That Alpha survey... (Charm Inventory)

Blizzard, why are you even asking if a ‘Charm Inventory’ is something players would want in Resurrected? Is this a remaster or a remake?

That’s not a QoL change, that’s a balance change.

The original method is a trade-off decision for more inventory space or a stronger character.

A Charm Inventory will cascade well beyond being QoL. You’ll be tampering with Damage, Skill Boosts, Resistances, Loot Find, Loot Capacity - just to name a few.

Don’t do this.


Blizzard has reiterated in interview after interview that they were open to additional changes in D2R if the players want them. In one of the very first interviews, Blizzard even mentioned that balance changes were on the table if the players want them.


We really need a charm inventory going back to town constantly is out dated and tiring but we also need Cain to reset all areas instead of remaking games constantly but hey let’s remaster the game for 2000ish purist and billion bots!

Oh look another repeat thread can’t wait for the same people to respond how choice is everything and player power gah it’s tired and dated!


It is a unique phenomenon to see people talking about motivation of survey than answer of survey. :slight_smile:

To be honest, one reason is that there is not too much topic to talk about.

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Depends how they will do it, it can be both.


In my eyes there is no debate on whether or not it is a balance change. I’ve read pages and pages of those who claim it is not one, and they all come down to they just do not want to recognize that the tradeoff being made has ANY impact… they don’t seem to ignore that the tradeoff is happening.

The arguments for charm inventory should not be on whether or not its QoL, it should be more so is this a positive change for gameplay. From playing it, I think yes. Those in favor try to package it as a zero impact change so its consider something that MUST happen.

My hesitation to include it is specifically because it is a balance change. The charm inventory gives reasonable ground for a lot of other changes that have been already tested to be positive changes despite changing the game.


I agree, but blizzard can make charm inventory and make normal inventory smaller, that would be interesting trade off. If they make charm inventory, normal inventory doesnt need to be so huge.


I don’t really care much if there will be charm inventory or not. It will not matter that much.
I do think that if it was already in D2, people would love it. Implement it in D2R and we’ll get lots of resistance.

If adding a Charm inventory and charms were only active in it, from a strict gameplay standpoint there is no difference.

The only question is what do you do with the extra inventory space; zons could carry more ammo, slight QoL, otherwise you could pick up more stuff to…vendor, I guess? Maybe it affects PvP? I don’t PvP so I have no idea, but if there is an impact there I could see some concern over it.

But outside of that, it’s just QoL, and if they don’t add it, meh.


I can live with it, or without it as we have for 20 years.

The Devil wants sacrifices, not QoL!

The whole reason to not have a charms inventory is for inventory management. PvP and Solo games people are going to use full charms to get the most power(PvP), or mf/life/etc.(Solo). In a public party game where people are doing Baal runs, or any kind of runs then most people are not going to use charms because the party is going to kill the monsters fairly quick without the help of charms. There is really no need of a charms inventory based on the above info, and the way people play PvP, Solo, or public runs.


Having your inventory full of charms, not being able to pick up loot, its not a skill. If anything, they should nerf charms where you actually have less than you would with it in your inventory.


I agree, charm inventory is for mods. It completely changes the game.


I dont mind the idea of more inventory room like project d2 path of d2 etc
But with it comes some pvp issues that should not be overlooked if this is done it opens up doors for people to cheat in pvp…
They would need a way to inspect peoples items / inventory … To insure there not cheating … !!

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Same people posting the same things! Blizzard just needs to add the qol we may loose the same people who post over and over and cry a purist chant but will gain 100000000s more players and threads


Do you think that it is necessary that the game has to tell you how much of your inventory Space you are using for charms and how much for other stuff and loot? I mean realy everyone who is not retarded will keep some space left to pick up loot at least if you can effort it. When a Char reaches nearly Perfect Equipment and only a few items
need to be picked the inventory space can boost your Power and does not feel unused. I think this aspect of decision making by yourself and not the game regulating everything perfectly is the core of d2 and what new games miss.


Nah, it totaly depdens on how it is implemented in the game.

Exactly, thanks for posting this.

Oh no! More inventory space! Game balance will be shattered into oblivion!

This totally needed another topic, yes sir.


If we have a charm inv, then everyone will have a completely full inv of charms all the time. That variability in players will be lost. Proponents say now that everyone has a full inv of charms all the time anyway, but that’s just not true - only the dudez who choose to live with a cube inv have full charms. So many people will look at that option and think, “No thanks, Id rather have a little more space than suffer through the game that way.” If we have a charm inv, everyone everywhere will always be running with 4x10 of charms. Of course that changes balance.

To charm or not is obviously a choice. It’s too bad the argument’s been warped to say it’s not a choice. But if we all have a 4x10 charm inv, that choice will really be lost entirely. Then charms become mindless - just put em in of course, nothing to consider here. Uch, it’s so lame that the proponents try to cast that as the reality already - no, it’s not the reality yet. It would be with a 4x10 charm inv, though.

This isnt even getting to how itd affect balance for mid lvl players, which it of course would. And yay, let’s have so many more rejuv potions all the time everywhere. L4m3.

Yeah, it is “oh no, more inv space.” Amount of convenience really matters for the feel and charm of the game. We could sarcastically say, “Oh no, an unlimited town portal spell, woe is us!” But actually yes, a town portal spell would really change the feel and charm of the game - we do not want things to be too streamlined. That’s a recipe for emptiness and a loss of fun in games, which is counterintuitive to many I guess.