After some testing on my own, looking at the numbers involved, and seeing Deal use Squirt’s in his 145 MOTE clear, I have come to some conclusions.
At this time, I believe Squirt’s to be the best “max fishing” amulet for all of our fishiest builds- meaning Zodiac Rend, Leapquake, and the now-seldom-played Vile Charge. In each of these builds, Squirt’s would be taken as an alternative to a Hellfire amulet. And it is the general mediocrity of Hellfire amulets that makes Squirt’s an attractive option.
With ZR, a Hellfire essentially lets you swap out two CDR rolls for other dps stats, (by giving you Boon) and assuming you’ve already built to an optimal spec, this is likely to be Str- +2000 maximum. For a low paragon player with, say, 10k Str, this would be a substantial addition, but for that player, they would have already been better off keeping the Str and dropping weapon damage, essentially capping the dps gain of the Hellfire at +10%, maximum. For a player like me, with 26k Str, there would be a 7.7% dps gain, and for a player like Chris with maybe 45k Str, only a 4.4% gain.
With Leapquake, Hellfire lets you pick up Brawler, which is a 10-13% gain, depending on which setup you’re playing.
And with Vile Charge, Hellfire is only able to add a defensive passive.
So in comparison to these very modest benefits, what do we get from Squirt’s?
Well, it depends a little on which build we’re talking about, and of course on rng.
I should make it clear here that the whole idea of using Squirt’s with these builds is to use the benefit while protected by a Shield pylon. You are not trying to achieve Squirt’s uptime by altering your playstyle in any way.
So, obviously, in any rift that doesn’t generate a Shield pylon, the benefit is essentially zero.
But, what about when you do get a Shield pylon? Then you get a significant benefit, and this can combine with other pylons to increase that benefit.
For instance, as Chris pointed out the other day, it is hard to kill elites with ZR, even with a Power pylon. Leap and VC have the same problem: even with a Power, you usually can’t kill yellows you haven’t already whittled down a good ways.
But, with Shield + Power + Squirt’s, you now have a 10x multiplier rather than a 5x one, and at that level of damage you will kill basically anything very quickly. This is also true of the RG, of course, where Power + Shield will shorten the time a lot (and, of course, you will be completely immune to damage for the entire duration of the RG fight).
With MOTE, which gets a significant damage buff from Channeling pylons, due to increased WOTB uptime and more frequent shouts (damage bonus roughly 2x), stacking Channeling + Shield leads to a 4x multiplier. For a demonstration, see Deal’s recent video in which he mows down a half-dozen elites in a GR 145.
VC would get a similar buff from the combo of Shield + Speed, since that build benefits from the additional move speed via Standoff.
So, in all these instances, what Squirt’s does is allow you to stack one significant multiplier atop another, which increases the value of both. And of course, the act of clicking those multiple pylons also spawns multiple elites, giving more progression that can be extracted while your damage is inflated.
And even if you just find an isolated Shield pylon and use it to help execute a few good trash pulls, that is still not bad value. If you look at the value of that damage averaged out over the time span of the whole rift, it works out to a 13% dps gain, equal to or slightly better than what you get from Brawler with Leapquake, which is already the best-fit Hellfire among the 3 builds we’re looking at.
I’ll say again that this is definitely the “fishy” option. If you don’t get a Shield pylon, you get nothing. And extracting the maximum value from this gearing choice entails finding combinations of useful pylons in relatively close proximity.
But still: are you really going to choose 5% more Str over the chance to obliterate the RG with 10x damage?
Finally, let me touch on the issue of the additional damage that can be dealt to you as a result of Squirt’s stacks. This is, in fact, generally a non-issue. All these builds are melee builds that get hit continuously, meaning that Squirt’s stacks will generally remain at zero, most of the time. And that means that while you may not be dealing any extra damage at those moments, you are also not taking any extra damage, either.