Okay so you are just spitefull, and will see any change as negative or not good enough. You pointed out two positive things, and still landed on a negative tone. I don’t see why it is disrespectful, if they give something a lot of the players have been asking for, for a long time, for one season.
Couldn’t disagree more.
For the first time in D3 seasonal history, we will have fair competition!
Cheaters will still run their bots and cheats, however the normal dedicated D3 gamer now has a chance at snagging a realistic position on the leaderboards based off skill.
Sure the cheaters will have mostly primal gear, but their lack of game knowledge should make for an interesting result.
The two “positives” are half-assed solutions to problems that are fixable with a little bit of effort and a good game philosophy. Botting isn’t ACTUALLY fixed, they just made the game more shallow so it wouldn’t be such an advantage. Same with power creep.
Can’t agree more. Finaly competition is not about who can mindlessly grind out more paragon points, to increase their power level, but actual skill and knowledge. Competeing on the leader board is more inviteing than ever before.
I’d bet with the proper equipment and a properly trained AI setup, they could largely stamp out botting not only for D3, but their other games as well… But that’d be a huge investment for the hardware. NGREEDIA and all.
And they will not invest into an 11 year old game, that soon goes into maintainence mode. But they still can make changes, so botting would not worth much. The paragon cap and even the fissures also can acheve this.
As I said, it would be something that could work for all of their games… “Warden 2.0”… No client-end “spyware” needed… The user (or the bot) provides all the input for AI analysis via control of their characters in the servers eyes.
Microsoft is investing big into AI, so maybe the future will prove fruitful with the M$/ActiBlizzion merger.
I have a feeling it’s not up to the dev teams, to decide when and how to upgrade their anti-cheat systems. So they have to figure out other ways to deal with them.