The Devil wants sacrifices, not QoL!

The only reason for infinite/large stash for me is the chance to lose your items because of non-permed games. As long as we can create limitless mules and don’t have to worry about our items, I’m fine to keep going this way.

Explain me the sense of the higher price of having to switch 12983721983712893 characters to give someone my 12983712398471324 gems. I just don’t get it, if the point is not just wasting everybodys time.

For the rest of your arguments, I totally agree with you. They should not be added and I’m sure they won’t be.

I definitely think some people don’t measure the real impact of all this QoL “improvements”.
They would change the way we play the game, i.e the game experience.

Limited space in stash or inventory (due to charms) have an impact.
Boring things, like mules, have an impact. Precisely because they are boring.

This kind of constraints make us do some choices, some efforts. It makes us pay a price.

In D3, I first found a lot of things “better” : stash tabs, gold auto-pick, globes, skills access, etc. But, finally, I’ve never been as addicted to the game than with D2, despite all this QoL and comfort.

I think many people are under-estimating the role of game’s drawbacks in the way they play. They think the most comfortable the game will be, the best the game itself will be.

I think they’re wrong, a game experience is more complicated than maximizing QoL.


Way to use hyperbole to completely avoid creating a real argument.
Having ANY amount of gems is based on their drop rate, not if you can stack them or not. But keep making up utter BS and world-ending (and not at all reasonable) scenarios to avoid real arguments.

Gem stacking would be fine, so long as drop rates are not inflated. If you can’t understand that, and have to resort to hyperbole, then you have no idea how game balancing works.

So…you admit they are boring, but because you had to deal with them 20 years ago, they should be kept…Again, for ‘my nostalgia’. :roll_eyes:

As I tried to explain, the trade you describe is an effort. You don’t enjoy it. I don’t either.
If you do the effort to collect gems, to create mules, to switch characters and to move every single gem into the trade window, you will be rewarded, because you created some rarity comparing to me, since I have been too lazy to make the same effort.
That way, it’s like you played the role of a “gem vendor”. And it has a value.

If everybody can stack hundred of gems without effort, due to stacking facility and/or infinite stash, then trade them just entering a quantity in a field (why not…), your “job” will disappear.
So maybe gems will worth nothing. Maybe crafted items will be very common. Maybe everybody will pick flawless gems, or even lower quality ones, when they weren’t doing it before.

In various ways (which are hard to predict), your game experience will be impacted. The economy will be impacted. And so on…



  • Why not an infinite stash, since we can mule ?
    The few shared stash tabs that D2R currently has is good enough QoL. Don’t want too many because muling is a part of D2. So, if you want to hold more items then you have to make more characters to hold the items, or sacrifice items by either selling/trading them off to make space for the better items you want to keep. D3 has a max of 13 stash tabs, and D2R does not need to follow suit.
  • Why not stackable gems ?
    Inventory/stash management. Gems should not stack like in D3. Each gem should still take up one square in inventory/stash like in original D2. Gotta manage with what you have.
  • Why not a charms inventory ?
    Inventory management. Although D3 doesn’t have charms you have to decide if you want to have no charms, half charms, full charms, etc. in your inventory. Most of the time people play with full charms when their character is already decked out, and for PvP, and solo games. Otherwise, public games you probably don’t need as many charms in inventory because the party is probably gonna kill the monsters without the help of charms in your/their inventory anyways.
  • Why not infinite skills respec ?
    D2 started out with no respec so once you put a stat/skill point in then you would have to create a new character to change the desired stat/skill point allocation you messed up on. Current D2 has 3 free respecs and farming Essences for infinite respecs. Fine as is, and just gives another way of playing/farming the game. D3 has infinite skills so you can change any skill/items to make any build over, and over on the same character. D2R should not follow suit. What D2R could do, though, is have an armory like D3, but without the different skills and just for different item setup. That way, when I join game if I want to MF then I click on armory, and click my MF setup character(only has different item setup, not skills. Skills still same).
  • Why not personal loot ?
    D2 = shared loot(FFA loot). D3, and most other arpg’s = personal loot. Let D2R stand out, and shine with the shared loot(FFA loot) like it’s always been. There are consequences, and reward in shared loot(FFA loot). Also, once you start making friends, and eventually clans/communities come along shared loot(FFA loot) becomes more shared, and you won’t have to worry about loot unless you’re in public games. So, with friends/clan/community members, and solo games you won’t have to worry about people ninja looting. D2R does not need to follow suit with D3, or other personal loot games.
  • Why not loot filters ?
    D2 is meant to look for the awesomeness of items among the worst of items. D3 made it too easy to see the different items on map, and main screen. Just to scroll over items, and see the one/couple awesome items whether it be a high rune/unique/set item is super exciting.

So, conclusion is every QoL/change that some people want are already in D3/other arpg’s. D2R does not need to follow suit to make the game easier. D2 has always been a game about being hard, low drop rates, management of different aspects of the game, etc. Just to be clear I do love playing D3, and all the Diablo games. It’s just D3 is a fun fast paced game that has a ton of QoL that makes the game easier, but D2R should stay D2 with minor QoL changes, and eventually more content, expansions, etc.! Long live D2, and D2R! :smiley:


Yes, they are boring !

But if I accept to keep them, it’s not for “my nostalgia”. It’s because their removal would change the way we handle our items, the decisions we take about picking an item or not, about trading it or not, etc…

And nobody can predict exactly if it will be a real improvement for the overall game experience. For sure, it will help you if you decide to keep a lot of items whatever the way you must do it (i.e through mules or infinite stash). But maybe more players will keep more stuff… Maybe it could reduce trade. Maybe it could make some unique items much more expensive.

I don’t know. And you don’t either.

In theory, D3 should be the best game ever. All the QoL features you could ask for. Heavily streamlined.

Should be fun, except it isn’t.


Gem stacking and gem drop rate does not affect each other in this situation. The question is about to be able to stack your dropped gems, why are you even talking about the drop rate here? And it doesn’t matter if I use a hyperbole to demonstrate the nonsense of using ANY amount of mules, even 1 mule just for gems is stupid. It has just no sense to force us to have ANY amount of mules to stash the gems and runes. It is not avoiding a real argument, I rather think you just didn’t understand the argument.

I understand your point, but imho the real value of gathering gems is crafting and re-rolling. I don’t think anyone pays the “You put 964 Gems in a trade window”. They pay the “you cubed all those flawless gems to perfects”-factor. As long as gems have their value in crafting and re-rolling, there will be a “job” for gathering those gems.

Maybe you’re right. Be sure I don’t pretend the opposite.
However, I guess we just don’t really know…
Maybe it would be a very poorly-paid job :wink:

And again, my topic isn’t against a specific change, but about the sum of many QoL “improvements”.

i don’t agree, from my point of view QoL don’t make the game easier, they make it playable at a point where it’s not a pain in the a$$ to play it.
i like infinite stash for my holy grail, i like to move items in and out of inventory fast because it’s horrible otherwise, i like stackable runes because it just makes them more accesible and fast to manage and i like loot filters to not miss on important drops that can hide in the clutter.
the sum of these makes it easier or just playable? i think the latter…


I’m not against some QoL, you’re right saying that it must not be a “pain” to play.
My “price to pay” doesn’t mean the game should be tedious ^^

However, I don’t think old D2 isn’t “playable” without it.
In your custom “changes bundle”, some changes could have too much impact according to me.

The difficulty is to find the good amount of changes.
So, I hope Blizzard will just do what they said announcing D2R :wink:

Well, if people wouldn’t expect the changes they are asking for having an impact on the game they wouldn’t be asking for them.

It’s up to the devs to decide which changes would have a positive and which ones a negative impact.

I still think the best way to deal with it would be to make one “No change” mode and one “QoL” mode.

But are they really aware of all the consequences and possible side-effects ?
Don’t you think it would be quite pretentious to consider we can even predict them ?

I totally agree with this :slight_smile:
I’m just trying to influence them… :smiley: :smiley:

It sounds a bit complicated, excepted for a few facilities (like gold auto-pick).

I vote for a single “Few changes” :stuck_out_tongue:

No one wants infinite stash space, we want more stash space, like 8 tabs worth at least be nice. And would be very welcome change. And most people just get 2 accounts for switching stuff over anyways its just another step that is not needed. So shared stash is very welcome.
Gems and rune stacking would be good, most would want it to be stackable in stash only and not in inventory which would be fine by me. But nothing wrong with having them stack.
Charm inventory and personal loot not a fan of, mainly because it changes the game play too much. Having charm inventory allows you to stack your inventory full of potions making game really easy.
As for personal loot that effects the whole economy which is what makes lots people play ladders for fresh economy.
And infinite respec is all ready a thing… which is great. Something you have to work toward not just do it when every you want at least.

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Even if I defend the idea of keeping “efforts” and “sacrifices”, I must admit that current D2 stash is very small, especially when playing SP mode without any third-party program.

I’ve re-installed D2 recently and I’m playing it that way, but it’s quite hard to keep runes + a few gems + some MF stuff close to “performance” stuff :confused:
And I don’t even speak about more stuff which would allow a respec…

Stash management is a real challenge ^^

D2 never stood the test of time it didn’t have longevity it died around 2004-2005. You have to idea what you are talking about.

Nevermind, it died to become a myth, which is now… resurrected ! :slight_smile:


The devil may want sacrifices but since this is a video game where we are fighting against the devil who cares what he wants. There is a difference in having gameplay that is annoying/time consuming versus being challenging and engaging.

Making things less annoying does not make the game easier but leads to more player engagement over the longterm.

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