Cheaters on the Leaderboards

This are totally unsubstantiated accusations, you totally have no idea who or who isnt using a macro, th or this programm that essentialy fishes for you. At least with botting you could look at the leaderboards and have some numbers wich you got some indication. If we look at the barb SSF leaderboard where you compete as an example, we see 2 people who are 21 grifts ahead of you that is like 2200% in mob health, you cannot alone blame it on possible cheating. And remember you also said this before the season about how you could now finally compete with this para cap:

So now it seems this season despite the para cap diminishing the bots its not going as you envisioned and then come to the forum to complain once again and make these vague accusations.

He sure is very anti cheat, he is also anti (low) para cap btw.