Personal loot confirmed?

i think we can all agree diablo3 pre release is not nearly the same game as diablo3 after first expansion or even today, so it doesnt matter what devs said pre 2012

Changing it to fit modern times? Why not just go play D3 and accept that D2 is for a different audience?

Toxicity and griefing? What? How is someone picking up a Shako faster than you toxicity and griefing? You donā€™t want to deal with otherā€™s taking your loot? Make a private game to mf. 1 Player games will give you less loot yes, but that loot is all yours even if youā€™re slow. Either you play in an 8 player game where you get more loot but a chance of you not getting it, or you make a private game to get less loot but its 100% yours. I think the tradeoff good and it gives players a choice to make.

What really frustrates me is that you casual players that want the game to be D3 lite will quit after a month even if they listen to you, then you will say ā€œSeE I tOlD yOu tHe gAme WoUlDnT LaSt, iT wAs OnLy A nOstAlGiA TrIpā€. The casuals will quit the game after a couple weeks regardless and move on to the next big title, and the core fanbase of Diablo 2 will quit because itā€™s D3 lite. Leading to another failure.

You have to accept the fact that D2 and D3 are two entirely different games for different audiences. Leave the game alone.


Seiously personal loot is a d3 thing not a d2 thing play d3 if you want personal loot


Ur the man and ur 100% right !


I hope Diablo 2 has the personal loot. Iā€™ve always played Diablo 2 and I also know people who have the same opinion. Personal looting will prevent many fights and thefts. Not to mention the ping that gets in the way of getting the item. Thereā€™s still the characterā€™s speed that makes it practically impossible to get to the item in time before someone else steals it from you. Personal loot wonā€™t ruin the Diablo 2 experience at all.


No one wants to make this into D3, stop worrying.

I donā€™t think personal or shared loot has to have any impact on the trading economy, that depends on the implementation.

The problem brought up about leeching is a good one though, but depending on the implementation, it could actually reduce the amount this is happening. As pointed out, currently there is a lot of leeching in D2 because the bots want more players in their games.

A worry with shared loot is what if controllers can be used to hoover up the loot easily? Or what if controllers are terrible and they get no loot? Iā€™m guessing most people on here donā€™t mind the latter, but would hate the former.

Iā€™m still not sure why are people getting so angry about having an option to share loot fairly though. Iā€™m definitely for it. If itā€™s there Iā€™ll go back to, if not Iā€™ll keep playing solo.


Never thought about this aspect to the Share vs. Personal Loot debate but that is a REALLY good point in my opinion. Part of what makes D2 the game that it is to me is the fact that there is a steady ramp-up and progression until it gets nullified by the MF on your main character.

This change would likely diminish if not remove it.

Edit: Againā€¦ this debate over the shared vs. personal loot to me is relatively minor in terms of enjoyment of the game to me as long as personalized loot didnā€™t come w/ BoA BS. As suchā€¦ I donā€™t have a huge dog in this fight.

Read an economics 101 book and then try again

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Then why is everyone demanding D2R plays just like D3?


First and formost if you kill ball in a ball run the loot is not theft LOL the loot is for the one that pick it the fastess ā€¦ if you spawn d clone and you got ur anni ā€œstoleā€ its cause you made him spawn in a public game and its not stole cause of that. Nothing in diablo 2 is stolen its earnedā€¦

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I believe you may be exaggerating.


Every one demand that cause they can accept the fact that pepole can click faster then them xD in today world pepole better then you is a bad thing were not in the golden age of the internet anymore

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Ur the man my dude 100% right pepole cant handle pepole better then them and go from game to game trying to trash the game making it more easy and ruining the fundamental ā€¦ i know dev will make the right choise and dont put personal loot in the game

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Thx ! :love_letter: we dont want shared loot in the game thatā€™s a fact

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Fights and thefts? Stealing? You do realize that once you choose to play in a public game, the loot is no longer only yours, right? Itā€™s everybodyā€™s. Also, in my 20 years and 20k hours of playing the game, I have NEVER seen anyone ā€œfightā€ over the loot. Iā€™ve had plenty of Jahs/Bers/Zods in Chaos/Throne picked up by someone else before me and I got sad for 2 minutes but I moved on. You snooze you lose, and it sucks to suck, you canā€™t have everything you see and want.

Get better internet.

Teleport and high movement speed are the 2 main sources of mobility in the game, and almost every class can have them. So work towards it.

Are you sure about that? Personalized loot? Account Bound items? Nerfing every item and skill to oblivion? Adding cooldowns to EVERY skill? Crying that level 99 is hard to get? Idk man, ive seen ALL these same suggestions from plenty of different people in the past few days. It sounds like D3 to me.

Are you insane? LOL

8 players in a game doing Baal, 8x different loot rolls on Baal deaths? 8x different loot rolls on Trav runs? 8x different loot rolls on Countess? That wonā€™t effect the economy? Are you trolling?


We live in a post D3 world now you can never be too cautious

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First learn what basic economics are and then I can refresh myself.

If you are worried about over supply of items, well that is inevitable in a game where supply will always be infinite. If Personal loot doesnā€™t create over abundance, then bots will. Besides, not like we cant balance loot drops for group games.


Yep !

Yep !

Yep !

Yep ! and its anoying that pepole that dont actualy want D2R come here and cry for personal loot

yes hes insane and most pepole dont think of the implication of personal loot in D2R

Oh yes my friend they ruined d3 and wow we wont let them ruin D2R

I think Iā€™m fine with personal loot not happening, the problem is, back then, so many people didnā€™t exactly have friends. Pc gaming was relatively still fresh. If you get into a group of friends or a clan or something, people can share loot with those that need it or take turns pulling things they want or whatever. If you are still playing with ā€œrandosā€ as itā€™s called, expect to have a fast trigger finger.

As for myself, I have advocated for the quality of this game since 2003, but I donā€™t have any friends to this day that have played it, yet alone been a fan who would continue to play. Iā€™m hoping to find friends I can work with while out battling the hordes of demons and monsters. Bringing new people to the game (due to the servers and visuals being updated for modern systems) is one of the best things about this project.

They really are trying arenā€™t they lol