Ploot is pickit

I’m just responding to what you say. I see you’re changing the subject to telling me how you just don’t like the idea, personally. That’s fine, you don’t have to like it. But you also don’t have to use it and it has no effect on you whatsoever.


I won’t use it but you’re very correct. Everyone will need pickit to gear up with gg gear quickly. It’ll be rampant especially for early currency farming on the jsp forums lol

I don’t think anyone says they need it to gear themselves. Pretty sure everyone knows it is possible to gear through solo play. You FFA advocates keep saying it. The alternative just makes for a more enjoyable party experience for many.


It takes 1 week to gear in FFA. I’m confused as why people are so scared of FFA.

The only thing it boils down to is entitlement

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Please send me a screenshot of your enigma, 6 bo cta, gg circlet/pelt, fcr rings with str, dex, res, etc. Please please please send me that screenshot after 1 week and I’ll change my mind.


See your talking PERFECT GEAR. I’ve never found a 40/15 jewel. So what. Its perfect and hard to get.

The gear you listed takes time. Loot is end game to d2. Thanks for making my point why FFA is core to D2 loot.

You can have shako, occy, tals ect.

Chaos runs
Trav runs
Meph runs

Done. 1 week

Probably basic stuff yea, im not satisfied with that so I can’t imagine how long it’ll take to get to where I want to be. Probably won’t happen without bots.

Pickit is a third party script that automatically picks up items from a pre determined list and puts them in your inventory before they even appear visually on the screen.

Ploot is a loot system designed by the developers of a game to try and make looting fair.


I reject your reality and substitute it for my own.

I don’t really think asking for an official way to make loot fairer is the same as cheating to make sure you can get all the loot for yourself. It would even make pickit itself useless.


The ridiculousness to which anti-plooters will go… I swear.


How easy is it to detect click bots that players can use to pick up loot faster than you can?

Always on loot filters are half of pickit.

miedo? lo mismo aplica para ti porque tienen miedo al ffa cuando puedes tener amigos o formar un clan y ya ffa es competencia dura y mas gente, caso contrario del abandono de D3

Fair for who ? The lazy.




treating people equally without favouritism or discrimination.

Yeah life ain’t that buddy.

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I’m not your friend you are a joke.

Convinced yet?

Why because I disagree with ploot. Your soft no wonder you want a hand out system.

Etc etc etc.


Almost every single thing you say.