PTR 2.6.8 - Last Minute Buff Requests for DH


~D3 Demon Hunter Survey for Change

Hi Nev & Devs,

As Nev explained in a previous post, there wasn’t enough time to put forward a proper set of changes for the Demon Hunter class.

Most of the DH community is sad about this news, but optimistic for radical game changing buffs in the following PTR.

This season (19) was particularly dry for avid Demon Hunters, and non-season performance was excruciatingly uninspiring. Many dropped the class but kept interest by playing Barb and the new Crusader and Monk sets. This is healthy short-term, but disheartening for loyal DH players long-term.

The truth is right now DH is a fifth wheel in groups. Other classes have endured this struggle and I’m sure most would agree it’s bad for the game.

  • Frustrating for the DH player because they don’t contribute damage in groups.
  • Irritating for other classes because the DH is slowing them down.

In Season 20, the theme is compelling for only one DH build (N6M4 Multishot), this build is fragile and clunky to play due to resource issues, and unlikely to be be picked up.

That all in mind, I am requesting quick buffs to mainstream DH legendary items, so that our tried and true builds can once again keep up. The following low-risk recommendations will raise the ceiling of solo clears by 5-7GRs, while tightening up the class balance.

MULTISHOT (2.25x or 5-6GRs)
Yang's Recurve: 350%
Dead Man's Legacy: 350% 

CLUSTER ARROW (2.5x or 6GRs)
Manticore: 900%

IMPALE (2.52x or 6GRs)
Karlei's Point: 500%
S2 Set Bonus: 12000% 

FAN OF KNIVES (2.98x or 7GRs being relevant)
Lord Greenstone's Fan: 1200%

DEFENSE (Most Builds)
Wraps of Clarity: 75%
Elusive Ring: 80%

As a little social experiment, it’d be interesting to see how these changes influence player decisions – I don’t think these numbers are going to propel players past GR140 in non-season, but they will certainly help close a much needed gap.

We welcome more exciting buffs and mechanics for Chakram, Elemental Arrow, Traps, Strafe in PTR 2.6.9 – and hope you will consider this request. Thank you!


As for a small overview of “quick fixes”, this list is a good summary.

But remember!
They said, they wanna bring out the sets! This is the priority step for them. Even though, these buffs would make sense in a short/mid term, it might not be more necessary TO THEM, than the release of the sets…just saying!

Anyway, +1

5 - 7 GR’s might be a generous estimate for only the most dedicated, given that these suggestions don’t come with a defensive boost. Not to mention that these changes could possibly cause a huge backlash down the road if it doesn’t line up with what blizzard has in stored later and these items get rolled back or “adjusted”

Nevertheless, I support the concept of what you’re doing :slight_smile:


Plus 1 dmkt. I’ll keep asking for buffs to the Strafe weapons to be added to the list. Such an easy fix, and there’s no way it could end up OP because right now it’s soooo weak.


Even just a bone at this point would be nice. Being ommited (again) in the next patch means it’s going to be several more months before we start to even hear anything about their plans for DH.

Nothing to add from my point. Thank you for bringing this up!


I like it a lot. Make it happen Blizz!

Most disheartening is I’m one of these…I rolled S19 Barb/Sader/DH. Can’t find gear for Sader so pretty much dropped it but between Barb and DH, the power difference is ridiculous.

Granted, more time on Barb means slightly better gear…but considering both toons are on par sheet DPS and toughness, I struggle with 100 on DH - my top is like a 13min 102 clear while I’m consistently doing 4-5 min 105 clears with Barb.

We can’t forget defensive buffs - all power and no defense makes Jack a dead DH.

Kudos to ya dmkt for bringing this up - but I fear the DH community is not nearly as large/vocal as the Barbs…

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I really don’t understand why a multiplier hasn’t been added to Kridershot yet, seriously.

I came here to see if I should test n6m4 Multishot on PTR seasonal. After reading this I will not be testing it.

Been a nightmare beeing DH for 19 seasons and hope for some 4man group play. We were lucky in Season 10 when the shadow set was reworked and we were able to be the RGK, but our luck was not long as we where replaced by the necro as RGK in season 11 and they had the spot for s11-s18 and then in s19 crusader or even no RGK became the option for 4mans with the angel spawn.

One other problem for DH`s is that most of the sets playstyle were pretty good for solo push or bounties, key farm, low leg gem lvling with speedy gr down to 1.5min avg runs. But if you played in any kind of group of 2-3-4 your dmg was out of the window in any gr above gr 90++.

So yeah not been that fun playing as a DH , and if you wanted higher core leg gems or higher augments you had to play either as support monk/barb or the trash killer. For me i have been playin zMonk for the last 12 seasons to kinda support my DH as i could still get items with Dex on it then. So that season 10 was our 15 minutes of fame.

So even if DH get some amazing buffs in s21 that makes DH able to be the trash killler or RGK , its abit way to late as most of my friends / clan have stopped playing and the playerbase is so low now. So i could never enjoy the DH as much i wanted as i was forced to support my DH by playing a diff class for way to many seasons. And they could not even just give a bone, so for this season i just played some barb and then next i will play some Crusader. While i hope they will give DH some proper love even if its at the end of D3 lifecycle.


would be nice to atleast just see some few changes, and not just new sets + item rework with the new patch

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Hello TrvAix, it will feel like this in group:

But you will need a little more DR from a zbarb to make up for the lost armor from giving cube slot to DML. The damage will be ~2.10x better, so imagine ripping through GR115 in 5-6 min @ 1300ish paragon 14k main stat.

You could also do some interesting stuff early on by giving up Endless Walk for Obsidian Ring + Flavor of Time to gain near full time vengeance. It’s possible to mostly sustain multishot without Yangs + znec too, here is an old vid showing N6M4 Multi with OrotZ and 55% CDR, when N6 was at 3500%:


Here’s an idea, not necessarily specific to DH but tell me it’s a bad idea…

Make the Legendary Bonus ranges for Ancients narrower. I can’t tell you how many Ancient Yang’s I’ve trashed this season that were decent, but then had a 15x multiplier.

Be like this for Yang’s:

Leg - 150-200 MS
Anc - 175-200 MS
Prim - 200 MS

I mean it’s standard for rest of the stats (500 main vs 650 on armor / 750 vs 1000 on weaps) so how hard could it be to fix???

It’s like when you get what appears to be a sweet upgrade to your Karlei’s and then see it rolled 305 or 325 Impale bonus…


There are statistics on a third-party site. DH is the most popular class. Imagine what will happen, if he is in Meta.


@dmkt can we also suggest buffing Elusive Ring to 80%DR from 60%? We need more toughness badly, esp if there’s going to be a jump to higher GR pushes. I’ve always wanted a Band of Might equivalent for DHs, that is an easy fix to solve a lot of issues.


Yes, i added wraps in there, but Elusive should also be at 80% for our other builds.



Final patch notes are out, and… we got basically nothing.

  • Demon Hunter
    • Fixed an issue where In-geom was not properly dropping for Demon Hunters

It’s okay. It was a good push out the door.

I have to say, this is the lowest I’ve felt in over 2 1/2 years of playing D3. Even when I took a break last summer for a few months, it was just because I was burnt out, not downtrodden.

We’re just falling further and further behind, and the odds of us being brought up to even just the pack later are getting worse. The more time goes by, the more radical changes will be necessary and I don’t think Blizz wants to do that.

Not sure where to go from here. I guess I’ll roll a Barb for s20 (I want those Andariel wings), and try WWRend? I need to have a drink(s) tonight lol…

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