Testing time soon

Looks like roughly a month left of seasons, and since they want a month long PTR, it seems to be getting close.

Can we get a simple season buff that doesn’t have to be manipulated.



Another buff, this game has been buffed into oblivion.


I’m really curious how the meta gameplay is going to be changed in the next season. They mentioned that with every season the meta play would change. Though S21 is the only seasonal theme where it has really changed the meta game play with “stack swapping the seasonal theme”. I’m assuming they just said that to make S21 look like its not a mistake/bug lol. I think next season its back to 1 RGK 1 Trash killer and 2 supports as usual.

The PTR will still be two weeks long, they just want longer between the end of the PTR and that patch revision being implemented to live, apparently…


So basically, back to the way it was before they shortened the time before the next season due to many-a-player riding in the waaambulance to QQ Memorial Hospital?

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That wasn’t the reason they shortened PTR testing. And it proved to be a mistake, just like the players told them.

There’s a post by Nevalistis saying “one week of testing was working well”. At that point, we knew something was very, very wrong.


I remember when it was two weeks(ish) and players cried that it was too long before the start of a new season. I thought it was perfect. But they cried and cried and cried, which was funny since so many of they championed non-season play, and then boom it was shortened to a week(ish). That was nice for a little while, till all the issues with the seasonal themes started.

That has not, nor will ever, happen.

Testing time needed is usually also dependent on the changes done.

So yes, for some seasons one week ptr would have been enough.

Given that they seem to plan many balance changes and likely will present some weird, new season buff and possibly more, 2 weeks of ptr testing seems logical.

Even ptr testing likely does not catch all bugs / issues. So needing to patch an active season is always something that might be needed.

Despite some issues, I feel like that D3 is pretty stable. I have seen worse games…

I personally think this season will last an extra 4 to 5 weeks longer than normal. This will give a little bit of extra time to make more changes to as many builds as they can.

Expect PTR in about a month


Slightly extended is a week or two. significantly extended is a month.

Depends on who you ask.
Soon for blizzard is a longer period of time than other gaming companies imo.

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well we know PoE is announcing there next league soon, So I’m willing to bet we’ll get the ptr notes around the same timeline. as for the extended ptr I’m fine with 2 weeks, but I would rather they did like 3 weeks, 1 week of initial changes, then second changes, then a week of final changes to be tested before patch goes live, and possible fixs to issue’s in the final notes test. because reasons.

I’m willing to bet though we’ll see something either thursday or Friday. since blizzard rarely talks about any test realm changes on any platform before Wednesdays for all there IP’s.

I want to see some love go to all those Legendary items THAT DO NOT have any abilities at all and some tweaking to those that have been collecting dust since they were last viable.

It would be really nice to see some LoD / LoN variations and maybe different Legendaries here and there in existing builds for little extra spice or just a different flavor.


Make Gems Great Again

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I want the cow portal to close after the 4th chest opens up from the “tipping point” event.

Also if a party meember has a CoE it should show next to the portrait to help other players know when to cast certain skills.

You got me thinking, why not make the cow level like a GR, so players accept the Cow invitation or not and then it runs for say 3 mins and auto closes. You get what you can within the 3 minutes.

Oh i forgot to mention that opening the 4th/last chest from the event would start a countdown timer starting from 1 min, so you would clear map then start the event, finish the event to start counter to close. Your idea seems pretty fun and funny, we would be running around like crazy trying to grab everything before the timer runs out lol.

When opening a new cow portal,can overwrite the previous cow portal. don’t need a timer

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