Season 21 PTR - Organized DH Feedback Thread! 🏹

Thank you for popping in here to let us know that we’re being heard!

Also, I am actively adding content to the original post as more ideas come in so be sure to check back on the last section (Some Other Suggestions/Ideas) from time to time for new or updated ideas.

The goal of this thread was to consolidate all the testing and feedback in one organized place for easier communication of ideas. Currently, the PTR feedback forum is inundated with hundreds of screaming voices which is very hard to follow since there is often a lot of overlapping concerns!


Whenever you update the OP or add new content you might want to make a new post stating this. It will show up as new comments and alert players and Blizz to the new content being added.  

And, if I haven’t said it already, thanks for this thread and to all those who contributed.  


Slaydra feedback/review
Necro MoBC discussed 3:11 time point
DH GoD build discussed 6:38 time point

Thanks for the video links. It’s great that you’re trying to help out with ideas and suggestions here but it would be more helpful for me if you could isolate the key ideas and thoughts from these videos into bullet points. Then compare those points with those that are already mentioned in my original post, and finally just list the ones I don’t have or didn’t consider.

Since there are so many voices for ptr feedback and so many overlapping thoughts from different players, it would save a lot of time to filter out ideas and comments which are already mentioned.


I hear you. But we need to give them chance. It seems PezRadar is doing good job. I already like him.

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I resonate with Saidosha in the instance that Blizz does hate in every game they produce with the word ‘hunter’ in its name for a class. Check out World of Warcraft and Hearthstone for example.

That said, good to see PezRadar replying to us on these threads and that our feedback is heard.

Welcome. Hope you like your new job. Glad to see you responding on here


See below the description about Archery passive of DH Class!

Bow: 8% increased damage
Crossbow: 50% Critical Hit Damage
Hand Crossbow: 5% Critical Hit Chance
2nd Hand Crossbow: 1 Hatred per second.

When the passive was created, we did not have the Shadow build!!
I believe it would be interesting to add something about
dagger damage too!!!


indeed a good idea, could be an alternative os passive, depending on the buff

[Definition]: Archery - the sport or skill of shooting with a bow and arrows, especially at a target.


Thank you for the update. When can we expect the next version of PTR?

As I mentioned, “When the passive was created, we did not have the Shadow build”, this passive must be redesigned the name too !!! Pls do not consider the name of the passive, young padawan!!!

There is always the need for videos of gameplay illustrating how or why something is not functioning for Blizzard, this is one of the tactics the barbs used to prove a point. I will compare when I get a chance. Thanks for coordinating this effort. :slightly_smiling_face:

While it would be nice for the developers to revisit every skill and passive in the game for one big overhaul, let’s try to keep the discussion focused around this patch. The developers will likely not change anything not already listed in the patch notes; you can save these ideas for another thread like this one.

True but sifting through video content is much slower than quickly reading over pertinent bullet points. The community managers and developers do not have the time to view every feedback video made.

That would be great. :slight_smile:


From what I understand, archery is about bows and arrows…Not daggers. But I guess it wouldn’t be so hard to change the name of the passive skill. Also, we already use 4 viable passive skills. Awareness, Cull the Weak, Numbing Traps, Ambush, Leech, and the very rare appearance of Perfectionist. So that’s 6. Add in Tactical Advantage and/or Hot Pursuit. I can only assume you want a better passive skill that provides more dmg? I admit, ambush isn’t completely great for Impale.

Linking here also for some lols:

just strafe build for t16 bounties and rifts.

A wild blue appears. That’s cool, if they can actually get into consideration everything that was tested thoroughly and presented with it’s bugs, lack of dps, synergy etc… Then we can hope for a fun set to play with next season. I just hope it’ll be viable to put DH’s back on the Meta.

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Not sure if this has been highlighted but pls fix the companion ferret skill.
Pls do not let it be cap at the 25% soft cap speed limit.


new ptr notice is up - lots of changes to GoD 2pc/4pc issues but no change to the 10k 6pc bonus…

**edit added PTR notes not live yet :slight_smile: thx Iria