Stone Gauntlets

The item has an armor buff and attack speed debuff that stacks 4 times.
50 percent armor and 20 percent attack debuff… both on the player. This actually makes you stand still and do nothing. Sure you have incredibly high armor but cannot play. I expect making the item useless was unintended that makes it a bug. The armor buff is nice for extended torments but it is unplayable as is. The only person who would use this is a bot farmer with Thorns because standing in one place and letting the enemy kill itself is what they do best.

This is not a bug. It was intended to use it with root immunity items, skills. Items such as Ice Climber or skills such as Iron Skin, Akkharat’s Champion, etc.


Not a bug.

Stone Gauntlets provide a benefit (increased armour) and a penalty (the slowed movement and attack speed). The intention is that you’re expected to utilise other items or abilities to remove the penalty but keep the benefit. For example…

  1. Equip or Cube the Ice Climber boots
  2. Use an Invigorating Gem at Rank 25 or higher
  3. Maintain 100% up-time on your class’s uber-ability, e.g. Wrath of the Berserker on a Barbarian, Akarat’s Champion on a Crusader, and so on.