Patch 2.6.7 (New PTR changes)

I agree.

If you are correct, then those 3 people made a decision that presumably they felt made sense to them based on their analyses (or potentially their supervisor).

What do these 3 people have to gain in making their decision? Do you think the 3 developers were thinking we hate barbs and we’ll show them?

That is nonsense in my mind. They analyzed the facts as they saw them and made a decision.


well the nerfed ww/rend and the nerfed chantodo will be 8-9 gr’s apart and wiz still dominating over barb
133 nerfed with 10k p Barb
141/142 with 10k p Wiz (wiz 145 clear on live)
there was no real balancing for barb this patch all new/altered items are still too weak to even compete with the other old stuff…that is a little behind as well -.-

Well I wasn’t expecting a 7 gr nerf, I was more for a 2-3 level one, much in line with bringing lamentation down to 100%, but did not expect this.

To be fair, no one expected this level of nerf.

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My point of that thread was to show him saying those things WHILE now saying = “Barbarians still got a buff”.
No where to be said “the nerf was unjustified”.

Allegedly as soon as you enter Archon the Deathwish and Etched Sigil buffs drop off.

If they took 50% or even 100% off the Lamentation rend and gave it a whole season, while I still stand as in the PTR that they should have given it at least a season as it was; the partial nerf most people I think would have lived with. But the WHOLE 200% nerf?
Nah, that’s just wrong.


No. Don’t settle. 137 at 10.5k paragon is not balanced. 140 at 10.5k is still less than most of these other classes.

Current NA Non-Season LB:

What if wizard had over 10k? 146+
What if WD had over 10k? 144+
Nec at 10k? 140+
Ulma who is the DH has said he can do higher and it’s 140 potential.
Cru at 10k? 139/140

Barb 140 at 10k para is good. No need to settle for anything less.


That is wrong. Even a nerf to it…
They judge upon some comments on here and one player having 10k paragon points.
It’s like, do you even understand math/your own game…


During and since PTR I have said to give it at least a season before nerfing. But I am a nobody with no influence whatsoever. No argument here.
I loved it. After two years, actually more, I could go through like I used to when T6 was the highest and the wastes build first came out and it was fricking great!

I feel the same, but I am trying to be objective because something is better than nothing and taking away the whole 200% on the belt leaves the belt with? Nothing :frowning:


Well, Barbarians are used to this. Why? Cause it happened over and over again. every season I wanted to go back to Barbarian and enjoy it, but I couldn’t. Not on the same level.

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Lol talking like someone sitting on high horse with a monocle on his nose, man you are so full of yourself. First you spread your bulls**** in the “nerf barb threads” now you are high jacking the “buff barb threads” with your nonsense, get lost.


We tried to be good to Micro, we talked civilized. We showed 2+2=4 but he continued to believe 2+2=15…

So if he is really believinf this he is not a troll but still needs to learn. I suggest him to play barbarian right now.

If he wants I will help him farm good gear.

I want him to play WW at above 105 GRs.

Only then he can understand what we mean.

Numbers wont tell these to him.


I’m not a regular poster. I’ve left the question on the barb forums as to why the change was implemented because I have this sinking feeling. The sinking feeling that tells me that while we’re all pent up, discussing how far barb can push and what class parity is at the highest level, that that wasn’t the reason for the nerf. As Roidraged, Prokahn and other have pointed out, that’s barely 1% of the population in the game. Most people seem to just come every 3 months, do the journey and elope. Those, unfortunately, are the majority of the player base. And my sinking feeling tells me that it might’ve been because of them that it was nerfed. Because the new ww rend scaled too fast and too early. Apparently. And mind you that I’m not saying I agree. It’s just that I can’t shake the feeling that it’s push potential was killed in regards to the higher specs because it scaled too fast and too weel early in the season. And that, in itself, feels wrong. And I hope I’m wrong. Nevalistis said in a previous post that we’d get feedback on the ptr after blizzcon. I hope there’s a why in there. And I hope there’s still room to communicate. Because as it stands, WotW is still just a little bit more then a speed set, and push options remain the same, with barely any choice as before.

Monk is not possible for high tiers trash killer unfortunately. Although i am thrilled if something can be done. But it requires drastic changes.


Hey don’t get me wrong, I have a massive respect for the serious number-crunchers out there, you deserve all the accolades you get.

But as you seem to have implied, at the end of the day, it comes down to the ‘experience’ of playing the game. The point of a game is to enjoy it. If I am not I stop playing it. I’d like to believe a lot of people share a similar view, but that’s my take on it.

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Nah, it’s simple. You just change Archon to only boost the damage of Archon abilities. It would nerf the damage of Chantodo’s significantly, so you’d up the damage of Archon abilities themselves, which are very, very low if you’ve ever looked.

Would allow Archon to benefit from AD, too. Archon abilities proc it, but Chantodo’s does not.

I did more than look; but you’re right the archon abilities are on the weak side of the spectrum and could use a buff via either vyr, the individual archon skills themselves, and/or even the archon skill runes.

When it comes down to in depth analysis, yes experience matters. Creditable comments should be based on experienced players with knowledges. Put ZD 140 ptr clr for example. 99% will comment bravo, nice clear. Oh barb op… maybe nerf. The 1% will look at the mob types, look at his gearing stats/bp balances, analysis his rg/pylon management. Analysis whether a less ideal mob types will give him the clear? Yes, with experience, a lot of things can be predicted. All those contributes to a particular clear. Some from the 1% will bend facts for unknown reasons, maybe jealousy that his favourite bd got nerfed etc etc etc. Out of the 99%, some are blinded / manipulated from false facts/misinterpreted info to wrongfully demand certain requests. Ofc its a game, everyone has freedom of will. But when requesting a long term/permanent change, shouldn’t the matter be dealt by those 'unselfish experienced ’ vs players that dont understand what area damage for example and blindly copy LB builds w/o knowing why certain stats are better than others. After all, who has over manual 10k+ GR clears on this forum whether solo or group? If not, why don’t you just listen for once and not pretend you know stuff that you dont?


I know what I like and why. Isn’t that enough?

Wasn’t referring to you. You are cool my friend. You dont pretend to know something that you dont. Was referring to ‘others’