Please nerf ww rend barb, it is much stronger than chantodo wizard before nerf

WW rend barbarian should be nerfed because it is much stronger than chantodo vyr wizard before nerf. Rend barb cleared gr 140 solo on non season, after just one day of ptr. It will probably clear 150 gr solo non season after few months of fishing.

On the previous ptr leaderboard chantodo wizard max clear was about 137 after 4 days of ptr, and live max wiz clear is 145 gr on non season. So about 8 gr levels more. We can assume that ww rend barb will probably clear 150 live if it will not be nerfed.

Blizzard if you nerfed chantodo wizard because people whined it was too strong, so you should nerf ww rend barb even more because it is much stronger.


I firmly disagree that barbs could clear that high if the current buff went live. The 140 is a top barb player with high paragon >10,000. I can envision barb solo @ 144-146 on live era but not “probably clear 150” as you stated. 144-146 was the estimate of darkpatator for non-seasons.

I would suggest that everyone stays away from hyperbole..


Hey, just don’t say Nerf barb Nerf wiz, Nerf…

Kids’ fighting is not welcome. Please provide meaningful constructive feedback. You don’t even calculate the numbers.

If somebody came here and post a thread “Nerf Wiz hard, Nerf is not enough for chant”, what u think?

So, again you have your right post ur opinion, plz at least go modify your title. Say “some feedback about rend”. Otherwise, you are triggering a community hatred war.


I can see WW/Rend getting nerfed as it is stupendously powerful. How nerf is applied however is a trickier, besides the Wastes set only the Lamentation belt buffs Rend damage. Which damage modifier gets adjusted?

If I had 10k paragon and cleared 140 NS solo with Demon Hunter using bolas or Witch Doctor with arachyr set, would you ask for nerfs to DH / WD too because obv 10k paragon has NOTHING to do with it, it’s all skill right, and the builds are OP?

He. he. he.


There is already second clear of 138. What is more on ptr it is also much harder to play and get high clears because of server lags. So if after minimal fishing barb clears 140 gr after one day, I envision 150 solo clear on live.


This is what I always see. Guy doesn’t want his class to be outdone by another. Prob the same type of guy who played wiz just because it does the most dmg. If nothing happens to the barb come live, he will play a barb just because it’s the top dmg.
Edit to add more.
Aren’t the wiz player the same ppl when crusader boomer didn’t get buff change class just because it does more dmg.


That top barb has high paragon and had a very good rift (not perfect). See the video


I gave you the numbers. Each ptr clears are about 8-10 gr lower than on live, because:

  • top players don’t push for max gr because are afraid of nerf to their beloved class
  • harder to play on ptr due to server lags
  • ptr lasts only short period of time

But you threw in numbers, while they might be correct. Did you check for that Wizards paragon points?
Did you compare them at all or simply by what level they’ve cleared? There are other factors into this consideration besides just what level you’ve cleared.


Yes lets make all damage scale to people with bots and 10k+ paragon. Perhaps just ban those instead?


I would be very curious to know what metric Blizzard uses to assess their nerf/buff cycle relative to power (and not their idea of “good” playstyles). With the leaderboards posted in game and online, it is easy for us to see the top clears.

If I were doing it, I think that I would base it on the top of the leaderboard but exclude the top few clears especially if there is a gap in grift to the “next” best clears.

I do not think that I explained this clearly but some builds are highly fishing dependent, I would exclude the top clears where the grift was simply godly.

I saw this video. It was far from perfect rift. No power pylon, not very good conduit, not the best boss.

Have you seen how fast he killed rift guardian? Just 1 min 37 seconds! Without power pylon. He didn’t even wear flavor of time amulet which doubles duration of all pylons. He didn’t have all augments on gear as I remember from stream.

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You can check out his build in game as long as you login into the PTR and then click leaderboards and then click hero details. His gear is rather nice.

I’ve noticed with a stricken the rift boss just drops. Without a stricken it does take a lot longer to kill he rift boss. If anything the rift boss is a lot easier than the trash

At this level of greater rifts stricken is mandatory, every class uses it. So every comparison of rift guardian kill time is made with stricken in mind.

Seriously? B*tt hurt much from chantodo nerf (which I was against anyway).

Oh noes look a 10k+ paragon with maxed out caldesans and gems did GR140, it’s OP Blizz Plz nerf…

Some people should THINK before they write anything on the forum, so they don’t make a foool out of themselves…

It’s because of this kids crying for nerfs wiz has it’s already third build almost completely ruined. It’s still usable, but once again devs took the easy and lazy way out and nerfed another build, cause why bother to bring other classes to be at least at 5 GR range with the strongest build right? :roll_eyes:


Personally I think they need to nerf wizards more. I mean, if they have so easy that they have time to ask for other classes to be nerfed, then they are obviously overpowered.

Though why any of this even matters is beyond me. How does the performance of one class impact you? If this were a competitive game where you’re actually going up against other players, then class balance is important.

Asking for nerfs to balance some perceived injustice or slight towards you, is not. It would be impractical to try to balance the entire game around a suspect end-game scenario. It would most likely destroy the game for the majority of other players who are happy in the sub-140 GR club.


Class balance is important so that there are better opportunities to clear high greater rifts solo and to be part of multiplayer meta.

I disagree with the OP’s assessment of predicted barb solo power of 150. It will be lower by far.


Do you understand what balance means? I would prefer that they would have buffed all other classes to chantodo wizard level. But instead they severly nerfed wizard and buffed ww rend barb even more than chantodo wizard!!!
Do you see logic here??? Because I don’t.