That Alpha survey... (Charm Inventory)

I rather they just make the cube able to transmute items into gold so you dont have to go back to town to sell to vendor. Then charm inventory.

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Simply put it’s a terrible system to trade more power for additional trips to town to hawk items every few minutes. This isn’t about streamlining everything or changing the soul of the game or anything, it’s just a bad original design that can be easily fixed with minimal effect on anything other than some time saved for the player and less annoyance.

More importantly though, why does this need another topic when the main one is at the top of the front page daily?


Well its a pure powercreep. Charms was designed on that way that if you want more power then you need to give away free place in your inventory. If there is seperate place for charms where i can put them and i also dont lose my bag place then that is pure powercreep.


This is what desperation looks like.


i would not see that as balance, i would see it as a pure QoL.
you know what QoL stands for?

Blizzard is a part of a multi-billion dollar corporation with lots of higher-ups and investors to please. Theres a 0% chance the D2R devs themselves wanted either of the blizzard surveys to go out. Remember the charm inventory, Ploot and all those other new things that were in the Alpha? Oh wait… thats right, :thinking: there were none of those features. And the D2R devs themselves have said verbatim they will not be changing things like loot. So you can rest easy. A survey they aren’t even sending to everyone doesn’t mean much.

“Classic gameplay—the same Diablo II you know and love, preserved.”
“We’re not trying to fix Diablo 2. We’re not trying to make Diablo 2 a different game. We have other games if you want that.”
“We have no current plans to balance Diablo 2”
“This is a remaster, not a remake, so we feel like we need to make as little changes as possible and focus on bringing back that same experience”

Doesn’t seem “super open to change” to me. But we’ll have to wait for launch since some survey and vague wording has some people convinced they are going to add or change things. Honestly JUST the charm inventory wouldn’t be too bad, id like it. But based on all their interviews? It’s probably not going to happen.

They need to add a charm inventory, and make it toggleable.

They do kind of need to consider speed running and purists though so they shouldn’t force it, just like the purists shouldn’t try and force a ridiculously outdated mechanic down everyone’s throat.

Nobody is forcing you. You can play other games. d2r is d2 remastered. As dev already said. “staying so close to the original as possible”.

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I don’t honestly believe it’s outdated. It’s just different, it’s a trade off.

You could argue lots of things that are standard in older rpg games are outdated, but old rpgs are still sometimes better than current releases.

One could argue borderlands would be better with 1000 inventory slots. Is it better? Or just easier and less thought provoking?

Outdated seems like a bad argument. Old school rpgs from the early/mid 90s still stand up to today’s turn based games.

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You know that Blizzard has also said repeatedly in interviews that additional changes are possible if the players want them. You complained in another thread that I left out an important detail and you are doing the same.

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Where they have written that d2r gets charm inventory?

I havent left out any important things. Cus the “Staying so close to the original as possible” is the top thing currently in d2r.

i honestly don’t understand why some people are using this as an argument. “outdated mechanics” “outdated system” “outdated…” It’s now a 21 year old game and this is just a shallow face-lift of a remaster. Why is ANYONE expecting a 21y old games remaster to have all new mechanics? Literally the furthest thing i would expect to change in ANY games remaster are the mechanics. Doesn’t everything function exactly the same in the SC1 and WC3 Remasters? :sweat_smile:


The argument that I should play other games, is the same as me telling you the original D2 is still available.
Just play that problem solved.

They have asked about it, and even though I dislike the idea of a charm inventory, it is a popular suggestion.
I think it’s too big of a change as the standard for d2r though, so I’m not that worried.

I am not confident, however, that they will not make a new realm with optional changes. To be honest, this seems very likely to me at some point.

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They asked yes. But they didnt told that they make it.

Exactly. It has no place in a remaster.

Correct. It remains a possibility. I do not think it will be the standard, there will be too much backlash.

It may be implemented on a separate realm. I am perfectly happy if it is. I will play more without charm inventory than with it, but would probably try it out, too.

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Well for me its just powercreep so a big nono. The best thing what i have heard to make 4x4 cube and autoloot into the cube.

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But if theres a separate smaller charm inventory with less space for total charms, wouldn’t that be a slight nerf and not a power creep? Or was your argument that it effects balance period and therefor is a nono?

Yeah I don’t really want them to mess with balance at all.

Of course, if they were absolutely dead set on balance changes, I lean towards nerfs rather than buffs, but would prefer none.


agreed. although, after thinking about it a lot. I do want D2R to be pretty much 100% the same, but a bit after release i wouldn’t mind additional changes and additions later on. With the option to still go back to the original while keeping the upgraded graphics/stash as well.