Patch 2.6.7 (New PTR changes)

I need to learn to read the popups on my profile pic better when it does the arrow.
I am claiming a senior moment. Cheers :slight_smile:

Everytime you add 100% life with 4.5 levels for the next 100% life you have to reuce the value by half. Since exponential scaling. 45 gr is not 10x life it is much more so in the end, 200% health is about 6.75 levels

chantodo only got nerfed to around 142 so thats why the barb down to 133 or 135 is too much of a nerf. Also my main problem with nerfing barb is now rats is king again for group speeds. I would rather have rend equal to rats and if it’s too strong in solo you can buff other solo specs.


Not allegidly anymore

Blockquote http.s://

Just want to emphasize the screen shots are from console version of Diablo III and not PC version. So please keep that in mind and wait for the patch notes regarding the lamentation nerf.

Because they released that Monk set on PTR. Great analytics there.


No one will be able to solo a gr150. We dont have the survivability or damage output to survive and kill it quick enough. Will the s19 seasonal buff make it possible? Perhaps there’s a small chance. But just the character will not be able to do it at all.

Your supports are welcomed here, thank you guys.


Did you saw solo 148 gr clear done by wizard and solo 147 gr done by necro?
http:// ranks. zeroempathy. org/e11 remove spaces.
And this is ns without seasonal buffs. They both will clear 150 when s19 will end. But Barb clearing 140 it’s OP this is ridiculus?

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That is the logic from people on here. Other classes are welcome to do 145s while Barbarian needs to be nerfed down to 133. Logic, right? Cause Barbarian got other builds they can push with… Oh wait… No.

He’s got you there, Micro.

No, nobody saw that clears.
Max WORLD clear with wiz is one 145 (EU NS) - Darkpatator and one 145 clear at season 17 (EU) - ZD cleave.
No one ever clear 145 except that 2 guys - even koreans with 11000 paragons couldn’t do that.
So, please, try to relax and don’t post these imaginary clears. Anyone can login to EU, USA and Asia and check leaderboards.

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Imaginary clears? check this http:// d3. blizzard. cn/rankings/#season=era&phase=9&classes=wizard&type=normal&p=1 wiz 148 solo clear(14分33.033秒). 2019-11-03 19:21:27.
http:// d3. blizzard. cn/rankings/#season=era&phase=9&classes=necromancer&type=normal&p=1 necro 147 solo clear (14分33.283秒). 2019-11-02 11:15:24

Yea that is impressive. Ima put those links a little bit cleaner lol

花无缺 Wizard solo 148 14:33

ArThurCJ Necromancer solo 147 14:33

Damned, sorry prozealot. You were right, I forgot that Chinese realms exist too :roll_eyes:

Good point. :wink: :grinning:

Hahahaha best post in thread. Too bad I can only upvote it once.

But aren’t wizard’s two builds (bazooka and vyrchantodo) being nerfed very hard?

Hard and hard… Chantado is around 4 greater rift levels down according to people. so no… Not really… Just a minor slap on the wrist.