead. What other roll are you going to take on your bracer? A little extra defense, probably. And on amulet, maybe damage range or AD… either of which is going to be, generally, less than a 10% dps gain. Not particularly OP.

And of course, you have to actually trade out another ring to equip SoJ. Because you’d obviously need to have CoE equipped as well to take advantage of this mechanic. So you could take both these rings as well as the EW set, but that means no super-defense ring like Band of Might, Elusive Ring, Halo of Karini, etc. You certainly couldn’t combine this combo with Focus and Restraint.

And lots of builds for different classes already have rings which generally add more offensive value than that 47.6% increase: Ring of Emptiness, Krysbin’s Sentence, Short Man’s Finger, and Circle of Nailuj’s Evol, to name just a few.

Just doesn’t seem that OP to me. As-is, I think this ring is just more scrap on the salvage pile.


50% damage increase, plus Stone of Jordan’s Elite % damage boost/affix puts the item perfectly on budget. I’d be satisfied with that affix.

Raiment Dual generator can get a little benefit from it, but not nearly as much as a Tal Rasha Wizard.

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Raiment dual generator monk uses 2 different elements. It is not used currently, but it qualifies.

:rofl: :joy: :rofl: :joy:

The way I read it. Makes it a cube able power? So instead of waiting for for to come around every 16 ish seconds you get a static element damage boost. So builds like gen monks ect can do more co distant damage.

Unless I’m mistacken this doesn’t seem like a non change as 60% constint multiplier is better then 200% 1/4 of time. For builds that don’t wait around for to nuke.

But just wondering how this will work with archon. Right now archon beam does your highest element damage so if you have 19% cold on ammy and 20% fire on bracers your archon beam will be fire. With ring you’ll have same % and 2pc gives all runes of vyrs. How does this work with black hole ab 0 rune.

OMG! You are right! I miss-read it!

Thanks for the correction!

Yah it’s actually pretty good if that’s what it means. It means items like Cindercoat, magefist, frostburns, thundergods no longer matters what element it is, you’ll get just a damage increase of all of them. Meaning it doesn’t matter if you got a bunch of fire gear %, you can use any other element and benefit from all the fire gear.

That’s pretty decent but kind of limited to the element that gets you the most which at least for say wizard is always going to be fire, it would be better if just any element added to the max one so you could wear fire, cold, arcane ect and it all just add to the highest damage one, but then I suppose that would obsolete CoE.

I don’t quite understand what multiplier you are referring to here? As the description currently reads this new SoJ actually doesn’t boost your dmg, it just converts all your elemental dmg to match the highest one you have on your gear.

But this only translates to a small QoL change for those that haven’t found all the items yet and only a minor dmg boost to certain builds. For say, LoD Frozen orb I can now use cindercoat and magefist and benefit from the extra 30% (the 20% from gloves I already could get from frostburn). This is not enough to warrant a ring slot honestly. There needs to be some sort of additional multiplier involved (unfortunately).


Stone of Jordan

  • Added power: Each of your elemental’s damage bonus is equal to your highest static elemental bonus to skill.

The way I see the ring rolling is

% element
Elite damage

Orange text of your highest element multiplier

Correct. But this is exactly how it rolled before the buff. The added power doesn’t give a multiplier on its own, it just converts your existing elemental multipliers into the same value. So if you ran 110% frost elemental dmg prior to patch and now equip this new ring, you still only get 110% elemental dmg, only now it applies to all your schools. But how many builds actually run multi element spells to great effect? Idk it doesn’t seem like this ring will do enough to warrant equipping it.

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Nailed it. The new SoJ is horrible.


I do agree, probably needs to be double. Especially when you consider sets that will restrict elemental gearing.

amulets, bracers, those WD pants, and SOJ can all get up to 20% on elemental bonus damage. plus there’s a helm that can

Can we get the all elemental damage BONUS from the highest static element damage? Like 50 fire 10 Physical then with SOJ we can get 100 fire 60 Physical and 50 others. Make the SOJ strong again.