Please nerf ww rend barb, it is much stronger than chantodo wizard before nerf

Please ignore the OP and Dnt Nerf Wiz , But Also Dnt Nerf Something Exciting and New like the BARB

It looks like the chantodo nerf will be about 3.5 grifts according to DPS testing in the PTR.

Darkpatator is dominating the solo PTR era leaderboards:

#1 Barbarian / 140
#1 Crusader / 129
#1 Demon Hunter / 128
#1 Monk / 127
#1 Witch doctor / 132

I do not see any grift clears for him for Wizards or necromancers but I might have missed it.

I would really be curious as to what he could do with wizard post-nerf on the PTR. The highest clear (post-nerf) on the PTR leaderboard is 131, the higher clears were from prioir PTR and Blizzard did not reset the leaderboard.

This is close to the number I heard. Bazooka still can do 145 which is 5 level higher than cur ptr barb.

I keep hearing this 145 number. For the current era, the top wizard clear in diablo3 ladder is darkpatator @ 144

P Reg Tier Class Battletag
1 144 wiz darkpatator <Tkk>
2 143 wiz Schm0n <Era>
3 142 nec Den78ru
4 142 wiz jedizinid
5 142 wiz ė²•ģˆœģž‰ <Katya>

Is the 145 seasonal?

What is the era record for bazooka?

The top Barbarian is at Paragon Level 10,573 at GR 140. The top Wiz that is nerfed is at Paragon Level 6926 and did a GR of 137. If the Barb was at the same PL, he also probably wouldnā€™t hit near a 137. The barb is NOT overpowered. It is just right to compete with other builds. At PL 10573, a GR 140 is not difficult at ALL


I would ignore the wizard PTR leaderboard. As the OP correctly pointed out, we need to check the dates. Blizzard did not reset the PTR leaderboard. As such, all the wizard 132-137 grift clears were from last PTR and not the current one. The top in this PTR is 131 which is not relevant to Wizardā€™s true power post-nerf.

The 137 was set @ 4/25/19.

Below is the current worldwide solo era rankings.


P Reg Tier Class Battletag
ā€” ā€” ā€” ā€” ā€” ā€”
1 144 wiz darkpatator <Tkk>
2 143 wiz Schm0n <Era>
3 142 nec Den78ru
4 142 wiz jedizinid
5 142 wiz ė²•ģˆœģž‰ <Katya>
6 142 nec Sky <CRC>
7 142 wiz Crucifix <IDeaL>
8 142 wiz Lenio
9 141 wiz KarmaPolice <Era>
10 141 nec ģ•„ė„“ź³ ģŠ¤ <ģ•„ģ“ģœ >
11 141 nec Crucifix <IDeaL>
12 141 wiz Styx
13 141 wiz ė°•ģ„øź·¼ <UMA>
14 140 wiz RzeÅŗnik <mHm>
15 140 nec Apatheia
16 140 wd Ubiquity <DTMS>
17 140 wiz Dani <BigF>
18 140 wiz Jiraya <Tkk>
19 140 wiz Kerrzo <DTMS>
20 140 wd Okaper <ēŽ‹č€…ę­ø來>

OMG, so they are all mixed? How does one know what is the 2.6.6 PTR and what is the 2.6.7 PTR?

You have to go in game and check what date the grift was cleared. Anything 132 and above was last patch. Therefore, the wizard PTR leaderboard is pretty much useless; however, reputable posters are saying it is about a 3.5 grift nerf to the chantodo build.

Forget to send you the link. All server data.

花ꗠē¼ŗ-51108 145 Bazooka. (Remark: this guy and his team were confirmed to be cheaters previously)

Uhm no thatā€™s way overboard, and you donā€™t want to nerf a 6pc because new items got introduced! If adjusting needs to be done it should be done to said new items.

Thanks. It took me a bit to find the right thing to click on. Google webpage translate was not working.

I think the items are good where they are for potential LoD/LoN builds.

Removing the triple rend damage from the 4pc makes sense because as it stands now, we get rend damage from the 2pc, 4pc, and 6pc which is just weird.

Removing the triple damage will likely result in a drop of around 5-7 GR levels, which is not overkill, and does not change the way the build is currently being played.

If you nerf the supporting legendary items that were added, you destroy any aspect of other builds surfacing from their additionā€¦a mistake the previous team made far too often.

That would be too much of a greater rift drop. Iā€™m still on the fence about whether barbs can overtake wizard as best solo DPS class. If barbs do surpass them it will be at most 2-3 grift levels. I could be wrong. Been wrong before and will be wrong in the future.

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That is a 10,000+ paragon with godly gear.
The Killstreak buff is season only so if that player played 16 hours a day for 3 months they still wouldnā€™t be 4000 paragon and might do a 135? at bestā€¦ Is 135 solo for top players unrealistic these days? A. NO
Who cares? At some point people will be doing 150 solo and to be honest, that would even out the playing field from botters cheating their way to it.

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So lets remove the triple rend from the 4pc, and then slightly adjust the additional changes to make them more potent standing alone.

I believe that as it stands now, the build looks likely to clear GR135 for those who get around 3k paragon, and 140 for the diehards.

So maybe you are right. It would be nice to be the flavor of the month tbh!

you canā€™t go off the seasonal ptr for testing how strong something is. i made a shadow dh, under 800p no aug, gems around 30 and destroyed a 110 because of the killstreaks (and no killstreaks are fine donā€™t nerf them meaninglessā€¦) problem is when you canā€™t go from the nonseason either because paragon and blizz forgot to reset^^

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I just canā€™t agree with any of that. Firstly Rend triple damage removal is more like 10-12 GRā€™s, way overkill. Secondly LoN builds are already dominating the leaderboards, and thatā€™s before new items got introduced and buffed, so tuning new items that arenā€™t even on live server yet makes more sense instead of removing power from something that already exists in the game.

Trust me, WW/Rend Barb will clear 144 or more if it makes it to live at current state. The guy who cleared 140 in PTR was doing it from Europe with huge ping and lag and without a vast amount of fishing. I actually saw the stream. He could easily clear higher with more fishing and less lag.

The seasonal killstreak buff is going to throw all the numbers off. For this reason, people have been looking at non-season to judge relative power and remove seasonal buffs as a confounder.

I highly suspect that the strength of the seasonal buff will be modified.

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100% damage is 4-5 GRā€™s which we have established through years of testing. So removing the triple would be 5-7 most likely. In the end, if the testing stands with one outlier at 140 and the others in the 132-135 range, then the build is great. But if people continue to creep up the boards, it becomes apparent the build is overpowered.

The other thing to consider is whether it is operating as intended or if it is bugged. Some testers seem to think it is triggering too often.

Regarding LoN/LoD, it is primarily based on HotA, so a potential rend variant could be extremely fun!