PSA, Charm inventory and you

you have been given the answer in all the other posts. if you cant see why its not a QOL by now. you never will.


why don’t you enlighten me so

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I am so sick of this discussion. Please stop refering to PD2. It is a damn mod and not the reference for D2R… Wait for PD2R if you do not want to play the game without the additional features but don’t force D2R to be like PD2! Don’t act like all D2 fans moved over to PD2 because the majority didn’t (Because of the additional features!!!)


Having full inventory open to items/potions while having +13 to skills and other stats is not the same experience at all.


I play mainly vanilla and enjoy it better then the mods, this feature so happens to be in the mode you are referring to but in no shape or form do I want it to be PD2 nor I have ever played said mod

having said that why don’t you read my elaborated explanation as to why it will be a good addition in this post: PSA, Charm inventory and you - #20 by SoulsKeeper-1639


Ok I did.
So you want to Streamline the f*** out of D2R that it feels like every other sh***y game out there? Games become to easy and that is what makes them boring to play. Don’t be lazy and make decissions by yourself and not the game!

Here is my answer from a discussion from last month:

P.s.: You oversee that a charm inventory also force you to fill it completly. People will start using every charm they find until the charm inventory is full and then start to exchange for better ones. For me that sounds absolutly boring and the game is telling me how much charms I have to use. The only questions remaining will be which charms to use for which build.


Streamline item management yes, how will that make the game easy, exact same options as before only now you can pick up items?

I was anything but lazy, it seems your response has bit of it though, I don’t see how the “game” dictates your amount of charms you wish to hold, you simply don’t need to fret over which item to pick, it has nothing to do with powerlevel or gameplay, it is strictly a management mechanic, the charm feature was just poorly implemented to not allow you to compensate for it and this solution works well to do so


Bigger Inventory and a Charm Inventory sounds ridicilous. Makes it way much overpowered, so no thank you.


charm inventory stays the same, just add more space to put items in where you cant put any charms in conjunction


( i responded to the wrong person this isnt meant for you soul)

the entire point of this thread was to define charm inventory for them, and despite all that they are still posting nonsense. like " lets shrink the charms space from 4x10 to 4x4.
which has absolutely nothing to do with the topic. as we arn’t adding a new space for charms.

you just simple hate charm and wants to nerf them and try to derail the conversation to “i wanna nerf charms”.

we’re NOT CHANGING BALANCE, that’s the ENTIRE point of a “charm inventory”… NOT to change balance while adding more inventory space

the only reason its even called a “charm inventory” is because that’s what people started called the old inventory space. like i said in the op… we arn’t touching the old inventory space… were adding new space that cant be used for charms… that’s is a QOL change.
if you guys are so blinded by bias and “hate for charms” then just leave, or play classic or something, and let us actaully fix an issue that has been plaguing the game for 20 years.


No, it’s you who is confused my friend. You have been explained over several threads by alot of people why a charm inventory is both a balance and a core gameplay change.

In my opinion it is you who is blinded by bias, because you want a charm inventory so bad you can’t see how it affects the game.

It is you who is speaking nonsense again and again, while everyone is trying to reason with you.

Please stop making more threads about this issue as it has been discussed enough.


Currently in D2, your character inventory is 4x10. When players are PvM, their character inventory holds both items and charms. Those non-charm items typically take up a minimum of 8 small squares (Horadric cube and 2 books), leaving 32 small squares for charms. Having a charm inventory of 40 small squares would lead to powercreep for most players in PvM.

This linked picture shows a charm inventory of 4x10 = 40 which is more space for than what almost all players have in original, non-modded D2 when PvM.


What you said came out as condescending and frankly it seems like you are reflecting

the main change people talk about is gaining 1 to two spaces of charm space by this implementation, this amount is negligible and if you want to go the extra mile we can come into a compromise where you can only have the current amount of charms logically possible and add more item space to it

you are the one refusing to listen not the other way around, try silence us repeatedly will serve no purpose, engage with us in conversation and solve the issue at hand


but you been told many times what the issue is, and you still dont se it. so why engage with people, who dont se this way of charm inventory is not a QOL. you wanner make the game easier.


In the second Blizzard survey, Blizzard listed a dedicated charm inventory as QoL. It can be based on its implementation. Having a 4x10 charm inventory when the most non-charm item space is usually 32 in PvM due to the horadric cube and 2 books seems excessive. If the dedicated charm inventory was tweaked down in size, it would not make the game easier, although it most likely violates Blizzard’s criteria about decision making. In fact, making the charm inventory even smaller where charms only work in that inventory makes the game harder.

How Diablo 2 Is Changing on Its Path to Resurrection… While Staying True to Its Roots - IGN


i have seen this the 1000 time you have postet the same about surveys.

still dont change the fact that the way op will have it is not QOL.


you never give your opinion, just one liners about how its not a Qol.


again… your missing the point… were not adding a new space for charms… your all missing the entire point…the point is to add more inventory space as a QOL change without affecting balance.

you are all focused on the “name”.
the old 4x10 inventory can still be used to pick up and store normal items, its not a new separate inventory its just the old inventory unchanged with a new inventory that charms don’t work in as added space


Lets make sure we agree on the basic facts.

  1. The character inventory in original D2 & D2:Lod is 4x10 = 40 small squares.
    True or false

  2. For PvM, most players in their player inventory when experienced, keep typically 3 items (horadric cube and 2 books) irrespective of the rest (or lack thereof) of the character inventory contents.
    True or False

  3. In PvM, the maximum space in the character inventory for charms and other items is 32 small squares when the horadric cube and 2 books are in the character inventory.
    True or False


false, its cube + torch + 1 book
false, see above, also the layout of the small squares matters, its 4x8 for the remaining space but since its pretty much all going to be filled with skillers ( maybe a gheeds) this leaves only 7 SC’s worth of space after u u use the 8th for your anni

unless its mid or low lvl duels then u dont worry about torch and anni and either run lifers or LLD or skillers for mld

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