Nerf Enigma and Grief

No drops in D2 confirmed.

Yea. My point wasn’t clear. I am saying that if all it takes is 80 hours to get high runes to make endgame gear, that means that even I could get that in a season without having to play 6 hours a day.

Wait who is a troll?

you can not ask buff or nerf on a patch for a classic game this make any sense because where the request will stop ? , i`m 110% agree with you Enigma destroy the game balance and class identity and this is what diablo 2 become after patch 1.10 sadly

1.09 remain the prime patch for balance and pvp

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If and it’s a big IF but IF we presume that Diablo 2R does at least a reasonably better job of shutting down botting/duping you don’t have to worry as much about these runewords because with the HR drop-rate being what it is if people can’t have bots farming 24/7 for weeks/months these items won’t be nearly as accessible as people think.

Leave my nigma alone. This game has its quirks and imbalances but thats part of what makes D2 the game that it is. I don’t want to look at this game’s items and see an empty shell of the D2 I know and love because of unecessary fundamental changes to the most popular items.

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What are you crazy? You don’t want to see all the fun uniquely powerful items you like disappear from the game in the name of balance!??


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Teleport must stay.
It makes diablo 2, diablo 2.
Take it away and you will remove half the d2 population, including myself, its the sole reason im coming back. Teleport with oceania server means i will actually be able to teleport and mop you.

Like the others say, go play PoE or D3 if you dont like it.

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Yep to if pepole want anything else then diablo 2 they should find an other game to play perriod.
No to personal loot!
No to nerfing runeword!
No to increased drop rate!


I agree with 2 of your statements; absolutely do not nerf runewords, and do not increase the drop rate!

But we should add personal loot because there is no good reason not to. There is absolutely no value in leaving the loot system as is for groups except to keep greedy players happy and to perhaps encourage hackers. No one loses with personal loot, and, it helps foster group play; I would bet you the first time a new player is in a group game, kills a boss and watches the loot get vacuumed up, mentions it, and is told “git gud scrub”, or whatever, that is the last time they join a group game. I’m all ears for a good reason for no personal loot though. And I don’t think “because that’s how the game was” is a good enough reason.

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No; just no!
I mean this is the best way possible.
Go to hell. :skull:

Go back to Diablo 3 please. You people are detected way too easily. We have said countless time that PUGs are not a good way to earn loot anyway. Yet you do not listen. Even when we add valid arguments related to role-play and leechers literally earning loot by doing nothing. So it’s as you said but in the other way : there’s no good reason to add personal loot. Ever.

Excuse me, but I cut my teeth on D2 20 years ago, so don’t tell me to go back to D3. I have not heard any valid arguments (fair to say I have not looked extensively), and you could have said as much without being condescending. Would a coordinated group not have an issue with shared loot? Sure. Is that the only way to play D2? No.

Now why do I have a different perspective? I am a solo player, and mostly played SP, so my thoughts here are largely academic, but I can say that shared loot is a bar for me to join public games because people are selfish and I don’t think degenerate game play is a thing to be promoted.

If you had said, coordinated group play is adversely affected by personal because of X, I’d listen and maybe come to agree, but who are you helping by telling me to shuffle off? Do we want D2R to be 50-100K people all playing single games? Or do we want an engaged community that thrives? Negativity is not going to help if the latter is the goal.


Yes to degenerate gameplay !! :slight_smile: no for real i dont want personal loot in the game in my view the person who click the fastest deserve the item. And im not always the one who click the fastest. If you knew how many GODLY item i saw pick before i did and i still dont want personal loot. Its a 2020 mentality in my view.

Fair enough, but speaking for myself it was my opinion in 2001 as well. When I dipped a toe or two into public games, it was just not a great experience. I’ll say this much; I’m all for shared loot in a coordinated environment, kind of like raids in WoW before the last expansion or two, but then what’s the point of a public game? Should they come with warning labels, I.e., play at your own risk, people are jerks? I just think it inhibits new players from engaging that way and then what’s the point of having shared loot if no one plays that way?

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talking about diablo2 lod legacy and vanilla is patch 1,09

1,14 is release in 2016 this dont revive my memory and is send a wrong diablo 2 lod experience to this generation

I started in 1.09, but I liked the newer patches as well. I thought synergies were a nice addition and the new Uniques were fun as well.

Well you do private games btw i made a guide about it

i understand why you mean in theory , sadly looking deeper this patch is a mess , the synergies system is a terrible mess , some skill you have to put 80 point skill too end with only 1 skill valuable so you end with a character with 1 skill to spam :frowning: and lost all versatility , and 1,10 really kill a lot of build , why they just dont buff the less effective skill vs to put synergies , also everyone know how enigma hurt the game in general and pvp , looking all class teleporting :frowning: , try to imagine playing wow or any other game with all class teleporting in pve and pvp , this is also remove the identity of the class , sure the bad player that want everything easy and free will like enigma , sometime i`m thinking maybe blizzard north make this patch to sabote the game before to leave blizzard , because this patch hurt the game so much ,

For real i dont think they did so. If you know the meta of pvp the only class who use Enigma are
Pally Hammer,Pally FoH, All Necro Specs, Druid Ele, Trap Sin and that it.

For the part of killing build synergies didnt rly kill build cause they didnt nerf anything while doing the synergies you can still make a Fire/Cold sorc like in 1.09 and it will do even more dmg that the point of synergies if you want to get all the point yes you will do more dmg in one element but you know … XD