Start Game Greyed Out - Unable to join game, only available to party leader

We’re bumping our internal thread on this today to see if we can get any more information on this, but keep in mind that we don’t tend to update threads unless we have information to share or need to moderate, as we did earlier. I can’t promise anything will come of this as this is a core system of the game, but I do want to address something that’s been brought up in this thread a few times.

While it is theoretically possible for us to unmute players which might work around this, we’re not in the practice of reversing these kinds of account actions for this sort of reason. Regardless of this unexpected behavior, the accounts which have been muted were muted for a reason. If you have an extended duration suspension, a user of your account must have broken our terms of use several times. As such, the account actions will stand until they expire.

At this time we have no more information to share, hence the lack of updates. We’re not ignoring you, and I’m personally reading all of the posts in this thread, but because of the nature of this issue, we’re also waiting for updates before confirming any information.