another topic by the first one about why personal loot is so bad and for the other it’s not a whole thread but a clear anti-personal looter
The problem people had with her was looking masculine and too old. They fixed those. You can debate her beauty or not, but she is not william defoe anymore.
god i detest that guy, nothing but a click baiter who doesn’t actually play the games he does vids on. a friend of mine was in a guild back in day with him, said he was annoying back then, and still is today. if people go to that dork for information, i honestly feel sorry them. it’s like fox news but worse.
Sure you can, sorry but I am going to take the word of a popular D2/D3/D2R streamer who has used personal loot options successfully in his streams in the past over you.
i might not agree with rhykker always but at least he sites all the places he gets his info from so you can do your own research and come to your own conclusions. The same can not be said for fox news.
nearly forgot to add something, You found them, the 2 supporting threads you wanted to link, and yes they support you for some weird reason, but now i see what you wanted to show me, thanks for linking the right ones
i do still belive ploot will lead to increased rate, as some people dont know that 50% does not mean you get an item every other time, but that each time an item drops there is a 50% chance you get picked, and you can be the l00ser 100 times in a row even if the statistic says 50% chance of getting it… and that person will than yell i never get anything its unfair gimme gimme gimme, and he wont realize that, thats how chances are and increasing the number of items does not affect only him or her but every one. ploot is a disease… loong term peeps think long term, dont be short sighted
That will also apply to FFA loot and could be far worse for FFA if cheats are in multiplayer (macro/pickit).
One of the main concerns with Rhyker in his new video. A personal loot option that he wants will prevent that.
i am more meaning as ‘a complete waste of time watching him’ kinda deal.
actually they were pretty easy to find one i saw pop up a long time ago before i ever talked on this forum and the other happened 3 days ago and was pretty active for the day. i am sure i could find more if i actually looked but i can’t be bothered.
the problem of course is we know long term FFA loot leads to increased drop chance we can’t know that for personal loot in d2 because it hasn’t been added yet. You can speculate but you don’t actually know where as FFA has already led to increased drop rate in the long term.
Basically how I feel about llama
However rhykkers way of talking drives me nuts
At which point they will be laughed off the board, what’s your point?
Proof you don’t know how statistics and samples work
frankly, I am not a big fan of either rhyker or llama. Drunsky isnt my jam either.
I frankly have been really like Seers little videos and I love the carbot animations
I’ll have to check out Seers and yeah I watch every Carbot
* ** *
I find them equal parts, sarcasm and information.
I clipped the part where Rhyker specifically talks about a personal loot option in his new video so you don’t have to.
if the ploot is visible to everyone than maybe, just maybe you would be right, if the ploot is not visible to everyone than some people will simple think, there was none or they wont realize that there was in fact a super rare item that dropped. in any case i still hold to ffa and no increase. but macro and pickit wont be the biggest issue if we look at cheats, it would be botting and though bot uses pickit, and while pick it is a cheat i wish would dissapear it is not as bad as botting
Actually it is just as bad if not worse since players can use a script to steal loot without the same risk of being banned due to the heuristic nature of bots vs a player executing a script to pick up loot so it’s less detectable. If you Google for it, it’s also the first link on Google for the source code on GitHub to download and use it.
i see it a little differently i see them as equally bad. botting hurts the game a ton (we actually don’t know how much tbh because we have never seen a diablo 2 economy without botted/duped/hacked items) but pickit hurts people directly. When you bot you are usually doing stuff solo or having people follow you so they can leach xp and you get more drops. With pickit you are preying on other players without their initial knowledge.