Patch 2.6.7 (New PTR changes)

Hmm I heard about at least 6 GR levels nerf

From 148 to around 143 while barb is pushed down to 133.

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I’m talking about your words. No other classes ‘are welcomed to do 145’. Blizzard are trying to nerf those who were able to do 145+ . Successfully or not that is another matter.

So… we tested stuff for a bit, and then we got a complete re-shuffle on some stuff that will go live without further testing.

oh god…


Wd can be capable, so with Dh. Together with Necro and Wizard still. Barbarian weren’t able to do a 145 unless you have a bot or insane amount of time to play correctly to farm xp.

Apart from wiz and necro no other class was able to do 145+. Or you can prove otherwise?

Bazooka 7lvl nerf, Chant. Vyr 3,5GR nerf -> post nerf max around GR141

Barb is actually overnerfed to around GR137-GR138 (GR133 is not max potencial on life, I will be around +4-5GR). And need some buff back.

Several people with high enough paragon points have said they might be able to if they dedicated themselves into pushing with those classes. Same people that pushed with Wizard for example.

Anybody can say whatever they want. As long as there’s no such record in the leaderboard it’s just words nothing more.

And as long as Wizard and Necros have reigned the leaderboards, when Barbarians showed up ( even with less grift level clear ) people scream for an unjustified nerf.

This is a silly point regardless of class… people comparing the top clears that only 0.00001% of the population can do and using that to manage or advocate for “balance” is about the dumbest thing anyone can do. Simple truth, 99.9+% of the games players (at this point) will never even touch a GR 130… so comparing clears that professional players did by fishing for the perfect map, with the perfect mob density, with the perfect pylon distribution and the perfect RG is just STUPID and will only lead to the nerf of more builds! Yet it’s all anyone shouted throughout the entire PTR…

Not for nerfing any class build, including WW/Rend, Chantodo or Necro thorns (well, perfectly fine with bazooka nerf), but the constant comparison of top clears is absurd.

Wait for official word and see if the belt change actually goes through on live, the screenshot is from the console version of the game which has its own bugs/problems.

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Darkpatator post:

That for WD and DH…

It will not be problem, if Blizz. enable GR150 clear for these situations. Best players with high paragon, pefect gear, maximum fishing could compete with time on GR150 and for ordinary player will go max around GR135+.

So you trust this player enough for his opinions alone stands for the right thing?..
Takes more than one person to test things out, compared with skill and knowledge. Does not take paragon points alone.
Besides, you should never talk about a build nor nerf it cause one 10k paragon player was pushing with it. Nor the fact he could lie in his posts…

I agree that only one player opinion is not enough.

But I don’t thing that he lied. He is pushing with other class too, last max clear he has with Barb on EU NS with GR134 (first position). Best attempt with DH made yesterday (4. on EU NS).

Both spec are not maxed on live pre nerf. Few Star Pact from China is pushing solo 150 before next patch hits. They are very close in reaching it, mostly bad RG stopping them. Its realistically reachable. Couple chantodo discussed might push solo 150 also, this havent streamed live yet.

Even if Bazooka is 7 tier nerf. The limit is not 141. Especially in seasons with the kill streak. Ambitious wiz still could solo 150 given the right map/mob types/ patience.

Sorry but blizzard is doing what blizzard does best. Screw stuff up when people actually like the changes.

For years the Barb has been useless, for once it has the opportunity to be on top and they say “nope” and nerf him back down to be last in line :smiley: lol…

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They get the same patches. The nerf will be in PC PTR.

NO they don’t, console patches are different. An example would be twister nerf which was never been applied on the console.

Also something I haven’t gotten a straight answer for, was the items shown on the screenshots everything?

I mean I find it hard to believe that monk only got 10000%->15000% on set only, other items that were changed weren’t shown, neither was the other items such as remorseless and fjord, maybe even ambo’s pride was changed?

If that’s the case then maybe the idea was to give lamentation less priority in favor of raising the damage on other sources, maybe it was to enhance another build besides ww to be the top pusher.

All of this can be summed up in, until we get the official patch or ptr, there’s no reason to rage over this, cause we dont have the whole picture yet.