With a charm inventory, everyone will just be throwing their charms in their nice, empty 4x10 space without a thought. No, thanks. Obviously, that’ll change the feel of the game for everyone. And no, the game is not only the very end of a char’s levels. That’d be quite an arrogant perspective. Since this is only an issue for the thuper 1337 end game farmers, why is the suggestion not to have it unlock at level 93 or something? Even then, there’d be issues. But it wouldn’t be as bad as changing the feel of the game for every other level - you know, the cool part of D2 where players need to think about whether to keep a charm or not. Though it seems you don’t think that experience is important.
That’s so not what other people think. I vote for 4x4 max.
They still need to think and charms also have requirement level as you might know, so no, you can’t just do whatever you want and it will be exactly the same, you just wont have to repeatedly go back and forth because of 1 item
It will be exactly the same? People will have so much more space to throw their charms in their inventory. Now, we need to consider whether or not to keep them. Players are not just always keeping all of them and damning their inventory space right now. That’s happening only for the end game farmers. There are a lot of other players, monsieur. So what if there’s a level requirement? That won’t stop people from using them as soon as they can. This argument is literally only for a subset of hardcore, inv-filling, willfully-suffering farmers. So fine, unlock a charm inventory at lvl 93. Could you answer - why is that not what is being suggested? Why is the suggestion to have another entire 4x10 space of charms for everyone? Of course that would change the feel of the game for everyone - and for the non-1337 farmers even more.
seems like you got the idea wrong my friend, you leave the inventory for charms as it is, and you add another inventory above it that can’t have any charms in it, just for items
Or you create a 4x4 charm inventory similar to the cube that works exclusive to charms. Then the people pick up charms decide which ones they want to use and put them into that space. Then discard the charms they can’t use or keep them as backup for quick-swap.
Oh, thank you so much for helping me understand 2=2, my friend. What a marvelous revelation
no reason to limit current charm use, if you want the added 4x4 space can be the item space and the normal inventory remains for the charms as it is with no changes
A person can only invest 20 points into a skill and can stack up to +29 skill points, giving your character a level 49 ability because of charms. That’s enough to recognize the stacking in this game is both stupid and ridiculous.
Meanwhile, bots enter games exclusively, just to use enchant buffs.
you are still talking about balancing, this topic is about quality of life and has nothing to do about you wanting to nerf existing game mechanics.
The only realistic QoL with charms is with nerfing. It’s a bad mechanic that relies on inventory space for increased power, diminishing the value of equipped items.
You could also get rid of most charms altogether and limit you to 3 unique charms. But then have a few different varieties of unique charms drop from different location, giving you different farming locations. You would then have to decide on which ones you want to keep on that character.
‘I’ll tldr this’ proceeds to write an essay.
This has been discussed to death at this point. I think most people with an opinion one way or another understand what a charm inventory is.
no need to make new charm thread, ther are plenty.
ps. charm inventory is not a QOL change.
then what is it if not a quality of life change?
you have been given the answer in all the other posts. if you cant see why its not a QOL by now. you never will.
why don’t you enlighten me so
I am so sick of this discussion. Please stop refering to PD2. It is a damn mod and not the reference for D2R… Wait for PD2R if you do not want to play the game without the additional features but don’t force D2R to be like PD2! Don’t act like all D2 fans moved over to PD2 because the majority didn’t (Because of the additional features!!!)
Having full inventory open to items/potions while having +13 to skills and other stats is not the same experience at all.
I play mainly vanilla and enjoy it better then the mods, this feature so happens to be in the mode you are referring to but in no shape or form do I want it to be PD2 nor I have ever played said mod
having said that why don’t you read my elaborated explanation as to why it will be a good addition in this post: PSA, Charm inventory and you - #20 by SoulsKeeper-1639
Ok I did.
So you want to Streamline the f*** out of D2R that it feels like every other sh***y game out there? Games become to easy and that is what makes them boring to play. Don’t be lazy and make decissions by yourself and not the game!
Here is my answer from a discussion from last month:
P.s.: You oversee that a charm inventory also force you to fill it completly. People will start using every charm they find until the charm inventory is full and then start to exchange for better ones. For me that sounds absolutly boring and the game is telling me how much charms I have to use. The only questions remaining will be which charms to use for which build.