Testing time soon

They could try something completely different. Considering a lot of people have said that the characters have become overpowered, they could do a reverse 10% buff to damage and resistances across the board to all enemies. Call it whatever you like “Season of pain”, or "Season of Bite Me" or “Season of don’t like the buff then tough”…whatever.

I am not saying it is necessarily a good idea, but it is certainly different.

Season of Agony and Ecstasy, all damage is halved, but all rewards and drop rates are doubled?

Not to get anyone hyped, but PTR patches generally (nearly always?) start on Thursday.

Aw man. So if it doesnt come out today we have to wait another week for next thursday!??!!? I dislike waiting lol.

You must be new here. This is Blizzard :stuck_out_tongue:

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