Message from the guy who cleared 140 on PTR

We pushed hard for balance. That means buff Barb but not as much as on PTR. That is fair.

What you ask for is 3xbarb + 1 more meta. I can’t agree with that even if that +1 is DH.

You should ask Blizzard why they have zdps classes in d3. I don’t agree with that and I have been always asking for 4xdps meta.

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Actually the rend meta is 2 barb 1 dh and monk


The XP speed meta would have been DH Barb Barb Monk dude. Not Barb x4.

That’s funny. So by calling to kill Rend Barb as a replacement for Rathma, where DH could participate, we’d be back to 3 Necros 1 Barb, thus ensuring DH isn’t on any meta?

:joy: Can’t make this stuff up.

Btw Rend at 200% Lamentation is NOT OP. Clearing 140 solo at paragon 10,000 is completely normal for a build that has any semblance of damage. See WD, DH, Wiz, or anything that’s not an underpowered mess like other classes.

If DH’s were “calling for balance” by nerfing Barbs away from 140, ignoring the fact that WD and DH already are in the 140 range and Wizard will still be higher after patch, you just had an agenda against Barb that had nothing to do with balance.

There are no Barbs calling for DH to be nerfed. If it was up to me, I’d buff impale by 200% and give it a stacking item like Bone Ringer and I’d make Sentry a trash killing build in 150 to compete with Wizard Star Pact. I’d also bring back the Elemental Arrow / Lightning Ball DH as a push trash killer for 150s.

We’re not calling for anyone to be nerfed. So why are you so hell bent on attacking Barbs? Go try and help your own class. Leave us alone.

If you focused half the energy into providing ideas for the devs regarding DH as you do attacking Barbs, maybe you’d have seen some changes by now.


Peewee, if I understand correctly, you wanted Lamentation nerfed so that powerful Rend Barbs wouldn’t overwhelm group play. Is that correct?

Regardless, I don’t think it’s a good idea to consider group play and solo play together. What I mean is, the buffs were intended to boost solo play, and group play was an afterthought. The Classic Games team is likely unconcerned with “balance” and group play, and what’s more, balance is impossible in group play. There are 7 classes and only 4 player slots. Someone, at some point, is going to get left out. It might be in push meta, or it might be in speeds, but trying to balance around group play is a nightmare.

Ulma’s point–and one that I strongly agree with is–is to approach the problem of group play from a different angle. Instead of asking for X or Y to get nerfed so your class can maybe squeeze in, ask for specific buffs for your class to achieve that goal.

In other words, don’t take away from others. Instead, work to buff the things you want.

Totally agree. But look. Let’s be real.

Blizzard is not going to overhaul group play in D3. It is what it is.

Work to get buffs for your class so you can play in groups that way you want to play. Asking for nerfs for others classes is just obnoxious.

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No. I speak about group play here because original poster has 10.5K paragons that he got from group play… All of you where mentioning his paragon lvl next to the GR lvl he cleared.

Lamentation nerf to 0% is too much in my optinion.

You’re missing the point Free is explaining to you. Is English your secondary language?

You can also have high paragon if you grind with another build that has a spot in an XP meta.

It’s completely irrelevant if you were to grind XP with a ZDH one day or a ZMonk right now so you can get 10,000 paragon to push on your solo DH.

If your goal is to get paragon right now and then push solo DH there is nothing stopping you from going to grind paragon right now. Certainly not Barbarians.

I main Barb and I made a Wizard to get gems. My Wizard destroys 150s. I don’t even play Zbarb.

You main DH, right? Why can’t you make a Zmonk or Znec to grind paragon if you need paragon so bad?

Your laziness has nothing to do with Barb or game balance. The Barbarian class is not stopping you from getting paragon- you are.



If you want to grind XP, anyone can do it. You may not be able to play your favorite class to do it, sure, but nerfing isn’t going to fix that. You should work to get your class buffed so you can play it in groups.

And let’s not forget that most Barbs do not want to play zDPS Barb. It’s pretty widely hated even within the community.

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You are missing the point that game should be balanced around group play first and only after that for solo play if possible.

Well, that’s your opinion, not a fact. You might feel that way, but many players don’t. I understand Blizzard has always placed an emphasis on multiplayer in D3 because that’s where you get the most rewards, but many players simply don’t want that.

The bigger issue is that the Classic Games Team is not balancing around multiplayer. The game is 7 years old. It is what it is. If you want to see change, work for it, but don’t try to nerf what others get.

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That’s your own personal opinion about game design, take it up with Blizzard.

In the meantime, I fail to see what that has to do with individual class balance or your ability to grind paragon.

If you need paragon, go get it. Nothing is stopping you from creating a zbarb, zmonk, wiz, rgk, znecro, or rat necro.

Man in bleach they resemble the souls of people to certain types of blades. I think yours is a saw. :slight_smile: Not everybody is used to your reiatsu please ease up on the newcomers

Peewee isn’t new. He’s an experienced player with some notable in-game accomplishments. I appreciate his participation in the discussion, but I can’t shake the feeling that his stance boils down to:

  1. Group play should take precedence over solo
  2. All balancing should be done to improve group play

That’s a perfectly fine opinion, but Blizzard doesn’t seem to care about group play anymore. I mean, maybe they do, but the meta generally tends to go in a direction they didn’t anticipate. What’s more, someone is always going to get left out, because there are only 4 slots per party.

My stance is that Peewee’s cause has got some merit, but not if it involves nerfing other classes so someone else can squeeze in. He should be doing what we did and working for buffs to his favorite class to make it happen.



I meant if he is communicating with Arch for the first time. If not no problem. Release the full reiatsu lol

Before you enter Greater Rift to get that solo record you need:

legendary gems

All of that comes from Group Play in much more efficient way than from Solo Play. So just balance around Group Play and everyone has tools to do what ever he wants on Solo ladder-board vs plays with same Class.

That’s a good point. I agree.

But that’ a conversation you need to have with Blizzard, and nerfing Barbs is not going to make that happen.

You see what we’re saying?

Organize your community and do what we did: draft a proposal. Get some attention for it. Send it to Blizzard. See if you can make some changes. But focus on buffs, not nerfs.


Dude you keep ignoring the fact that eveyone is forced to play roles and classes they don’t necessarily enjoy in order to get into the meta and gain gems / paragon for solo. It’s not just DH and it’s not just you.

Many solo players don’t enjoy Zbarb or Zmonk, but they do it anyway to get gems and paragon.

I main Barb and I don’t like zbarb, so I made a Wizard.

Many DH players made znecros to get paragon.

So your complaint really is about the difference in efficiency between groups and solo and has nothing to do with class balance.

Can’t you understand that? If you want paragon, there will always be a paragon xp farm meta for you to join. Nothing is stopping you from grinding paragon or gems then going for your tiresome DH solo record. You can go do it, right now. It is your own choice to not do it.

You keep repeating the same things and ignoring basic facts about your own complaint.

I do understand you trust me… But if you could do enough damage in 4 man… that means you could do enough damage in solo also.

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Well, yes and no.

Some builds can output tremendous DPS in groups due to their support classes grouping and healing. I mean, an Impale DH can kill RGs in groups well above what the tiers it can clear in solo, you know?

Not to mention skills like wave of force, blackhole and gruesome feast passive that allow you to do way more damage in groups but can’t always be used in solo.

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I agree that barbs should be buffed with the question only being the extent. However, there is a possible consideration of solo DPS potential and how it might affect the 4 man group meta.

FACT 1: After static charge monks were nerfed, no class has had 2 spots in the 4 man meta.
FACT 2: Barbs and Monks have been part of the 4 man meta since season 5 as zDPS.
FACT 3: The two weakest classes in terms of top solo GR clears currently are monks and barbs.

These 3 facts may be simple coincidences or a consideration in how the developers think about solo and group DPS.

I consider your “buff, not nerf” to be problematic.