Paragon Cap is Appalling


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Any decently player with semi decent gear can outshine a bot with full primal gear.

Been doing it for years!
It is do-able and for the first time in D3 leaderboard history, the players will be able to compete and even beat the bots.
I agree the bots will not be completely eliminated by having a paragon cap, however their use will be so diminished that the D3 pros will be able to snag a more deserving spot on the boards.

You don’t need a perfect rift, just one that has the right mobs and play your pylons right, aka playing D3.

It isn’t about right, wrong, or perspectives. Its about Blizzard implementing a new system that will allow fairer competition, and this is great for the game.

Sure, but plenty people have argued that you can compete as long as you get to paragon 800.

The bot, sure, but not the player that runs it.

I’m curious to see how it all pans out. If it deters cheaters, that’s good, but odd that it doesn’t happen until the game goes into maintenance mode. Why not when it was in its “prime”?

A lot comes down to who’s making the decisions. Tons of people have been asking for SSF for years, and Blizzard was dead set against it. Forget the Paragon Cap here, we’re talking just a SSF mode.

They weigh what they find important, and that was a massive power creep over the years. And an argument can be made that a power creep has hurt the game more than it has helped.

What we’re seeing this season is listening to alternative voices, and that’s a good thing, even if this particular season doesn’t pan out.

You’re always quibbling. It is clear that he means the players who use a bot.

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No it’s not. Why would any decent player that doesn’t use bots outshine decent players that do use bots and therefore have the gear advantage?

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Lol, decent players use bots? My dictonary says decent = honest?

If you use bots, odds are you are not a decent player…


Now that’s incorrect. Plenty of good players that cheat for that extra edge. Which is true for all games/sports.


This x10000.

Another game I played, got so sick of botters referring to themselves as “elite” or “top tier” players.

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Most bot users have no good gaming skill. A decent player with good skill will be in front of most botters.


If you cheat you are a bad player. Regardless of what skills you might think you had.


They may be morally bad, but that doesnt make them bad players. A bot can farm paragon and gear etc, but the execution of the record grift has to be done manually. Not saying that all cheaters are good players, but to think all cheaters are bad players is also foolish.

Why do you feel the need to sugar coat it with so much arrogance against people who arent even totally against you?

Anyway like i said before i will be curious next season.

It’s true with a lot of things. If you look at something like academics, the higher ranked the school and GPA the person is, the more likely it is they are going to cheat.

(Now, it’s true that there are far more cheaters with less skill, but now you’re comparing large numbers vs percentages).

Now, do I think lower of people who cheat, particularly in a game like Diablo 3? Of course. But as you get into higher ranks, there’s more pressure to do better.

The bottom line is there are plenty of good players who cheat, and who could still be good without cheating. It’s just that they wouldn’t be as highly ranked.


I said “most botters” not “all botters”. Its clear to me, that there are botters with gaming skill.

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The bot is dead. Botters are now ghosts.

One bot is dead. Like all cheats, there are probably private cheats and bots out there that still are undetectable.

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Obviously this was referring to skill in the game and not their morals.

Players that care enough about a game to go through the effort of setting up bots usually also have above average skill in that game.

The dead bot was not even detectable.