Please nerf ww rend barb, it is much stronger than chantodo wizard before nerf

Well I can agree with you with all of this, unless you actually think I am the owner of several accounts. Maybe other people are doing what you describe, I am not a part of that.

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No do not nerf the WW set. Barbs need some love.


In any game there are always a handful of what I call ā€˜exceptional skill playersā€™.
There was also a wizard with the nerfed chantodoā€™s set that was up with people that were 4K-5K more paragons.

There are some very skilled people in this game.
While me and many others can get decent scores, I admire people that can ā€˜do more with lessā€™.
Ever since the invention of games and the arcades that spawned them, there will always be those phenomenal players with great hand-eye coordination, reflexes and timing sense.
They are worthy of our respect, but it is not their skills that any game should be made as a minimum benchmark, nor are they the benchmark that encourages nerfing. It is what everyone aspires to only.


It seems strange that thereā€™s the idea that Blizzard will make decisions to the Waste set based on what one person can do. Yes one person can do GR140+ with one set compared to what one person can do with another set of another class.

What about all the thousands and thousands of players that arenā€™t at 10K paragon? Do their clears donā€™t really matter then?

Out of the thousands of other players, what was their clear before and whatā€™s their clear in PTR? Is that GR gain what the Blizzard intended?

Iā€™m not sure that Blizzard is catering their decision to what a handful of people can clear.

They wonā€™t. Just because they do not respond to anyone in the middle of a PTR or for that matter ever in some cases, does not mean they are stupid.
They know that one apple does not tar the entire bunch.

They also won;t tar it because one exceptional player can do the same score as people with 5,000 more paragons, just because they happen to be a better intuitive player than ā€˜average Joeā€™.

They will base it on the overall results. There is no sense catering a global game to one player.

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Dont take it the wrong way, you might not be one of them of course. Just that people have seen in the past new people asking for just buffed builds to be nerfed. Seeing that you do not want it nerfed it does not seem to apply to you.
And yes the build seems OP, the same player cannot do that high GR on other well geared chars. It could also mean those chars need to get buffed like Barb. :confused:


The Seasonal buff killstreak at 500 kills can one-shot an RG at GR 150 in group play. There is video proof. If thatā€™s not your cup of tea, try this.

Barbs and Rend are not the problem.

Hereā€™s my own experience with Rend in non-Season at 2200 Paragon, gems in the 120-130 range, missing a few Augments.

GR 115? Cleared.

GR 120? Start to fish, but cleared.

GR 122? Definitely fishing. Could I get 122? 125? Maybe higher?

Yes, if I fished, and farmed better gear, and, you know, did all the things weā€™re supposed to do.

The buff to Rend was approximately a 10 GR buff since WW has previously cleared 130.

This is not the end of the world, folks. The Seasonal buff is drastically overtuned, but otherwise, letā€™s all calm down and stop asking for nerfs.


Letā€™s compare that with Chantodo. I am at P1750 and only did speed 110-115s. After they said that they nerf the build, I thought about getting into the leaderboards (lowest: 125) since I had never pushed. I was 118 and within two days I one-keyed all rifts up to 123 and failed my only 124 (1 good map, 2 bad maps), barely, because I died twice (death with Vyr is a disaster). I think my 123 is something like 11-12 mins.

Does this sound like the same level of power as the one described by Free? Does Rend sound overpowered? I hate nerfs, I hope Chantodo nerf does not go through and I certainly hope that Rend remains as is.


Do you not understand to ignore Non Season PTR records???

Ppl on NS have 3k/4k/5k/6k plus paragon.

What you should do is watch the S19 leaderboard.
Everyone has to level to 70 and then run vendor bags over and over to get their gear.

Take it easy Frank!

Totally disagree! Wizards much more often were in a meta than barbs! And wiz`s are really overpowered now, barbs in the ptr have normal damage, not OP! And its possible BY ANY class to close top 140 rift with top gear and top paragon (10,5k+).


Since a lot of the GR boosts in seasonal comes from maintaining a kill streak and the Pandemonium effects.

So in seasonal, are you comparing relative powers of the sets or are you comparing the relative power of the set play style that lets you maintain your kill streak most effectively?

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Actually you shouldnā€™t do that either, since it promotes some builds over others, since you need to gain a killstreak for the buff, builds like invoker which is bad at killing normal mobs has less value than an aoe build like WW.

Also, just adding my thoughts on this, if the nerf on wiz goes through, they still be at the top, darkpatator has the NS record in europe for wiz, currently at 144. Assuming the stories of how much they lose in power, Iā€™d say that they land on a pretty stable spot around 140 at the very max. The thing about this is that he didnā€™t directly go there, it took a while to get to 144, thus I believe if he manage to get to 140 (on the barb) in a very short time, it may be a bit overtuned, but thatā€™s fine, itā€™s still in ptr and may be subjected to change before release.

Iā€™m not gonna say nerf this, nerf that, but I hope the final number lands on something powerful yet balanced.

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Iā€™m not talking about the S19 buff at all.

I"m talking about NS ptr has people with high paragon which totally confuses the quality of a high gr finish.

i.e. 5k paragon WW barb NS over a 1k paragon WW barb S19 is totally uneven.

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The highest clear on the current PTR non season for Chantodo Wizard is 131 GR, not 137. 137 was made on the previous PTR with bazooka wizard. Highest Chantodo clear on the previous PTR (so unnerfed) was 135. Simply leaderboards were not wiped, if you post results check the date of a clear first.


@Free, I think everyone is putting the cart before the horse.
I do not think they will judge it on one 10K paragon player. I prefer to look on the bright side. That is, they will do what they said they will, be fair and aim to create a balance.
I do not think so close to Blizzcon and after the last one, that they can afford a barrage of flak for being hypocrites after giving chantodoā€™s a full season before they nerfed it, only to nerf the Barbs after nearly two years of nothing without giving the change the identical opportunity to prove itself.
It is abject hypocrisy if they do that. If they do I doubt I will come anywhere near this forum because I can actually foresee what will happen and it will be a bun-fight.

Dang. I missed this. I just double checked the clear dates and youā€™re right. The leaderboard was not reset. Now I am part of the problem of giving bad information. Time to delete some columns from tables and edit some posts. Sorry everyone.

I think I updated/changed all the relevant tables. This post has an example of the current PTR barb era versus all the other classes in the current era.

The developers will decide.

So? Who cares when this was done when afaik the bazooka is not nerfed at all. Or is it?

I follow the guy with 10.000 paragon on twitch. He just wanted to be #1 on all classes. He did NOT push with every class to the highest possible.

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I watched the video of the 140 clear. The guy said that was the first wood of the night, he didnā€™t even fish to get that clear, he also had a terrible follow up with no power at the end, he melted a 140 boss with no pylons in less than 2min.

I guess itā€™s okay for some of you Barb staying 10 GR behind Wizard but not the other way round. Got it!

It is not about balance. It never was.
Itā€™s all about this petty class dispute.