Post your season theme idea for S25 or S26

I can’t think of a proper season theme but I know what I want as a cosmetic next season; Henri the Cat Jr.

I would personally like that since I missed a bunch of themes from my 3 year break. But it would be a bad sign unless they also said “we have new themes coming later don’t worry”.

Meh, I’m bored atm…

Knowledge for Power
A special red fountain is added to each act hub. Upon drinking from it, the player no longer gains experience points in any form. In exchange for the inability to cultivate one’s knowledge, the items they find will be of higher quality.

How it works:

  • Level 1-70: The minimum affix value of an item is increased by x% where x is the player’s current level at the time of drop.
  • Level 70, Torment 1-6: The 70% enhancement remains with an additional 3% improvement per Torment level.
  • Level 70, Torment 7-12: All legendary and set items now drop Ancient with a 5% boost to minimum affix ranges per Torment level.
  • Level 70, Torment 13-16: An additional 5% minimum value is added. Primals can also start dropping regardless of GR70 clear status.
  • GR70-100: The minimum affix range of Ancients continues to improve up to 95%. The drop rates of Primals also increase.
  • GR101-120: All set and legendary items drop as primals. However, primals now have additional affix ranges that exceed current caps by 1% per GR level dropped (100-120%). The success rate of leveling legendary gems is improved by a flat 50% and players gain 2 additional attempts.
  • GR121-149: Primals now drop at 120% power, with an additional 1-30% variable range based on GR level. Gem success rate increased by a flat 75% and players gain 5 additional attempts.
  • GR150: All primals now drop at 150% power, fully maxed affixes. A chosen gem is instantly maxed out. If no gem upgrade is desired, you can select an affix to reforge on a piece of gear just like the Mystic without the 1-affix limitation. Congrats on beating the game?

Closing thoughts:
Part of me views this all as a combination of tightening affix ranges, making endgame progression feel a bit better by trimming out garbage drops, and reviving the idea of v1 primals. When a player feels like their gear is in a good place, they can hop back onto the paragon treadmill under the usual rules. Figure breaking caps on things that don’t now could also open a bit more flexibility and help soloists establish a better baseline. Certain features could be permanently adopted, but some are more to emphasize the seasonal quirkiness.

Interesting. But wouldn’t you just build xyz speed meta group. Run a few hours in opening week. Then rest of season just gain max exp with the loot squired?

There would be some give and take in this sense. People will be at different phases of progression while RNG may not always cooperate and you’d not see something specific drop for a while. Of course, the meta winds up the eventuality, anyway. This would just raise the bar some for those not partaking and are otherwise persistent.

Bonuses diminishing based on players in game is always an option, as well.

Season of partial sets.

Change lon set to: As long as you don’t have a 6pc bonus active gain 15000% damage

Allow us to mash together 2 - 4 set bonuses. And just see what comes out. You will lose a little bit of damage compared to lod/lon. You would lose the Dr provided with lon. And it would take up 2 jewelry slots. I’d be interested to see what comes out of it.

I do expect it to be OP. But with 13 slots available. You’d realistically only be able to have 2 4pc defense bonuses since you’d still need to have a weapon set on. It also brings blackthorn’s in as a possibility of wanted pieces. Since pants give %element and a green neck slot option.

For season only play you could bring back the rrog bonus, unlocked cube or/and 4th cube option.for something extra spicy.

Edit 1: possible wiz build vyrs4 + chantodos+captain2+auguilds2+blackthorn’s2.lon2
Cube would be swami, furnace, rrog?

Edit2: after playing with d3 planner the multiplier would have to be significantly higher to offset the fact you are losing out on some support damage legendarys, but I guess one could wear those items and forgo part of the set bonus?

edit 3: changed the LoN ring bonus to just be a flat mulitplier from xyz per ancient set peice to just not having 6pc bonus

edit 4: after further thinking on the idea. that just doing a flat bonus would disincentive ever using the 6pc set. and most sets would become really unbalaced due to this… I still would have loved to atleast played with the idea on the PTR :stuck_out_tongue:

edit 5: add generic mulitplier to hallowed set. then we can go back to the per ancient set item idea as long as you don’t have a 6pc bonus active. I think that would allow for all classes to have atleast 1 weapon set choice, and still have a competive build with the other 6pc sets.

Seasonal Theme:
Rift Guardians will spawn as 2 random Infernal machine event bosses scaled up to GR difficulty. Bosses can also drop normal hellfire recipe organs, and occasionally “Primal” versions of the organs, which are used to create Seasonal Primal Hellfire Rings and Amulets.

Seasonal Primal Hellfire Ring

  • +1500 (Dexterity, Intelligence, Strength, or Vitality)
  • Chance to launch a MASSIVE explosive ball of Hellfire when you attack. (10%)
  • Reduces the number of items needed for set bonuses by 1 (Ring of Royal Grandeur)
  • Always contains a socket
  • +1 random secondary affix
  • Increase BONUS experience by 150%

Seasonal Primal Hellfire Amulet

  • +2500 (Dexterity, Intelligence, Strength, or Vitality)
  • Gain two random passive skills
  • +3 random magic properties
  • Always contains a socket
  • +1 additional random Kanai’s Cube slot (Weapon, armor, or ring)
  • +1 random secondary affix
  • Increase pickup radius by 100%

New generic (any class) set The “Huxtable Sweater”:

  • 2P: +25% pickup radius. 50% Experience when attacking succubi.
  • 4P: Randomly stuns 1 to 60 Monsters in pickup radius for 6 seconds. 1% Damage reduction for each stunned monster.
  • 6P: +75% increase CDR to cheat death mechanics. +1500% Monster Gold. 200% increased chance to spawn Rainbow Goblins. 1% Chance for character to randomly spawn anywhere in the game after picking up a Power Globe.

Seasonal reward is a Kanai’s Cube pet that burps and makes random sexual innuendos.

I want the gems. Imagine also just being able to socket everything else with a stupid number of normal gems. How about a season where you just get to be overpowered as balls? Higher stat rolls generally but unaltered Ancient and Primal drops. An absurd amount of sockets on equipment, even stuff that normally doesn’t have sockets. All three followers. The ability to equip multiple runes of your choice, and complete class set bonuses only requiring two pieces per set, allowing you to go extremely bonkers if any sets overlap nicely in the abilities they use.

I doubt anything this nutty would ever happen, but a man can dream about a season that’s just stupid broken.

Season of Prime Evil Artifacts

So, rough idea here but it really has my mind racing in all directions as to how this could be legit and cool.

Basically, a type of artifact is bone. So, I was thinking with a seasonal theme like this we could create a new set of weapons and/or jewelry and armor pieces, for all classes, from the the bones of the three Prime Evils we put to rest in previous Diablo games, as well as Diablo himself in Diablo 3. These items would be completely new items introduced to the game.

  1. All Prime Evil Artifacts would roll double stat ranges.
  2. Artifacts available would not be able to roll Primal or Ancient as they would be their own set of items and stat value ranges.
  3. Each Prime Evil Artifact would roll a proc skill or affix that is unique and relates to that particular Prime Evil and their nature, abilities, and history.
  4. Prime Evil Artifacts would be seasonal only.
  5. Prime Evil Artifacts cannot drop in any gameplay mode until you have killed Diablo in story mode (difficulty does not matter).
  6. Each Prime Evil Artifact would have a unique text at the bottom that either triggered an emote or sound from their skills or text during a fight with them - these emotes or sounds would be triggered when a unique affix for that respective Prime Evil was proc’d on a Prime Evil Artifact.


You could make a crossbow made from Diablo’s spine and skull (name: Infernal Spine of Terror). The item could have a unique affix that has a chance to proc his Red Lightning Hose (maybe the most fitting for a Demon Hunter of the seven skills he can use in Diablo 2 and 3). This could have a unique text at the bottom of the item that echoes the sound of Diablo casting his Red Lightning Hose skill.

You could make a wand for wizards from Mephisto’s humerus bone (name: Mephisto’s Casting Arm or Mephisto’s Damnation) that could have a chance to proc his Frost Nova that would freeze all enemies within 10-15 yards of the monster that proc’d the affix. The unique text at the bottom of this item could be something like “Mephisto’s soul echoes with laughter…” which would have a sound effect on proc’ing his affix in which you here a faint echo of him laughing.

You could make a wand for necromancers made from Mephisto’s hand and radius and ulna bones (name: Mephisto’s Propagation). This item could have an affix that could have a chance to proc on the death of a monster which raises a poison skeleton (Fragment of Mephisto) that hits the nearest enemy and casts Mephisto’s Poison Nova skill. Like all these ideas, the proc chances and limitations would have to be balanced so that there wasn’t too many skeletons proc’ing or too much damage output from multiple poison novas from ‘x’ amount of skeletons being up at once. The unique text at the bottom of this item could be “Creation Shall Tremble…” with Mephisto’s voice repeating the text on procs.

Anyways, just a rough idea like I said. But this would be a pretty cool idea to run with.

I really like the concept. It would be cool in that it means you have to decide between when you need to grind for XP and when to grind for gear.

Right now we have: Do rifts for resources and keys, speedfarm for XP and gear almost all the time and then push. That would make it feel like there is an extra activity to do because you can say OK I am only farming for gear today and tomorrow only for XP.

The difference is, you can only play one class. You have to choose that class carefully.

Season Theme: Fragments of Anu

Had a thought about this title and the possibilities that could be used from it.

  1. These fragments could be a new set of legendary gems the are built around Anu’s death and history. They could breakdown into powerful offensive, defensive, and hybrid gems that relate to the “light” or “good” that Anu was a representation of.

  2. These fragments could be an augmenting item that replaces current augmentation with legendary gems on gear - could also have a build-up system in which you can augment a piece of equipment with ‘x’ amount of fragments before it maxes out in its overall statistic. The augmentation statistic could be something new that adds power like damage to all skills or increases damage by ‘x’ percent. They could even be a defensive statistic, or something that increases toughness/recovery, cooldown reduction, elemental/physical damage, etc…

  3. These fragments could be very rare drops equivalent to a primal in which you can empower an ancient version of an item you have into its primal state - this would NOT replace the affixes that are currently on the ancient item you empower with a Fragment of Anu, which works best as it requires you to find the ancient version with the affixes you want, first, if you haven’t found the best primal version or even a primal for that desired item. If an ancient item is already reforged, empowering it with a Fragment of Anu would reset the ability to reforge once empowered to its primal state while keeping the previously reforged stat from the ancient version - if you want to pick a different affix to reroll back and forth or it there was a secondary stat that needed rerolled to something better, this Fragment of Anu would have that tiny benefit on top of the overall upgrade to a primal version.

You could also flip this seasonal theme into:

Fragments of Tathamet

Same concept with this theme, but rather using the history of Tathamet and the seven Great Evils he splits into on death.

You will like these proposals:

Season of Feline Longevity

Hardcore characters gain an extra life, allowing them to stave the negative effects of dying, for every 10 Greater Rift level reached after 70 —

GR … # of Lives
80 … 2
90 … 3
100 … 4
110 … 5
120 … 6
130 … 7
140 … 8
150 … 9

These extra lives are based on the highest maximum level reached, are not cumulative, and are not reset by gaining more. For example, if you have 5 and die once, you drop to 4 and do not get a 5th again unless you would have had 6.

For soft characters, rather than giving bonus lives, you gain a cooldown reduction on all cheat deaths equal to 1 second per GR level completed from GR 90 - at GR 91, you get 1 second but at GR150, you have a full 60 seconds. If you are not using a cheat death ability, you gain one with a cooldown of 240 seconds.

You’re completely missing the entire point of hardcore if you’re trying to make it less hardcore.

Yep, and that’s the whole point.

Your point appears to be not understanding the basic premise of why people play hardcore.
It’s simple. You don’t make hardcore more enjoyable by making it less hardcore.

I thought it’s for not dying by farming Torment 1 non-stop and taking no risks. Challenge? What challenge? Hardcore heroes are fragile and had to be played until the end of time by taking no risks. What? Then why people get mad when they eventually die to a lag, as dying is the part of whole package? So you say, “perhaps it’s not for them”? Oh … :face_with_monocle:

Hardcore is just about recovering from scratch. Everyone have been playing Hardcore but they always level an alternative character or keep a secondary set of gear in case they die. You may not get to play the same build after you died but nobody said progress in Hardcore had to be always straight forward. You’ll get to be thrown back and forth much but risk taking and lag deaths is part of this.

As for the idea, giving extra lives to the masses won’t make Hardcore more challenging or interesting in my opinion. This getting thrown around pretty much but there are a few issues; one, this absolutely gonna increase average paragon level clears in Hardcore, two, it will encourage botters to push Hardcore leaderboards.

The basic premise of why people play hardcore is this:
Play until your character dies, claim it was to DC and/or lag, and demand a restore. And when the unwary fall into your trap by reminding you:

Permanent Death

You have but one life, eager hero. If you should die, though your deeds will be remembered, you shall not return again.

Customer Service will not revive a fallen Hardcore hero for any reason. All of your hero’s items will be lost forever upon death.

That’s when you pounce, and go “Well ackshully, Quin69 had his WD restored at that Gamescon event so there’s proof that Customer Service will revive a fallen Hardcore hero! Check and mate!”

SC players have no idea of the thrill and satisfaction they are missing out on.

Season theme Angels of High Heavens

This theme would be focused around the five Archangels that make up the Angiris Council - these Archangels hold all the power over the high heavens and determine the laws in which all angels must abide by. The five Archangels are:

Auriel - Archangel of Hope
Imperius - Archangel of Valor
Ithereal - Archangel of Fate
Malthael - Archangel of Wisdom
Tyrael - Archangel of Justice

The idea I had for this theme was borrowed power from one of the five Archangels that would provide empowerments for their particular purpose, to the player. The player would have the ability to switch between Archangels, depending on what the borrowed powers would be that best fit their playstyle or gameplay mode/activity they are approaching. Their could be a set of light requirements to switch Archangels like having to create a new game.

There are a million different things you could do for borrowed powers/empowerments. And, there would be a set of baseline requirements before you could establish this borrowed power/empowerment from the Archangel of your choosing.

This theme could also introduce new wing cosmetics, armor transmogs, weapon transmogs, and class art. Their could be a set of achievements to complete, for each Archangel, that would reward that Archangels wings, armor set as a transmog, weapon as a transmog, and the following for class art:

Whatever Archangel you are currently empowered by could provide the character with an aura, glowing radiance around their character, and/or something else that accentuates a distinguishable feature from that chosen Archangel, on the player’s character.