Personal loot confirmed?

That archaic system, aka the trade economy, is the single most important aspect of diablo 2. Ruining the trade economy changes the game completely


Dude I am literally arguing against individual loot on the same side as you are you like not reading anything except for the first line and just replying dramatically or what lol? I already said I think it would mess with the economy and am just taking the argument against individual loot a step further.

Sorry yeah I stopped right there lol. I’m just so used to seeing stupid arguments on here

I am trying to help you out here I am just long-winded in presenting my case haha.

Diablo 2 is not an MMORPG. And there will always be an economy for trading as long as they don’t make the blunder of BoA with catagory 5 hurricane force loot rains (D3). And it seems silly you are playing an RNG generated loot based action game with player customized build and stat progression as the most single important aspect. As for being the single most important aspect in D2, then why not remove single player and have it be an online only game if economy is key?

Besides, economy is going to be different anyways. The economy based on bots, dupes,and a long ladder season will not exist.

D2 was built from the ground up as a multiplayer game. They were one of the first to implement an online only character system opposite of an offline character system that could be used on open battlenet. Single player was quite literally an afterthought for D2 which is why there are things like ladder only runewords

Multiplayer does not always equate to in game economy though. It just means multiplayer. As for ladder only items, that was not an original implementation of either vanilla D2, or expac D2. It was designed as an incentive for people to reset and play ladder mode.

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Why do you think they separated offline and online characters in the first place? Because they know offline characters would fill the economy with illegit items. I mean do you people ever stop to think why D2 and POE are the only games to have such strong followings while outlasting literally every other new arpg that comes out? Its entirely due to their focus on trade and nothing more.


Ehh, I would argue the separating SP and MP closed realms was less about economy and more about limiting cheating and unfair advantages to the gameplay. I come back to D2 for the gameplay itself; the good itemization (which I felt was somewhat ruined by 1.10+), the skill system (which again, synergies from 1.10+ I felt ruined). Even though I felt 1.10 ruined many aspects of the game, I still come back because of the base gameplay, not for some in game economy nonsense.

Individual Loot would ruin D2.

It would also mean instant refunds by hundreds of thousands of players for obvious reasons.

Play multiplayer to progress into areas and next difficulties if you cannot do it solo
Play multiplayer to get XP from leeching.
Play multiplayer to have a chance at snagging items dropped from monsters or Bosses that you might not be able to kill solo.

Go Magic-Finding with friends or by yourself to ensure all loot is yours.

If you cannot farm Hell Difficulty, then you do not deserve to get items that can only drop in that difficulty, This is a No-Brainer.

D2 is designed that way, in order to survive Nightmare difficulty, you need to level up and get acceptable gear in Normal Difficulty, if you want to play Hell Difficulty, you need to farm Nightmare Difficulty and level up your character. This works as intended.

Individual Loot would not only ruin D2, but it would do so while trying to cater to people that want to skip the whole game, by instantly jumping to Hell Difficulty without any effort and time-investment, and hope to be carried by an experienced and powerful player doing all the killing, while they can run around picking up their loot and watch netflix on the side. Not gona happen.

D3 players and people without ARPG knowledge should get “Schooled” by the D2R Experience, and not enabled in their wrong way of thinking.

Multiplayer in D2 is a way for noobs to leech XP and have a chance to snipe Loot that they cannot farm themselves.

If they introduce Personal Loot in D2R, the market will be flooded with items and everyone will run around in the best items within days of a ladder reset, and thus take away the whole point of long-term progression.

I don’t even want to imagine how many leechers will infest Hell difficulty games if there is individual loot, that would be not only ruining the D2R Remaster, but would also ruin End-Game Gameplay in multiplayer games.

Games would be filled with people that deal zero damage and everyone would be standing in town like morons because no one is capable of doing damage, and everyone would be waiting for someone to join that can actually kill monsters lol.

Leeching is already a thing in D2, and personal loot would make that kind of noob-infestation 1000 times worse in D2. Also as mentioned, the economic impact would be terrible, ruining the whole economy and thus the whole gameplay of D2.

If they introduce Individual Loot, D2 is dead, and they might as well call it something else.

*Edit - Thanks Garret99 lol :slight_smile:


I think you meant to say individual loot in the top line. Shared loot is the FFA way it is now.

Haha np I agree with you so had a vested interest!

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Purist elitism. The sky isn’t falling. Your assuming the worst possible scenario. Who cares if some other player gets a piece of gear? Who cares if they happen to not do as much damage as your hammdin? If you dont like personal loot you can;

Play Classic LoD
Play Solo so the plebs dont steal that gear you are going to snatch up anyways.
Play with friends.

Bots Flood the markets anyways. Having more loot in general might fill the whole a tad assuming Bots are managed (they wont be).


Pretty sure they said this a lot before diablo 3 came out as well



Are the people that created Diablo II Elitists?

Diablo II was a magical gift to the gaming world that is still beloved over 20 years after its launch and now people like you want the supposed remaster to introduce changes that turn D2R into a “Re-Envisioned” Game.

D2R is a remaster and not a remake, whats so hard to understand?

If you want individual Loot, go play D3, same argument.

The people that moan and cry for various changes to D2R are people that did not enjoy D2 so what are they even doing here?

These people have in part, ruined D3 by demanding weird crap and since then, D3 has always been the laughing stock of the ARPG genre because of that.


What makes this even more messed up is how they begged for all these same changes before D3 released taking away our true D2 sequel so they are essentially trying to kill D2 for the second time now.


It is called changing the game to fit the modern times. I don’t expect purists to like the change but there is a new market now whether you like it or not. Should D2 still be more hardcore than D3? Yes. But it doesn’t need to be held back by archaic game design choices that were likely made due to tech and not gameplay.

I am not saying we need major changes at release, but as far as most Diablo 2 players are concerned, shared loot with the influx of new players is going to create a new wave of toxicity and griefing that Blizzard may just not be prepared for. Better to nip that now during the alpha/beta phase.


It’s not “elitism” it’s just people who were/are huge fans of the original game wanting it back in the remaster lol. People like to twist this concept into being us vs them it’s actually just old-school Diablo/RPG fans wanting the features they liked to carry into a remaster and other people wanting something different.

I don’t look down on anyone for having their preferred opinion/vision of what the game would be everyone likes different stuff. But I do think a lot of people aren’t considering the implications of it and the domino effect it could have on the nostalgic game experience that some classic fans would like to have.


I think its overstated that it brings grief and toxicity. I would rather people running around killing stuff with me in the mix fighting over the loot on the ground than people standing around not killing stuff collecting XP and loot from the sidelines which Diablo 2 is in no way designed to discourage or prevent from happening if it were given an individual loot system.

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That is fine. If we need to partition players out with a Expansion for the Remaster then perhaps that is truly the best option. Everyone gets their wish and there shouldn’t be any issues.

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Well on that point I would actually agree with you entirely and I think it would be the best of both worlds to get the nostalgic remaster and an additional later expansion which integrated more features like you are suggesting and would give the dev;s the chance to rebalance the other systems in the game that would compliment these changes and it would be much more viable to me in that case.

Whether this is something Blizzard would/is considering though I have no idea.