[Guide] Zodiac Rend (Season 20)

Going to answer both this question and your one about Squirt’s from the other thread…

With 1700-1800 paragon, and some augs, I would definitely expect you to be able to do 131. I did 128 with Leapquake at <1000 paragon and no augs, in about 100 keys spent on everything, both leveling gems and pushing, for the whole season. So Rend, which is a stronger set, with a bunch more mainstat, should be able to do 131 no problem.

That’s assuming you’re playing properly, of course, using Spear + Stomp. This season, Rend is really strong in good maps due to the Ring of Fire effect from Terror shard. With good pulls on good maps/mobs, you can generate one ring after another and just burn everything to death.

Well, if you haven’t read my Squirt’s Analysis post, you may want to do that.

But the bottom line is, yes, Squirt’s is not always good, and yes, it makes the build more fishy. And, a Hellfire is a perfectly acceptable option, if you haven’t found a good Squirt’s.