Streamer: "Small Nerf"

I understand the rage, I do. But worst case scenario, SS didn’t get any nerfs and it’s not just mindless spinning. I was a barb main before necro so I want the class to be good just as much as you guys



In what dimention of reality is a 66% nerf small!?

Two thirds of the damage gone.

So it lost a full 10 GR’s… Just when we thought they were starting to “get it”.

Wow… just wow.


The interesting part is 7GR nerf… while it is most probably lower than that. Get your S together.

You should know my writing style by now. Yogibear is not me. If every account that someone claims was one of my alts, I would have 50 additional accounts already (hyperbole). :wink:

Maybe it is 40GR nerf?

Nah, I’m not you. I just love when people go ape about something that has little to no effect on their ability to be a high ranking (if that somehow matters) D3 player. No one goes “Well you only did 130 LOL, that necro did 140!”. On the contrary more people tend to laugh at the OP classes that don’t do as well even while playing the OP class. “LOL thorns necro only doing 130, this necro did 140”. It’s such a strange argument to me. I get not wanting to receive nerfs. Be thankful you get something that is new for High GRs. Sign- A 6 Season WoL monk.

At any rate, maybe after a little venting it will cool down and the heads will be back on straight. I think the vast majority of the barb community are very intelligent and very dedicated. It’s this dedication that pours gasoline into the fire when something like this happens.

I honestly don’t know this lordfluffy fellow besides hearing about being a streamer or what not. I do know from personal experiences when words are not chosen correctly, it can be a huge mistake. I have done this many times and I’m sure I have done it on this forum as well…maybe even in this post. When I do, I sometimes realize my mistake and try to rectify it…other times I left in awe as I don’t understand why I made someone so upset.

Doesn’t help we can’t see physical reactions to typing… SO IF I DO THIS, most people would assume I’m yelling…in text form.



Any nerf is asinine when classes are strictly compared to the same class, but 10 years in or w/e the hell it is here we are.

Hopefully this analogy helps explain it a bit.

Say you’re in school and it’s test day. Everyone get’s a different test.

Wizards: The 10 oldest kids get the easiest test, they all get an A+.

Necro/DH/WD/Sader: The 10 shortest kids get a medium level test. They all get B’s.

Barb/Monk: The last 10 kids are picked at random and get an extremely hard test. They all fail.

How would that make you feel if you were in the barb category getting a very hard test?

You’re all in the same grade and in the same class, but it’s your grade. You only compete against yourself. You’re grade doesn’t affect another childs chance to get into college and vice versa. Is it fair?


Meaningless means you shouldn;t care.

I had a feeling you would nit-pick at minute details of the story I just put together and not look at the overall meaning. Oh well.

Edit: I took out the last part about meaningless reasons. Can you answer again? Take some time to actually think about it as well, please.


Hope your tweet is just a example of 2.6.6 drops that were occurring in the PC/Mac 2.6.7 PTR that I encountered and a few others. Yeah that happened on rare occasions. Whether it was fixed for the console PTR who knows it could have still been present. Just weird to buy chests or get drops in a PTR not of the 2.6.7 season. Blizzard likely took care of it, but who knows. :grinning:

You can see the bug topic here.

Blizzard responded. Previous PTR’s I don’t remember that fault. Not at all saying Blizzard didn’t nerf it back to original, just a chance of bug being still present.

In the other thread I said 4-5 GR nerf would be enough.

Top theory-crafter SVR said that belt change results in 3.5-4 GR nerf.

Time Stamp 02:04:00

Now go ahead and call him troll also. I mean, he is wizard main.


Ohh wow you convinced me, a guy at blizzcon sitting on couch telling us out of the blue that this is only a “small nerf”, dang. So i can now finally go to sleep knowing this is only a small nerf. Puuuhhhh.


He also said he disagreed with the nerf. He’s also smart enough that if he does the math he’ll come up with 7-8 Gr’s lower, it was an off the cuff remark.


He is creator of Bazooka build… and he also said he is not against Bazooka nerf.

Some people are more realistic than barb community.


Yes I know who he is. You however chose to lie by omission and imply he’s in favor of the nerf when he clearly states in that video he is against the nerf to the Barbs.


Where did I say that he is for or against the nerf? I dont lie you do. You LIE that I said that he is for the nerf.

Peewee, I’ll even entertain what he said. It’s wrong, but let’s go with. Let’s say it’s a 4 tier nerf.

Every single other class at 10.5k paragon would be clearing 140+. 3 classes are at or above 140 with less than 10.5k paragon. If the nerf is 4 tiers, it means that we’ll be at 136.

While everyone else is 140+, some even being 144/145 barbs will have to get 10.5k paragon just to get to 136. You think that’s fair? That’s what you want?