Personal loot confirmed?

Well, firstly, thank you for that slight on my sanity. :sweat_smile: The implementation you are describing is very specific though. I wasn’t making the assumption there would be 8 times as much loot as there currently is in an 8 player game.

Reading about loot drops for LoD right now. Looks like the loot dropped for everyone does increase based on the number of factors such as players and distance. So you already get a lot more loot when in groups. More for the melee classes and pickit players to suck up.

I honestly haven’t seen pro-Account Bound items or pro-CD talk at all on the forums and I’ve been trying to read most of the threads.

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If you didn’t know that the loot drops increased based on the number of players I can’t imagine you played too much of the game that was a pretty like core mechanic to encourage group play… But part of this change was also to accommodate for more players in the game not just to add more loot per person.

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What? I always assumed it was close to 4-5 times the loot. Not sure what point you are trying to make. So if we had Group loot it would be more like X2 loot dropped and not X8.

If personal loot is a thing, even an option, I’m instantly getting a refund.


20 characters required

Just as you have a choice of up to 8 player game, would a choice for shared drops work during game create?

Personal yes - if trading are possible and free and no stupix Character-bound


true that
once item is received it could be tradable
character bound is similar to anya putting your name on it
just sayin

Let Diablo 2 stay as close to the original game as possible.
Stop being a crazy one who want to change everything. This is a remaster.
I thought people would be happy about it, now people want to change things.
I don’t know how many times I should say that. It feels no one knows what remaster means.

If they change too much, Diablo 2 Resurrected is becoming an another failure.
This game was meant for Diablo 2 fans, not Diablo 3 fans. Stop ruining it.
Deckard Cain is going mad


Yep thumb up for that !!

Diablo 2 Resurected is Diablo 2 with better Graphics stop asking for change we all dont want… You guys will probably play the game and leave after the first ladder season anyway why you wanna ruin the game for all of us pepole who played it for 20years …


“Classic gameplay—the same Diablo II you know and love, preserved.”

What part of that means creating topics that suggest major changes?

no personal loot please. keep d2 as it is.
thanks bb


If we can get past attacking straw men that don’t play D2, want to turn D2R into D3, and will quit shortly after release*, I’m genuinely interested in people’s concerns and whether they can be addressed.

I have heard the following points:

  1. The trade economy is affected if the overall amount of loot is changed
  2. Players will leech if they get items without hitting the monster
  3. The player base is split if the option is per-game instead of per-player
  4. Some people enjoy fighting over loot
  5. Change is bad

These are definitely all things that would need to be taken into account. If there are other points I’d be interested to hear.

* If it helps to assuage your fears, I still play D2 more than D3 and the auto-gold-pickup option is a bit too much of a departure for me. I like clicking on things.

People scrambling to grab at loot before it’s even dropped is dumb, not fun and half the time someone dies over it. Personal loot is a no brainer change that supports people actually co-operating while farming bosses rather than trying to solo bosses in a full game so that they can get all the drops. Not to mention carrying a Diablo run just for a level 2 knob to run in and steal the drops is lame as heck.

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All of those are auto disqualifiers for me. But on top of that personal loot just makes you feel less connected to the same game world as other players in the game. I don’t like it

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Maybe you should just get a faster mouse instead of crashing the item economy because item drops are too stressful for you


the item economy in Diablo 2 is hot garbage. Maybe you should play it once before posting?

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Thank you, that is a point I can relate to. I think that’s definitely a potential downside of playing with personal loot, especially if it’s done in a way where players can’t see each other’s drops.